Monday, September 11, 2017

Miss Texas Needs Just 15 Seconds to Destroy Donald Trump

On Sunday night, Cara Mund was crowned Miss America.

She became the first North Dakota representative to ever take home this title and she was clearly the night"s biggest winner.

But Margana Wood wasn"t far behind.

The winner of this year"s Miss Texas tiara, Wood was asked on stage about President Donald Trump’s response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month… when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

The Commander-in-Chief was strongly criticized on both sides of the aisle for this insensitive, stupid, false and racist remark.

Given 20 seconds to formulate a response to this question, Wood needed only 15.

And here is what she said:

I think that the white supremacist issue, it was very obvious, that it was a terrorist attack.

And I think that President Donald Trump should’ve made a statement earlier addressing the fact, and in making sure all Americans feel safe in this country.

That is the number one issue right now.

For whatever it"s worth, Wood is from Texas, remember. That"s a very conservative state.

As Miss Texas, she has referred to her platform “You Belong” and spoken out against bullying, while also calling in general for equality and inclusion.

So she"s like the anti-Donald Trump in pretty much every way.

"When Miss Texas gives a more concise answer about Charlottesville than the President…" one Twitter user wrote, as another echoed:

"Miss Texas just gave a stronger answer on White Supremacists than the President of the United States."

Wood finished as the fourth runner-up at the pageant, but Mund also took a few seconds to slam Trump on a different topic.

"I do believe it"s a bad decision," she said of the President"s choice to take America out of the Paris Agreement on climate, adding:

"Once we reject that, we take ourselves out of the negotiation table and that"s something that we really need to keep in mind.

"There is evidence that climate change is existing, so whether you believe it or not, we need to be at that table, and I think it"s just a bad decision on behalf of the United States."


Miss texas needs just 15 seconds to destroy donald trump