Showing posts with label Drill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drill. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

This Girl Will Never Use a Power Drill to Eat Corn Again

We"ve seen some pretty crazy Internet trends over the past several years.

For example, remember the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge?

But sticking one"s mouth over the opening of a small bottle in order swell up one"s lips to resemble those of Kylie Jenner actually seems like an award-winning idea when compared to the latest Internet trend.

It involves a piece of corn on the cob… a power drill… and some not very intelligent people.

Sorry. We hate to pass judgment like that.

But this entire challenge involve placing a piece of corn on the cob on a power drill, actually turning on said power drill and then using it to eat the corn as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, it works and one eats the corn in 10 seconds.

And the reward this person then gets is…. a bunch of video hits? Hooray, we guess?

Conversely, eating corn on the cob with a power drill can be very dangerous (SHOCKER, we know), as evidenced by the video below.

It features a young woman who takes this challenge, who gets a few bites in… and then who immediately regrets it.

She"ll be fine in the end. But she may need to get used to a new look for awhile.

Watch to see what we mean:

Girl uses power drill to eat corn gets unwanted haircut as a res

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time

Idiot Uses Power Drill to Eat Corn on the Cob in 10 Seconds

We"ve seen many people do many weird things with food over the years.

Such a thing as the Slurpee Doughnut exists, for example.

And you may get a heart attack just by reading the description of a French Fry Burger Taco. Yuck.

But some guy in China has gone viral not for putting a new spin on a type of food, but by spinning his corn on the cob. With a power drill.

And then by putting that power drill very close to his mouth and eating said corn on the cob.

We"re not making this up.

There"s apparently a disturbing global competition taking place over the Internet that involves folks trying to consume an entire cob of corn as quickly as possibly.

This dude has set the pace at 10 seconds, but he"s done so by being a total and complete moron putting his mouth and face in grave danger.

Please do not try what you"re about to see at home. You seem like a nice person. We don"t want to bleed all over your corn.

Seriously, here we were, thinking that Michael Buble at his corn in unusual fashion.

We take it all back now, however.

At least that singer was only in danger of being mocked by the World Wide Web, as opposed to destroying all of his teeth just to earn a few YouTube hits.

And the guy has earned those hits, well over 100,000 and counting at last check.

We"re just not entirely sure if this was worth it.

Actually, we are sure: it was totally not worth it. But what"s done is done.

What"s eaten is eaten.

So you might as well stop what you"re doing and see what it looks like for someone to devour a full piece of corn on the cob via power drill, right?

You"ve come this far. You just need to go a little bit farther…

Idiot uses power drill to eat corn on the cob in record time