Showing posts with label Corn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corn. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Isaac in "Children of the Corn" "Memba Him?!

John Franklin is best known for playing the cult leading Isaac Chroner — opposite Courtney Gains as Malachai — in the 1984 fright film “Children of the Corn.” Guess what he looks like now!


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Kellogg"s Apologizes for Racist Box of Corn Pops

Kellogg"s Corn Pops isn"t considered a healthy cereal because it contains a lot of sugar.

But now the same food item is considered unhealthy by some less for what it contains and more for the message its box sends.

Confused? We understand.

Scroll down and you"ll learn how one man sent a Tweeted that forced the company to realized the way it"s been packaging Corn Pops was just a tad racist…

1. A Quick History Lesson:

A quick history lesson

Kellogg’s Corn Pops hit the market in 1950. The product has remained mostly the same ever since, with flavors recently added such as chocolate and cinnamon.

2. The Back of the Current Box

The back of the current box

An astute Twitter user was simply eating his breakfast one day this month when he took a close look at the back of the Corn Pops box. Do you see the problem?

3. Saladin Ahmed Saw It

Saladin ahmed saw it

And then he Tweeted this.

4. Is This a Huge Deal?

Is this a huge deal

No, Saladin recognized. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth mentioning.

5. The Response:

The response

Give Kellogg’s credit for writing back and not making any excuses.

6. Did This Really Just Happen?!?

Did this really just happen

Ahmed couldn’t believe the hilarious chain of events.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wombat Farts, Eats Corn in Violent Fashion

The Internet is feeling very corny these days.

In the very recent past, we"ve covered such breaking news here at The Hollywood Gossip as the guy who ate his corn on the cob in 10 seconds with a power drill…

… and the young woman who tried to eat her corn on the cob in 10 seconds with a power drill.

But ended up giving herself the world"s worst haircut instead.

In case you somehow forgot about these epic pieces of footage:

Now, it"s time to present Pete the Wombat.

The following video comes to us from BBC Two and it features one of these animals sitting on the lap of his handler.

He opens the clip by farting… really loudly.

“Wasn’t me,” the man holding Pete says.

The wombat seems pretty relaxed after passing all this gas, until the man presents him with some corn on the cob, that is.

Then, he becomes “like a beaver chewing through wood,” as the man says and as you’re about to see below.

We"ve never seen an animal eat corn quite like this before. Not even Michael Buble eats corn quite like this.

See for yourself… and then be forever scared of wombats any time they get near food.

Wombat farts eats corn in violent fashion

Monday, May 9, 2016

This Girl Will Never Use a Power Drill to Eat Corn Again

We"ve seen some pretty crazy Internet trends over the past several years.

For example, remember the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge?

But sticking one"s mouth over the opening of a small bottle in order swell up one"s lips to resemble those of Kylie Jenner actually seems like an award-winning idea when compared to the latest Internet trend.

It involves a piece of corn on the cob… a power drill… and some not very intelligent people.

Sorry. We hate to pass judgment like that.

But this entire challenge involve placing a piece of corn on the cob on a power drill, actually turning on said power drill and then using it to eat the corn as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, it works and one eats the corn in 10 seconds.

And the reward this person then gets is…. a bunch of video hits? Hooray, we guess?

Conversely, eating corn on the cob with a power drill can be very dangerous (SHOCKER, we know), as evidenced by the video below.

It features a young woman who takes this challenge, who gets a few bites in… and then who immediately regrets it.

She"ll be fine in the end. But she may need to get used to a new look for awhile.

Watch to see what we mean:

Girl uses power drill to eat corn gets unwanted haircut as a res

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Monday, April 18, 2016

Michael Buble Defends Weird Way in Which He Eats Corn

Michael Buble has had it with the haters and the critics.

He’s not gonna sit back and simply take it anymore.

What? Huh? Pardon? No, you can say anything you want about his music.

That’s not the issue at stake here.

Instead, Buble has fired back against the online outrage that has built up over the way in which he eats corn on the cob.

Last Wednesday, the above picture of the singer at Disneyland in Anaheim, California went viral after it was shared on social media, with millions of users in consternation of what appeared to be Buble chowing down on a piece of corn as though it were a banana.

Was there some sort of mistake?

Some sort of odd camera angle at work here?

Nope, it doesn’t sound that way, not based on Buble’s response to his unconventional eating approach.

“This is vegetable harassment !!! What I do with my Cobb is nobody’s business. #mesocorny #paparazzi #shuckme,” Buble wrote as a caption in posting the same photo himself on Instagram.

The incident prompted responses from across the Web, including the following “Open Letter” from so-called comedian Dane Cook:

Hey, listen my crooner friend I get it. You wanted an entire husk of corn and wtf man who doesn’t right? A full cob just Popsicle style with a wad of paper towels to catch the extra butter dripping away. A torpedo or post kernel magnificence so hearty and yummy that you have to turn your hat backwards like you’re about to carry all 6 bags of groceries from the car to your kitchen counter cuz you don’t wanna make two trips.

Yes! We all do son! It’s like a warm hug from someone wearing a very bland thermal long sleeve shirt. Pure love.

Let’s maybe lay low for the next few weeks. No Garlic Knot Fairs, Rotwurst In The Park Conventions…. hell I would even steer clear of the biggest cheesy puff in the bowl partner. 

Point is this. Big brother is always watching and when you gots a massive phallic food item jammed lovingly in your mouthhole… we all need to know.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Lark Voorhies Posts EPIC Instagram Rant: I Don"t Have a Sex Tape! My Ex"s Junk Smells Like Corn Chips!

For four seasons, Lark Voorhies wisely rejected the advances of Dustin Diamond’s Screech on Saved By the Bell.

Unfortunately, in real life the 41-year-old actress is not as adept at avoiding romantic entanglements with creepy losers.

As you may have heard, Voorhies married Jimmy Green in a quickie Vegas ceremony just a few months after meeting him on Facebook.

Astonishingly, the marriage didn’t last. In fact, it imploded in epic fashion just days after Lark and Jimmy exchanged vows.

It turns out Green was a homeless gang member who was frequently busted sleeping in the closets of Lark’s mother’s home. (Lark lives with her mom, and the husband and wife were forbidden to have sleepovers.)

After the divorce, Green claimed to be in possession of a sex tape starring Voorhies, but she insisted that no such footage exists.

Earlier today, she doubled down on that claim in one of the most bonkers rants ever posted to Instagram:

“To whom this may concern. I am single! Jimmy couldn’t fork up a dime for our divorce,” the post reads. “There’s an active restraining order that he continues to violate. No sex tape even physically exists. Do you really think he could afford a camera?”

“I gave him money multiple times and put minutes on his Obama phone. You better take a U-Turn on that bus. Everyone in Pasadena knows you’re a joke. Gang Member? You lost your job at Taco Bell.

“Your penis is NOTHING to brag about! Is it normal for a penis to smell like corn chips?”

Yes, the word is out in Pasadena: Jimmy is suffering from a chronic case of Frito dong. 

Sources say the man’s wang should be providing the crunch in chili pie, not making sex tapes with washed-up ’90s stars.

We imagine Lark is still trying to get the grease off of her fingers.

Anyway, Voorhies later posted a retraction in which she stated that her account was hacked, but we’re calling shenanigans on that claim.

Not only did she never delete the original post, she later went off on Jimmy again, this time warning that she’ll sue anyone who interviews him. 

We’re not doubting that Jimmy is a little unstable, but it sounds like he and Lark may have actually been a pretty good match.