Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Walmart Shopper GOES OFF on Dad Using Food Stamps

Can"t a man just purchase items at Walmart in peace?

Nope. Not when that man is on food stamps, apparently.

A video has gone viral that depicts one patron at this national chain getting REALLY angry at another because the second patron is using food stamps to purchase his items.

As a child, who it"s safe to assume is the man"s son, sits in the latter"s shopping cart… the lady complains about how she"s really the one paying for his groceries with her tax money.

“You know, I put in 50-60 hour weeks… trying to provide for my family,” the man seems to say, although a few of his words are difficult to decipher.

The footage was filmed by a fellow shopper standing in line.

“You’re not providing for it, I am,” the woman snaps back. “The government is.”

In response, clearly taken aback that he"s being harassed in public in this kind of manner, the suggests that his critic complain to her lawmaker or vote Republican.

“Oh, trust me, I am not a bleeding heart fucking liberal,” the woman answers, stating the obvious.

The two go back and forth from there, with the man remaining surprisingly calm.

He recommends once again that the woman take up the issue with her local lawmakers because he"s just taking advantage of the system… and trying, as he said, to provide for his family.

At one point, the woman claims the man must be a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

She clearly believes that poor people are lazy.

"That’s exactly what you vote for, they give it to you so that you vote that way,” the woman says. “I’m not stupid. I have a degree. I’m pretty damn smart.”

The man does call the woman by a very bad name toward the end of the video, but ca you blame him?

Forget the political topic at hand for a moment. Let"s not get into a debate over the use of food stamps.

Did this woman really need to go off on a stranger in front of his young son?

You can see the man putting cereal and other very common household items into his cart. We can"t pretend to know his situation, and this woman would likely mock our bleeding hearts… but come on.

Who yells at a dad buying food for his family?!?

Walmart shopper goes off on dad using food stamps