Showing posts with label Seconds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seconds. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Greg Hardy Knocks Out Another Dude in Seconds for 2nd UFC Fight

Greg Hardy just destroyed a grown ass man in 17 seconds in his second UFC fight … and Dana White is fired up! Hardy — the former NFL star — had already won a UFC contract on Dana’s Tuesday night contender series back in June, but Dana…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Selena Gomez to Hailey Baldwin: Enjoy My Sloppy Seconds!

Selena Gomez knows a thing or two dozen about getting back together with Justin Bieber.

So, with the latter singer very clearly having reunited recently with ex-girlfriend Hailey Baldwin, what does his other ex-girlfriend have to say about this development?

LOL! Good luck with that, Hailey, basically sums it up.

Gomez, of course, jumped into bed once again with Bieber late last year, shortly after her split from The Weeknd and also shortly after she underwent a kidney transplant.

Sources claimed at the time that it took this sort of life-altering procedure for Bieber to realize how much he truly loved Selena and to realize that he couldn’t live without her.

The Internet thought that maybe this reconciliation would be the final one and the stars truly would end up together.

Instead, they broke up after just a few months.

Most insiders agree that it was actually Selena who ended the latest version of this romance, as she clashed with loved ones over Justin’s influence on her and, we guess, at last concluded that the artist just wasn’t worth her time.

She could do a lot better.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and rumors that Bieber was dating Baldwin, with whom he had enjoyed a fling back in 2016.

The model and the singer were spotted making out in public this past weekend during a visit to New York City, prompting many to wonder how Selena must be feeling at the moment.

And Radar Online claims to have the answer:

She’s feeling just dandy, thanks for asking!

“Hailey must recognize now that she will always be Justin’s second choice,” Radar quotes a friend of Selena’s as saying, adding:

“Selena doesn’t care what Justin does with his love life anymore.

“In the end, Justin turned out to be exactly the same person he [always was], a selfish and immature kid who only cares about himself.”

Wow, well… okay then!

Bieber may not be touching her bush any longer, but Gomez apparently isn’t interested in beating around any bushes, either, when it comes to her take on her ex.

Don’t get this report wrong, though.

It’s not as if Gomez is sitting back and refreshing her social media feed every two seconds for an update on Justin and Hailey. She has moved on.

“Selena is relaxing on vacation in Italy with a hot European hunk,” this insider actually tells Radar, concluding:

“Justin is the farthest thing from her mind right now and she is just glad that she decided to leave him when she did.”

Amen, sister!

You deserve SO much better than Justin Bieber and we’re confident you will someday find it.

Just keep doing you, girl. Oh, and keep doing whichever hot Italian hunks you please as well. Well earned.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Seven Seconds" Star Clare-Hope Ashitey Says U.S. Race Relations Worse than England

Clare-Hope Ashitey — star of the new Netflix drama “Seven Seconds” — is addressing the issue of race in America … by pointing out the vast differences between the U.S. and her homeland. We got the English actress at LAX Friday, and she tells us…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Oscar De La Hoya Says Floyd Mayweather Wouldn"t Last 10 Seconds in UFC Fight

Oscar De La Hoya has set the over/under for how long Floyd Mayweather would last in a UFC fight … and Floyd’s not gonna like it. We got Oscar heading into Staples Center for a Lakers game the other day and asked him how his former boxing…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Terrell Owens Sues: I Made $15,000 in 53 Seconds ... and I"m Pissed!

Want Terrell Owens to star in a promotional video for your business? It’s gonna cost you.  TMZ Sports obtained a lawsuit T.O. filed against a massive gym company called F45 — a bootcamp-style workout studio that offers high intensity 45…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Miss Texas Needs Just 15 Seconds to Destroy Donald Trump

On Sunday night, Cara Mund was crowned Miss America.

She became the first North Dakota representative to ever take home this title and she was clearly the night"s biggest winner.

But Margana Wood wasn"t far behind.

The winner of this year"s Miss Texas tiara, Wood was asked on stage about President Donald Trump’s response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month… when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

The Commander-in-Chief was strongly criticized on both sides of the aisle for this insensitive, stupid, false and racist remark.

Given 20 seconds to formulate a response to this question, Wood needed only 15.

