Showing posts with label Rinna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rinna. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lisa Rinna Celebrates Turning 55 With Nude Selfie

Wednesday, July 11, was Lisa Rinna’s birthday. The The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star is now 55 years old.

She decided to celebrate by snapping a selfie so naked that it is no longer on Instagram. But you can still see it — the internet is forever.

Fair warning: the image below is not safe for work. There are nipples in play.

Lisa Rinna Window Selfie Header

Lisa Rinna has been nude on Instagram before.

This time, instead of a topless mirror selfie, she took the full-bodied approach.

She snapped a photo of herself at a window.

You can see through the window, but you can also see the reflection of her dynamite body in the glass.

It’s not just a silhouette, either. Her nipples are right there, staring you in the face.

And you don’t have to take our word for it.

As we mentioned, that image is not safe for work. Or for children.

It is also not safe for Instagram. She hasn’t been banned, but that photo is gone from Instagram.

But not gone from our hearts. Or, of course, from the internet.

She had captioned the Instagram selfie “birthday suit,” and she was not kidding.

It’s not the only photo featuring her trim figure and a window that she’s shared to Instagram in recent days.

Lisa also followed up by posting a caption reading:

“Happy F–king Birthday to ME!”

That’s the spirit!

To show that she was very much in the birthday mood, she followed those words with six cake slice emojis.

Though we somehow doubt that Lisa ate quite that much cake on her birthday, she has every right to do so. She’ll turn 55 but once.

Lisa Rinna is drop dead gorgeous.

Acknowledging that is like saying that the sun is bright. Just as the sun douses us with unwanted heat, light, and ultraviolet radiation, Lisa can also be problematic at times.

Less than a year ago, Lisa — for unknown reasons — decided to tweet “All Lives Matter.”

We don’t really understand why she decided to add her voice to the rallying cry of those who feel weirdly threatened by the assertion that Black Lives Matter..

Perhaps she was looking to stir up controversy and accusations of racism, and decided that her husband Harry Hamlin wearing a swastika was too subtle.

Still, everyone is growing and learning as a human being.

Lisa Rinna might not look 55, but she’s experiencing time just like the rest of us — and learning from her experiences.

So perhaps she’ll come around to issues that she didn’t quite understand with time. Or perhaps not.

Either way, the fans and followers of this Real Housewife hope that she never, ever stops posting nudes. She worked hard for her incredible body, and she should feel free to show it off whenever she likes.

(Whether it is her birthday or any other special occassion)

Instagram, however, would probably prefer that she keep her nipples to herself when using their social media platform. They have rules.



Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lisa Rinna: ALL Lives Matter, Okay, People?!?

Lisa Rinna is unafraid to bare her whole body on Instagram.

This we already knew.

But now it’s become clear that The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member is also unafraid to bare her opinions on social media.

As much as some folks may wish she kept them to herself.

On Wednesday afternoon, the reality star Tweeted three simple words that possess a loaded backstory and potential to create quite the backlash against Rinna online.

And the words were these:

All Lives Matter.

rinna tweet

This has become a common refrain for those opposed to the Black Lives Matter movement, as a certain segment of the popular is… well… very dumb.

The Black Lives Matter movement grew out of anger and shock over the number of African-Americans killed by police officers over the past several months, along with the lack of convictions against those officers for their actions.

It’s nothing more than a plea for equal rights.

Those who oppose it might as well walk into a fundraiser for cancer research and scream, “Hey, stop this! All diseases matter!!”

It’s the same dumb logic.

Mere minutes after Rinna made this message live, she apparently learned the meaning behind these words and quickly posted an amendment:

“OMG I had no I am deleting that tweet!”

And while we’re tempted not to believe her because husband Harry Hamlin once wore a Swastika shirt for Halloween, calling into question the couple’s beliefs …

… the recent string of Tweets prior to this one does seem to support Rinna’s ignorance defense.

In response to President Donald Trump holding a press conference in which he blamed “both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville over the weekend, the actress wrote the following:

lisa tweets

She does seem to be against Trump.

And against Nazis.

And against White Supremacists.

She likely believed that “All Lives Matter” was some kind of rallying cry in favor of inclusiveness and equality, which is an easy mistake to make, we suppose.

Said Trump during the aforementioned press conference yesterday, touching on the events in Virginia:

“You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent, and nobody wants to say that, but I’ll say it right now.”

In a chaotic and combative Q&A, Trump appeared to equate torch-bearing white nationalists with the protesters who demonstrated against them.

“Not all” the people participating in the rally were bad, the President emphasizes.

Even for Donald Trump, the remarks qualified as a brand new low.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brandi Glanville: I"m Naked & I Look BETTER Than Lisa Rinna!

It’s been a rough couple years for Real-Housewife-turned-professional-selfie-poster Brandi Glanville.

Aside from the occasional rumor about Brandi banging LeAnn Rimes’ ex, she really only only gets headlines for one thing these days: showing a lot of skin on social media.

