Showing posts with label Shopper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopper. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Jim Bob Duggar: Compulsive Shopper & "High Class Hoarder" (Exclusive)

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re no doubt aware that Jim Bob Duggar is a deeply religious man who holds a number of highly controversial beliefs.

As we’ve reported in the past, Jim Bob’s views have frequently brought him into conflict with his sons-in-law, but there are certain core tenets that the entire family holds dear.

Or claims to, anyway …

Despite building a wildly popular media empire, successfully running for the Arkansas State Senate, and launching countless business ventures including multiple used car dealerships, Jim Bob has long condemned the blind pursuit of money and the greed that he feels is endemic in American culture.

But those closest to the father of 19 claim that Jim Bob isn’t exactly practicing what he preaches when it comes to the consumption and coveting of material goods.

A source who was once close with several members of the Duggar family tells The Hollywood Gossip exclusively that Jim Bob spends frivolously and amasses property at an alarming rate.

“Jim Bob has a lot of money in property,” our source said in response to a question about why Jim Bob is frequently cash-poor.

“And he buys stuff, junk. He goes to these auctions and comes back with truckloads of chairs, and just whatever.”

“He’s a high-class hoarder, I think,” the insider concluded.

As for why Michelle Duggar doesn’t intervene when her husband’s spending veers into reckless territory, our insider says there’s little she can do:

“A lot of the time her hands are tied, being the submissive woman she’s supposed to be,” says the source.

Our tipster adds that Jim Bob’s constant pursuit of wealth sometimes brings him into conflict with neighbors and local authorities:

“Jim Bob will stash cars somewhere until someone complains, then he’ll move them somewhere else until a different person complains,” says the source.

“He has a lot of codes that he breaks – putting in plumbing, and water, and sewer. He just goes about and does what he wants to do.

“Jim Bob really acts like he’s above the law,” the insider adds, noting that as a constable in nearby Springville, Arkansas, son John David Duggar finds himself in a difficult position.

“There are certain things [John David] can’t get involved with,” the source adds.

“He kind of lets Jim Bob know how far he can bend the law.”

Of course, all of this finagling and minor rule breaking stems from Jim Bob’s seemingly insatiable need to expand his empire and line his pockets.

It seems there’s a tremendous amount of irony in the situation, as Jim Bob’s compulsive spending habits and non-stop expansion of his business interests have caused him to spread himself too thin, actually hurting his status within the Tontitown community.

“He figures his little bit of money that he has – which isn’t an awful lot of money – lets him just do whatever he wants,” our source says.

“He doesn’t have a lot of money. He’s got a lot of money invested in property, things that he’s trying to flip, throws a lot of money into things,” the insider adds, citing a case in which Jim Bob purchased a home for three times its value as a recent example of his reckless investing.

What’s most troubling to fans of the Duggar family, however, isn’t Jim Bob’s ill-advised investments, or even the laws that he breaks in pursuit of wealth, but the fact that his fixation on money and status seems to fly in the face of the beliefs he espouses.

“He swears he doesn’t chase that dollar, but he definitely does,” says the insider, adding that Jim Bob has put himself in a difficult position through years of living beyond his means:

“If he wasn’t always chasing that dollar, I don’t know how he’d make it.”


Monday, January 2, 2017

Florida Mall Brawl: Store Manager WRECKS Unruly Shopper!

An outright brawl broke out between the manager of a Steve Madden store and a Swiss shopper inside a mall in Sunrise, Fla., on Wednesday.

Amazingly, and yet not surprisingly, it was caught on video.

The drama started when the employee at Sawgrass Mills Mall told the would-be customer the store was closed at 5:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday.

A tad early for businesses who want to make money?

Clearly, but that"s beside the point. The hours are what they are, which most people would begrudgingly accept and move on with their lives.

This woman is not most people, quite clearly.

At first, a male staff member blocked the blonde tourist from various attempts to enter the store, which she was oddly determined to do.

Repeatedly, he told the disgruntled woman no, she couldn"t shop there today, and to back away from the door that was closed for the day.

Local radio DJ Andy Slater captured the chaos that followed on his phone, as she refused to take no for an answer and all hell broke loose.

When the Steve Madden store’s manager came over to settle the altercation, she was promptly greeted with some bottled water to the face.

As onlookers gasped, the manager responded with a shot to the woman’s face, shortly followed by another punch as she backed away.

After the skirmish, the Steve Madden employees barricaded themselves inside the store and locked the door, finally securing the premises.

Police arrived on the scene shortly thereafter.

Sunrise Police officials say they “interviewed both parties,” and despite the crazy scene, “no one was injured or taken to the hospital.”