And here is what she said:

I think that the white supremacist issue, it was very obvious, that it was a terrorist attack.

And I think that President Donald Trump should’ve made a statement earlier addressing the fact, and in making sure all Americans feel safe in this country.

That is the number one issue right now.

For whatever it"s worth, Wood is from Texas, remember. That"s a very conservative state.

As Miss Texas, she has referred to her platform “You Belong” and spoken out against bullying, while also calling in general for equality and inclusion.

So she"s like the anti-Donald Trump in pretty much every way.

"When Miss Texas gives a more concise answer about Charlottesville than the President…" one Twitter user wrote, as another echoed:

"Miss Texas just gave a stronger answer on White Supremacists than the President of the United States."

Wood finished as the fourth runner-up at the pageant, but Mund also took a few seconds to slam Trump on a different topic.

"I do believe it"s a bad decision," she said of the President"s choice to take America out of the Paris Agreement on climate, adding:

"Once we reject that, we take ourselves out of the negotiation table and that"s something that we really need to keep in mind.

"There is evidence that climate change is existing, so whether you believe it or not, we need to be at that table, and I think it"s just a bad decision on behalf of the United States."


Miss texas needs just 15 seconds to destroy donald trump

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Times Square Crash, Driver Looked Insane Seconds After Plowing Through Crowd (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEOS)

Richard Rojas, the 26-year-old driver in custody for slamming into Times Square and killing one pedestrian … had an absolutely insane look on his face seconds after the crash. We obtained these pics taken just as Rojas had jumped out of his Honda…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Mama June: Having Seconds Thoughts About Weight Loss?

Mama June has come a long way, y’all.

Just a few short years ago, June weighed around 460 pounds. She was in an unhappy marriage with Sugar Bear, she was feeding her family spaghetti noodles covered in melted butter and ketchup.

Things were bad. Really bad.

But she kicked ol’ cheating Sugar Bear to the curb, she dropped her famous spaghetti recipe (we’re assuming), and she’s also dropped a massive amount of weight.

Last we saw on her new reality show, Mama June: From Not to Hot, she weighed just under 190 pounds.

She then had surgery to remove the excess skin from her weight loss, so she’s lost a good few more pounds from that.

But, as she reveals in tonight’s new episode, she’s not feeling as great as she imagined she would. And she’s ready to give up everything she’s worked so hard for.

Surrounded by her family and personal trainer Kenya Cook, June laments her latest surgery, the one she said left her looking like Frankenstein.

She’s in such an emotional state that she’s fired her manager, Gina, “because she puts too much damn pressure on me all the time.”

“I mean, it’s like, ‘Come on now!"” she says. “Give me five seconds for me to be able to recover and not have to worry about my weight.”

It’s sad, because her manager is just trying to keep her on track, and she’s also trying to schedule her next surgery, the one to remove the skin on her arms and neck. So, you know, managing her.

Thankfully, Pumpkin comes through with the real talk, as always, telling June “In all reality, you asked for all this stuff, so Gina is only helping you out.”

True. But also not what June wants to hear. You can tell by the extreme pouting.

Kenya — sweet, wonderful, incredible Kenya — asks her to stop and think about why she wanted to lose weight in the first place, to see if she could find her inspiration again.

At that moment, June chooses to continue pouting, but in a voiceover, June explains that “My goal when I first started this weight loss journey was to make Sugar Bear kind of jealous. But it’s no longer about revenge.”

Revenge bodies are great and all, but they’re not everything, you know?

Sadly, she admits that “Doing all the surgeries really took a toll on me — not just physically, but emotionally.”

Her family urges her to reconsider giving up, and little Honey Boo Boo grabs her arm, telling her “Mama, you always talk about these bat wings. Why don’t you want them gone now?”

Pumpkin, the real hero in this situation, flaps her own arms and reminds her that she can’t just “fly away” from her problems.

The dramatic sneak peek concludes with June saying that she doesn’t want to “disappoint everybody and not be the skinny Mama June that everybody is looking forward to.”

“But if I go with something as serious as the next surgery,” she adds, “it can’t be about making everyone happy — it’s got to be about me.”

Take care of yourself, Mama June. You got this.