Fortunately, she’s so good at posing for racy selfies she can do it in her sleep. Literally:

Brandi has a new boyfriend these days, and apparently he shares her lack of shyness when it comes to scantily-clad selfies.

He posted the above post-coital pic late last night.

It’s as modest as a photo of two naked people lying in bed together can be, but nudity is the Internet’s second favorite thing behind immediately resorting to name-calling in political debates, so naturally the pic is getting a lot of attention.

And since nothing that Brandi does on social media is accidental, many believe the timing of this pic was carefully chosen so as to steal the spotlight from one of her former castmates.

Just yesterday, Lisa Rinna posted a nude photo and was widely praised for not shying away from going full frontal at 53.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you likely remember that Brandi and Lisa didn’t get along particularly well.

And by that we mean they hated each other with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.

And this wasn’t some made-for-TV feud either.

Brandi and Lisa are no longer co-stars, but they still take shots at one another every chance they get.

Just last month, Brandi called Lisa a bald anorexic seemingly for no other reason than to remind the world they just don’t get along.

So yeah, when Brandi’s boyfriend posts a nude photo of her the day after Lisa was applauded for nude pics of her own, it’s hard to believe it was just a coincidence.

These two are in the midst of a Biggie and Tupac-caliber beef, but they’re settling it with nudity instead of bullets.

Come to think of it, that’s how all disputes should be settled.

How fast would the situation in the Middle East get resolved if there was nudity involved?

The threat of a Cheeto-donged Donald Trump showing up at a peace summit would be enough to get all parties to sort things out real quick.

Now where’s our Nobel Peace Prize, dammit?


Monday, February 20, 2017

Lisa Rinna: Nude on Instagram!

Lisa Rinna is in a celebratory mood.

Because it’s unseasonably warm across various parts of the country? Because she’s a New Orleans Pelicans fan and the team just traded for DeMarcus Cousins?

Because she’s excited over George Clooney having twins?

Nope, nope and nope.

Rinna is psyched and pumped because Playboy is once again featuring photos of naked women in its pages.

The men’s magazine had made the strange decision to go PG-13 in October 2015, but realized the error of its misguided ways this month, announcing that the next issue will feature plenty of butts and boobs again.

And Rinna is very clearly on Team Birthday Suit.

As those who watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online know quite well, the former soap opera star is not exactly shy.

And she made quite the risqué statement on Instagram Sunday morning in light of Playboy’s decision, sharing a completely naked selfie to her nearly one million followers.

We’re not kidding, either.

We mean COMPLETELY NAKED. See for yourself:

(Click on the photo for an uncensored view. Sorry we had to blur out certain sections. But like we said… it’s COMPLETELY NAKED.)

“It’s back,” Rinna wrote of her nude body as a caption, adding:

“I got scared then I said I’m 53 — zero fu*ks given! Congrats to @playboy for going back to nudes. The female body is so beautiful, every size and every age.

“Be proud! #thefemalebodyisbeautiful #allshapesandsizes #loveyourself #loveyourbody.”

In reversing the decision his publication made about a year and a half ago, Playboy Chief Creative Officer Cooper Hefner said via statement a few days ago:

“I’ll be the first to admit that the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake.

“Nudity was never the problem because nudity isn’t a problem. Today we’re taking out identity back and reclaiming who we are.”

You don’t need to listen all that closely to hear the screams and hollers of men around the nation in response to this news. 

As for Lisa’s connection to Playboy?

The actress and reality sta first posed for the magazine in 1998 while six months pregnant with her now 18-year-old daughter Delilah Hamlin.

Nearly 10 years later, Rinna returned to Playboy once again as a cover model.

Like we said above: she isn’t shy.

Is Rinna campaigning here to pose for yet another Playboy spread? It wouldn’t surprise us one bit.

The question is this: would the Rinna-themed issue be a best-seller?

Would you purchase a Lisa Rinna Playboy issue at this stage of her life and career?

Answer the question below and then also toggle through all the photos of D-Listers who have taken off their clothing for Playboy over the years:


Friday, January 6, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Lisa Rinna is a Bald Anorexic!

It’s been almost two years since Brandi Glanville was fired from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

But that doesn’t mean she’s done delivering drama or going off on her former castmates.

This week, it seems Brandi’s target of choice is Lisa Rinna.

The cause of her latest feud isn’t entirely clear, but it probably has something to do with the fact that Rinna referred to Glanville as a bully on this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Not long after the episode aired, Brandi let Lisa have it (and arguable proved her right) with a series of scathing tweets:

“I do not think of u or refer to u & trust me when I leave this world I will be known for more than an eating disorder & a BAD wig,” Brandi wrote.

“Get some new material stop using mine!!! Have a wonderful day!”

Unnecessarily harsh? Absolutely.

But that’s also some top-notch roasting.