Moreover, “No one was arrested or charged.”

The pissed-off woman in the video threatened to sue, because obviously she would threaten that, but no lawsuit has been filed. Yet. 

Check out the mall brawl in SoFla below …

Florida mall brawl store manager wrecks unruly shopper

Friday, December 23, 2016

Random Act of Kindness Saves Christmas for One Shopper

The holidays are a time when families come together to exchange gifts and have a wonderful meal with one another.

Searching for those gifts can be a tiring affair, with shops struggling to keep their stock levels up with the mammoth amounts of shoppers at this time of year. 

A woman named Jemma found herself in a tough spot when she picked out gifts for her friends and family in one of the Lush stores in Manchester, England. 

Lush Bethany

She found herself embarrassed when her card was declined when she tried to pay for the goods.

Everyone has been there at one point in their life and we all know just how embarrassing it can be. 

When the card declined for a second time, Jemma decided the best course of action would be for her to hit the local ATM and withdraw cash to pay for the gifts. 

Upon her return, Jemma was shocked to learn that the gifts she left behind the till had already been paid for by someone who was in the store at the time Jemma’s card was declined. 

Jemma was understandably shocked when she laid eyes on the receipt, which read: “I know how stressful this time of year can be! Have a great Christmas! Bethany xxx.”

It’s definitely one of the more heartwarming stories of the year and Jemma REALLY wants to find Bethany to thank her in person, so she’s using the power of social media to try and help her locate the do-gooder. 

“I was in shock and asked her who the woman was I went round looking for her which I couldn’t find her I just wanted to say thank you and I really appreciate what she has done!!” wrote Jemma in a Facebook post, shared to the Trafford Centre’s Facebook page by Zara Chowdhury.

How amazing is this story?

Seriously, it’s people like Bethany that show us the world is still a great place.

For someone to go out of their way like that and help someone they don’t even know, it’s very rare.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below 


Monday, November 28, 2016

Walmart Shopper FLIPS THE EFF OUT on Black Friday

Need another reason to stay home on Black Friday?

Need another reason to sit back and save a boatload of money via Cyber Monday instead?

Just consider the following video.

It features a woman who is in desperate need of her husband. And a Xanax, by the looks and sounds of things.

We don"t know her name. We don"t know what she is looking for inside of this Walmart. We don"t know exactly what is wrong with her, except to assume that the pressure of Black Friday has made her snap.

We"re somehow guessing, however, that it doesn"t take much to make this shopper snap.

All we know is that the woman is wearing a pretty snazzy Star Wars top and doesn"t like it when someone asks if she"s drunk. 

Or when she"s reminded that kids are in the vicinity.

Watch her react to both of those pronouncement in a very scary manner below:

Star wars fan flips the eff out on black friday

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Walmart Shopper GOES OFF on Dad Using Food Stamps

Can"t a man just purchase items at Walmart in peace?

Nope. Not when that man is on food stamps, apparently.

A video has gone viral that depicts one patron at this national chain getting REALLY angry at another because the second patron is using food stamps to purchase his items.

As a child, who it"s safe to assume is the man"s son, sits in the latter"s shopping cart… the lady complains about how she"s really the one paying for his groceries with her tax money.

“You know, I put in 50-60 hour weeks… trying to provide for my family,” the man seems to say, although a few of his words are difficult to decipher.

The footage was filmed by a fellow shopper standing in line.

“You’re not providing for it, I am,” the woman snaps back. “The government is.”

In response, clearly taken aback that he"s being harassed in public in this kind of manner, the suggests that his critic complain to her lawmaker or vote Republican.

“Oh, trust me, I am not a bleeding heart fucking liberal,” the woman answers, stating the obvious.

The two go back and forth from there, with the man remaining surprisingly calm.

He recommends once again that the woman take up the issue with her local lawmakers because he"s just taking advantage of the system… and trying, as he said, to provide for his family.

At one point, the woman claims the man must be a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

She clearly believes that poor people are lazy.

"That’s exactly what you vote for, they give it to you so that you vote that way,” the woman says. “I’m not stupid. I have a degree. I’m pretty damn smart.”

The man does call the woman by a very bad name toward the end of the video, but ca you blame him?

Forget the political topic at hand for a moment. Let"s not get into a debate over the use of food stamps.

Did this woman really need to go off on a stranger in front of his young son?

You can see the man putting cereal and other very common household items into his cart. We can"t pretend to know his situation, and this woman would likely mock our bleeding hearts… but come on.

Who yells at a dad buying food for his family?!?

Walmart shopper goes off on dad using food stamps