Saturday, December 31, 2016

UFC 207: Amanda Nunes Knocks Out Ronda Rousey in 48 Seconds!

It wasn’t all that long ago that Ronda Rousey was considered the most dominant female MMA fighter in the world.

That time has now decisively passed.

Defending bantam weight champion Amanda Nunes trounced Rousey to the point that the UFC 207 title fight was stopped after just 48 seconds tonight.

Nunes was widely regarded as an underdog, but Rousey never had a chance once she touched gloves with the Brazilian known to fans as the Lioness.

Nunes pummeled Rousey with a barrage of jabs, putting the former champ on a defensive campaign from which she never recovered.

At the 48-second mark of the first round of what was billed as the matchup of the year, the judges took mercy on Rousey and called the fight in favor of her 28-year-old opponent.

A stunned Rousey kept her eyes cast to the ground as the fight was announced in favor of an opponent she had sworn to beat in her few media appearances of the past 13 months.

Rousey lost the UFC bantamweight title when she was defeated by Holly Holm in November of 2015.

Shortly thereafter, Holm lost the title to Miesha Tate, who later lost it to Nunes.

Rousey’s comeback effort was billed by both her PR team and the UFC simply as “the return.”

It seems Ronda wasn’t the only one who underestimated Amanda Nunes.

Born in Brazil but trained in New Jersey and Tennessee, Nunes now boasts a record of 14-4.

While a number of MMA analysts expected her to offer a formidable challenge to Rousey, few – if any – expected her to make such short work of the sport’s most recognized figure.

As early as this week, Rousey was sharing chiseled selfies on Instagram in order to demonstrate that she was in the best shape of her career and send a message of intimidation to her less-celebrated opponent.

It now seems that message fell on deaf ears.

Rousey was open about her struggle with depression following her defeat by Holm, causing many to question if she was emotionally fit to return to the ring.

The future of her career now remains uncertain.

At the moment, it looks as though UFC founder Dana White might do best to hang his future hopes on the newly anointed queen of the octagon, Amanda Nunes.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Andre Johnson -- Drops $20k On Toys For Kids ... 80 Seconds To Shop!! (PHOTOS)

Santa Claus is 6’3″ and once ran the 40 in 4.41 seconds … ‘cause 7x Pro Bowler Andre Johnson just hooked a bunch of underprivileged kids up with almost $ 20,000 worth of toys. Johnson invited a group of kids to a Houston, Texas Toys “R” Us…


Andre Johnson -- Drops $20k On Toys For Kids ... 80 Seconds To Shop!! (PHOTOS)

Santa Claus is 6’3″ and once ran the 40 in 4.41 seconds … ‘cause 7x Pro Bowler Andre Johnson just hooked a bunch of underprivileged kids up with almost $ 20,000 worth of toys. Johnson invited a group of kids to a Houston, Texas Toys “R” Us…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Man Guzzles Liter of Vodka in 8 Seconds, Somehow Isn"t From Florida

Andi Doherty is a British working-class bloke like any other, but with one important difference…

Doherty has a Stalin-like taste for vodka and a Churchill-esque tolerance for the stuff.

Doherty gained a lot of attention this week for the following video in which he claims to polish off an entire liter of Absolut vodka in just over eight seconds:

Obviously, we’d like to discourage any of our readers from attempting a similar stunt at home.

Come to think of it, we probably should’ve put that warning above the video.

So, um … you just walked into the room and found this article still open on your loved one’s laptop, our condolences. 

No, no – all kidding aside sear-suicidal like what this dude just did is no laughing matter.

So what the hell possessed him to attempt such an idiotic stunt?

Well, he wanted to make his way into the Guinness Book of World Records, of course!

You may be saying to yourself:

“Wow, Guinness will publish your name for doing something that stupid?”

The answer, of course is, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

It seems Andi should’ve done a bit of research before he embarked on his noble quest, as despite the fact that the publishers of the famed records book are the also the brewers of the same-named delicious beer, they don’t encourage Leaving Las Vegas-style assaults against your own liver.

“I did it to prove that I’m the biggest drinker in the world and I’m fully up for doing it in front of Guinness World Record officials to become the verified champion,”Andi told the the Mirror in an interview that presumably consisted solely of the question, Why?!

