Showing posts with label 'Grown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Grown. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jimmy Fallon and Jonah Hill Draw Nude Model, Act Like Grown Ups

Any situation that involves Jimmy Fallon and Jonah Hill is sure to be chock full of laughs, and last night"s was no exception.

Hill went on The Tonight Show to promote his new movie, War Dogs. 

Rather than play a game as he does with most guests, Fallon took Hill to the Art Students League for some drawing lessons.

Ah, what a time they had.  

The two "students" were asked to first draw a still life portrait of a bowl of fruit and a decanter.  What Hill found unsettling about the scene set before him was a lone artichoke.  

"Most fruit plates I put out don"t have an artichoke," Hill said.

Fallon completed his portrait and proudly showed it to Hill and the teacher.

"I call this extreme artichoke," he declared.

"Mine is called…art of pain," Hill said with a laugh as Fallon giggled over the hot mess Hill had drawn on his sketch pad.

"I think it"s definitely easier and more generic to, like, draw exactly what you see.  So, like, good job," Hill said in defense of his portrait.

The teacher then introduced Patrick, the students" live model.  Patrick derobed, and neither Hill nor Fallon could hold it together.

It"s nearly impossible for Fallon to keep a straight face/stay in character when he finds something funny.  The man literally could not contain his laughter as soon as Patrick took off his robe to reveal a stark naked body.

"Grow up, Jimmy," Hill mocked his buddy as soon as he himself stopped laughing.

Patrick stood stone-faced as he moved into different poses, each one mocked by the students.

Hill and Fallon thought one pose looked "sassy," which…to be fair, it did.

"Ya"ll don"t know me," Fallon captioned Patrick"s pose.

Hill jokes that Patrick is actually his father, and insists that Fallon introduce himself and compliment Patrick"s…body?

The big reveal came at the end, when Hill revealed his hidden talent for drawing Fallon in the nude.

Isn"t it amazing what one art lesson can teach you?!

Watch the video below. 

Jimmy fallon and jonah hill draw nude model act like grown ups

Friday, June 17, 2016

Leah Messer and Corey Simms" Daughters: ALL Grown Up in Cute New Pics!

Behold, the ever-rare Leah Messer news update that doesn’t involve any sort of drama or controversy whatsoever!

It’s an early summer miracle, THG readers!

Perhaps it’s this time of year that brings out the best in people. With long days and fun in the sun, what’s not to love about mid-June?

At least compared to mid-February in West Virginia. Right?

Ali and Aleeah, like all kids, are loving being out of school – and not just because Leah ever got them there on time or with a full stomach.

Just kidding! Total cheap shot there, but seriously folks:

Clearly, they are having an amazing start to their summer vacation here in 2016, and are looking both happy and HUGE these days!

Kids. They grow up so fast right before our eyes. *Sniff*

Crazily, they will be seven years old in December. Thanks to the enduring legacy of Teen Mom 2, we remember when they were born.


So much has changed in the young girls’ lives since then, and not all of it for the better. Things are looking up these days, however.

Case in point? They’re loving life with both Leah and Corey Simms, Messer’s ex-husband, who was photographed with the girls recently:

Also pictured with the twins and Corey is his daughter, Remi, whom he shares with his second wife of three years, Miranda Patterson.

Leah also has another daughter, Addie, whom she shares with her second ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert, and who turned three this year.

Reports surfaced earlier this month that Corey and Miranda Simms are divorcing, but the couple shot that down adamantly and quickly.

The duo attributed such gossip – specifically quotes allegedly from Corey – to a fake Facebook page and insisted they are not splitting up.

Rather, the Simms’ are happier than ever!

As for Leah, she had a rough year, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online or read celebrity gossip sites with any sort of regularity.

Things got so bad that stories of Leah spending time with her kids and not having any problems with them became genuinely newsworthy.

Here’s hoping we’ve turned that corner.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Ariel Winter: Flawless Photos of a Modern Family Star All Grown Up

We know what you"re thinking – favorite Modern Family star? Isn"t the entire Internet still obsessed with Sofia Vergara?

It certainly is – but at this point, the show has been on so absurdly long that the torch is now being passed to a new generation, and no one in the cast has had a bigger year than Ariel Winter.

In addition to continuing to be a fan favorite in her role as Alex Dunphy, Ariel made news in 2015 for speaking publicly about her breast reduction surgery and courageously taking a stand on a number of issues faced by women and young people in general in the 21st Century.

While many of us shy away from online haters, Ariel puts body-shaming trolls in their place and offers a positive example to her 1.4 million Instagram followers by regularly posting messages of hope and inspiration.

And, of course, she remains a gorgeous young woman. So in honor of her recent 18th birthday, please enjoy a gallery of Ariel"s most flawless photos:

1. Ariel Winter Cleavage Photo

Ariel winter cleavage photo

Ariel Winter put her huge boobs on display in her latest Instagram photo. You’re welcome, Internet.

2. Ariel Winter in a Black Dress

Ariel winter in a black dress

Ariel rocks a classic look. The actress is known for her red carpet style.

3. Ariel Winter in a Low-Cut Dress

Ariel winter in a low cut dress

The girl knows her best angles. She’s spoken publicly about recently undergoing breast reduction surgery.

4. Ariel Winter on the Red Carpet

Ariel winter on the red carpet

Ariel on the red carpet. We don’t know what she’s wearing, but she’s making it work.

5. Ariel Winter on New Year’s Eve

Ariel winter on new years eve

Ariel posted this pic on New Year’s Eve. Based on the devil Emojis that accompanies it, we’re guessing she had a good time.

6. Ariel Winter in People Magazine

Ariel winter in people magazine

Ariel was recently interviewed by People magazine. 2015 was the year fans began to take a real interest in her personal life.

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Monday, December 7, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 4 Recap: All Grown Up

Last night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 4, Kris met Caitlyn for the first time, while Kylie Jenner marked her 18th birthday.

Did it make for a celebratory occasion? Or an awkward one?

First of all, Kim set up a Pure Barre studio in Kris’ front hall, and it was spectacular.  

Coming home after a long day’s work, Kris was hoping for a gin & tonic and some catch-up time with her friends.

Nope.  You must all pass through the studio first.  Mind the ballet bars.

Oh and shut up.  North is napping.

With Kylie’s 18th birthday coming up, Kris and Caitlyn had to not only bury the hatchet, but actually have their very first face-to-face since Caitlyn’s transition.

The scene, which also aired on I am Cait, didn’t resolve much; fans could see that Kris was still hurting at that point.  

The Vanity Fair article had been published, and Kris felt her name was dragged through the mud.

Caitlyn didn’t think so, and she was equally pissed that she wasn’t invited to Kylie and Kendall’s graduation.

Fair point.

The Jenner/Kardashian girls gathered at Nobu for Kylie’s birthday, and though the tension between Caitlyn and Kris had thawed out a bit at that point, Kris was still visibly uncomfortable.

I get it.  This was a huge change for Kris, who loved Bruce for as long as she did while he kept this massive secret.  It’ll take time, but as Kris herself said, this life is the “new normal.”

Kylie’s relationship with Tyga was showcased for the first time at her Bootsy Bellows party, as was her $ 320,000, a gift from the man himself.

Frankly, I’m more interested in watching Kim bark orders at Kris. In Kris’ home.

What did you think of Sunday’s episode? Follow the link to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and discuss in the comments!