Monday, March 28, 2016

Ariel Winter: Flawless Photos of a Modern Family Star All Grown Up

We know what you"re thinking – favorite Modern Family star? Isn"t the entire Internet still obsessed with Sofia Vergara?

It certainly is – but at this point, the show has been on so absurdly long that the torch is now being passed to a new generation, and no one in the cast has had a bigger year than Ariel Winter.

In addition to continuing to be a fan favorite in her role as Alex Dunphy, Ariel made news in 2015 for speaking publicly about her breast reduction surgery and courageously taking a stand on a number of issues faced by women and young people in general in the 21st Century.

While many of us shy away from online haters, Ariel puts body-shaming trolls in their place and offers a positive example to her 1.4 million Instagram followers by regularly posting messages of hope and inspiration.

And, of course, she remains a gorgeous young woman. So in honor of her recent 18th birthday, please enjoy a gallery of Ariel"s most flawless photos:

1. Ariel Winter Cleavage Photo

Ariel winter cleavage photo

Ariel Winter put her huge boobs on display in her latest Instagram photo. You’re welcome, Internet.

2. Ariel Winter in a Black Dress

Ariel winter in a black dress

Ariel rocks a classic look. The actress is known for her red carpet style.

3. Ariel Winter in a Low-Cut Dress

Ariel winter in a low cut dress

The girl knows her best angles. She’s spoken publicly about recently undergoing breast reduction surgery.

4. Ariel Winter on the Red Carpet

Ariel winter on the red carpet

Ariel on the red carpet. We don’t know what she’s wearing, but she’s making it work.

5. Ariel Winter on New Year’s Eve

Ariel winter on new years eve

Ariel posted this pic on New Year’s Eve. Based on the devil Emojis that accompanies it, we’re guessing she had a good time.

6. Ariel Winter in People Magazine

Ariel winter in people magazine

Ariel was recently interviewed by People magazine. 2015 was the year fans began to take a real interest in her personal life.

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