“I chucked up the entire bottle the second time I tried it that quick.”

Dorfman – a 30-year-old dad adds that he filmed the clip as part as part of his Iron Liver YouTube series – adds that he’s out to defend his reputation as “the biggest drinker in the world.”

“I can drink the most vodka in the world, no doubt about that, my friends call me a land pirate because of my love for rum,” Dorfman says.

We guess that explains the flag and the fact that he’s the only UK resident to own a leather Oakland Raiders hat.

But it doesn’t explain, well … anything else about his life decisions.

Hey, at least it’s better than that time 50 Cent fed vodka to a cat.

#2016, y’all.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Disney Alligator Attack Witness: "Everything Unfolded In Less than 30 Seconds"

As his family grieves, witnesses are recalling how an alligator made a surprise attack on two-year-old Lane Graves on June 14th.

Graves was wading in the Seven Seas Lagoon at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort when an alligator emerged, snatched the little boy and dragged him underwater.

“We know that that happened and it is certainly not survivable at this point for him to have been submerged for that period of time,” Sheriff Jerry Demings said in a press conference before the body was found.

The Orlando Sentinel spoke to hotel guest Bill Wilson from Indiana, who saw the whole thing unfold from his balcony.

Wilson told the newspaper that at first, it sounded like a fight broke out on the beach.

“I looked over and here comes one of the lifeguards. He said, ‘Everybody get out of the water.’

“The mother was there and she was frantic, running up and down looking.”

The entire ordeal, Wilson recalled, happened in 30 seconds.  

A minute later, the alligator was gone, with Grave his in mouth.

Wilson saw the group – which included a lifeguard and Grave’s parents, gathered by the water’s edge.  That part of the beach was not lit, and it was very dark, he noted.

Almost immediately, Wilson said, first responders and Disney employees got to work searching for the little boy.

“Disney did every damn thing they could do to help,” he said.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings confirmed that divers found Graves’ body around 1:45 pm ET on June 15th in six feet of “murky” water, roughly 10-15 yards from where he was snatched.  

Other than a few puncture wounds, the body was in tact.

Graves was visiting Disney World with his older sister and their parents, Matt and Melissa from Nebraska.  They were enjoying their third day of vacation during the resort’s “Movie Night” on the beach.

“No Swimming” signs are posted on the beach, but there is no mention of being aware of alligators.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 Seconds of Summer at the 2015 American Music Awards

5 Seconds of Summer at the 2015 American Music Awards

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Marco Rubio Ends Jeb Bush Presidential Bid in 60 Seconds

Presidential hopefuls Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio squared off in last night"s GOP debate, and the list of contenders shrank by one in as many minutes.

Already slipping in the polls, one-time Republican front-runner Bush decided to come at Rubio for missing votes in the U.S. Senate to run for President.

The obviously premeditated hit was inspired by an editorial in South Florida"s Sun-Sentinel that urged Rubio to resign from the Senate for this reason.

Yet the former Florida Governor was clearly grasping at straws, and was thoroughly owned by Rubio"s response, which scored on so many levels:

  • "I’m a constituent and you’re not doing your job for me,” to paraphrase Bush, is the personal complaint of a desperate whiner, not a leader.

  • He sought an angle that voters don"t care about and which Rubio had JUST COUNTERED EFFECTIVELY when the moderators raised the issue.

  • Bush gave Rubio, whose #1 weakness is being pegged as an "establishment" guy, the gift of being attacked by the establishment guy.

  • And getting to verbally whomp a robotic, uptight stiff at that.

Rather than taking a pass, Bush allowed Rubio to make a compelling argument twice, notching resounding wins over both CNBC and a key rival.

Pretty amazing, honestly.

While Donald Trump is winning in most polls, as his field of competitors contracts, support may coalesce around 1-3 Republicans, rather than 10.

At that point, he may have his work cut out for him, and Rubio has slowly but surely staked a claim to one of those spots as the race gets interesting.

Ironically, Bush will probably be urged by his small army of donors to follow his own advice to Rubio and resign … from the 2016 presidential campaign.

And when those phone calls start coming in, they will likely also urge that the disgruntled Sunshine State constituent throw his support behind Rubio.

Marco rubio ends jeb bush presidential campaign with epic rebutt