Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miranda Simms Calls Leah Messer Out: I"m So Good To Your Girls!

Leah Messer"s cousin recorded an interaction between one of her twin daughters and their stepmom, Miranda Simms.

Naturally, it disturbed the Teen Mom 2 star.

In the recording Ali, 6, complained that “Miranda always gets mad at me cause my backpack is too heavy."

Ali was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which leads to weakness and muscle mass.

“I give her my backpack when it’s too heavy" Ali continued.  "She [Miranda] says, ‘Ali, I have to hold the baby."”

Miranda and Leah"s ex-husband have a daughter, Remington, whom they welcomed back in November.

Leah was furious after watching the video.

“I can’t watch it without getting angry or wanting to cry… I don’t know what to do,” she told her sister, Victoria.

"There’s nothing wrong with you going down there and saying, ‘I’m tired of my kids hurting,"" Leah told Victoria

"Ali has a condition, she can’t help it that she can’t carry the damn backpack. So the lazy b***h needs to pick the backpack up and carry it for her period.

"There is no reason that kid should feel that way.”

Leah told her sister that Ali says she"s "upset" and "hurt" by the way Miranda treats her.

“What do I do?” she asked helplessly.

“I want to save them. I want to make them feel better, I want to rescue them and I can’t. There’s nothing I can do and they’re my kids.” It is Corey’s fault just as much as it is Miranda’s,” she added.

“I would have never, ever thought he would allow this to ever happen to our kids.”

In the video below, Leah deals with Miranda"s reaction after she told Corey about the video.

Miranda was upset that she was portrayed in such a poor light, and texted Leah that she didn"t appreciate what happened.

Watch the video, and let us know if you agree with Leah or not.

Miranda simms gets defensive after