Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Leah Messer: Everything is Fine! I Swear!

It’s been a rough week for Leah Messer, but we’re pretty that’s true of every week of her adult life.

First we learned the Leah and T.R. Dues had broken up.

Then we found out that Leah may have dumped T.R. for Jeremy Calvert, her second husband and father of her youngest child whom she’s reportedly been hooking up with in recent weeks. 

Then came news that Calvert had reunited with ex-girlfirend Brooke Wehr, which needless to say, was probably not part of Leah’s plan.

Despite all that turmoil, Leah has recently been tweeting goofy photos like the one above, which was captioned:

“Don’t mind my faces, just being fun. I don’t know if I could ever be boring. Haha. Always gotta be doing something silly. Xoxo #sillyfaces #happy #healthy”

We’re not saying for certain that Leah’s happiness isn’t genuine, but she has a long history of pretending everything is fine when her world is falling apart around her.  

We all have that Facebook friend who starts frantically posting inspirational quote memes and manically-grinning selfies when we know they’re struggling, and sometimes it feels like Leah is that type.

We hope she really is having no trouble moving on from her latest romantic setbacks, bet her attempts to convince us that everything is kosher aren’t working.