Showing posts with label Wombat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wombat. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wombat Farts, Eats Corn in Violent Fashion

The Internet is feeling very corny these days.

In the very recent past, we"ve covered such breaking news here at The Hollywood Gossip as the guy who ate his corn on the cob in 10 seconds with a power drill…

… and the young woman who tried to eat her corn on the cob in 10 seconds with a power drill.

But ended up giving herself the world"s worst haircut instead.

In case you somehow forgot about these epic pieces of footage:

Now, it"s time to present Pete the Wombat.

The following video comes to us from BBC Two and it features one of these animals sitting on the lap of his handler.

He opens the clip by farting… really loudly.

“Wasn’t me,” the man holding Pete says.

The wombat seems pretty relaxed after passing all this gas, until the man presents him with some corn on the cob, that is.

Then, he becomes “like a beaver chewing through wood,” as the man says and as you’re about to see below.

We"ve never seen an animal eat corn quite like this before. Not even Michael Buble eats corn quite like this.

See for yourself… and then be forever scared of wombats any time they get near food.

Wombat farts eats corn in violent fashion