Brandi skipped over the easy target (Rinna’s lips) and went straight for the less obvious burns.

Does Rinna really wear a wig?

Probably not, but you can bet we’ll be watching for it on RHOBH every damn week now.

The key is that Brandi delivered her disses with the authority of an insider.

She and Rinna were on the show together in Season 5, so when one of them makes a claim we never heard before about the other, it has more credence than when some random troll talks smack.

To be clear: it’s not even remotely cool of Brandi to mock Rinna for having an eating disorder (whether or not she actually has one is immaterial in this case).

We’re just giving her credit for her masterful ability to remain in the spotlight.

Unfortunately for Brandi, it seems Lisa saw this for what it was.

She has yet to reply to Glanville’s online taunts, probably because she knows doing so would only keep this story in the gossip blogs.

Lisa knows not responding is the greatest diss of all, so you can bet she’ll continue to do exactly that.

What you have here is two professionals offering a master’s class in shade-throwing.

Take notes, kids.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Donald Trump: Lisa Rinna, Marlee Matlin Latest Sexual Harassment Victims?!

Donald Trump could be in more serious hot water with the latest, gross-out allegations that he’s a lecherous slime ball, and yes —  the same Donald Trump who has no respect for women

People reports that a former “Apprentice” cast member, Richard Hatch, said that that Trump’s motives were clear from the get-go to anyone who happened to be in his unfortunate path, and that even high-profile celebrities weren’t off the menu. 

Hatch said, “Watching him in the boardroom making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, to all of the women on The Apprentice, it was obvious that that’s just a part of who he is.” 

Probably the best part, sadly, since everything else about him is approximately a million times even worse, not that it even seems possible. 

Hatch continued, “It was obvious and grotesque. It was blatant and it was frequent,” even naming Lisa Rinna as one of Trump’s many victims.

“He did it with whomever happened to be there at that time,” which also shows that Trump has zero discerning skills whatsoever. 

It only got worse from there — because of course it did; where else could it go besides down? 

The report continued, “He went back and forth with Marlee. No matter how she responded, he would push it a step further with comments about her looks, and about what he thought of her, and how happy he would be to do something sexual with her.” 

Grossed out yet? You just wait. 

“It was a lot of innuendo,” Hatch claimed. “Far beyond the norm,” he continued, as if there’s supposed to be a norm with sexual harassment — which is exactly what this perversion is. 

If you weren’t in the know, Marlee Matlin is deaf, so yes. Donald Trump sexually harassed a deaf woman — through her interpreter. 

It can be done, apparently. 

“[Matlin] was with her interpreter,” the mole revealed, “and I thought, ‘Gosh, I wonder if he’s comfortable with this.’ ” 

The only people comfortable with something of that nature would be Donald Trump himself … and this is precisely why the world needs to know just what he’s like behind closed doors. 

You thought Bill Clinton was bad? Imagine Trump in office — it’d be a sh-tstorm of obnoxious, and other bodily functions on a daily basis. 

Trump’s camp denied the rumors — because of course they did — decrying Richard Hatch’s credibility entirely. 

“Marlee Matlin is such a nice person,” the statement read, “and Mr. Trump has great respect for her, but this report is completely false.” 

“Just take a look at Richard Hatch’s record, or lack thereof,” the rep asserted. 

Hatch spent time in jail in the early ’00s for not paying his taxes. 

Oops? Yeah, “oops” just about sums up this entire thing, including the presidential bid. 


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lisa Rinna Calls Fans FAT & NASTY in Fired-Up Instagram Rant!

Watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we expect a load of vulgar trash talk and immature put-downs from the ladies, because, well, that’s the entire premise of the show.

But when the gutter mouth extends to one of the star’s personal Instagram accounts and is directed toward fans, it’s a smidge unusual.

Lisa Rinna was fed up with the Insta-trolls and gave them all a piece of her mind in a shocking rant that has since been deleted.

Her insulting comments, captured by All About the Tea, included:

  • “I’m convinced that the haters/trolls are all fat hoarders with 50 cats.”

  • “With no teeth, and they couldn’t find their vagina if they tried.”

  • “Well all you nasty people need to go.”

  • “So get the f**k off my page. Now.”

  • “Meow.”

  • “I’m going for it. I got nothing to lose you sick f**ks.”

Dang, Lisa’s going HAM.

Once a fan favorite, fans turned their backs on Rinna when she began accusing fellow Housewife Yolanda Foster of faking Lyme disease, an issue on which the former Melrose Place star has flip-flopped.

Actually, most of the Housewives have said they believe Foster is faking or exaggerating her condition. 

However, last week, Rinna called out Lisa Vanderpump for trying to milk Foster’s illness to beef up the storylines on the show.

Fans were not pleased by Rinna’s behavior, and took her to task on social media.

Clearly, she was not expecting it, evidenced by the unexpected tongue lashing.

Could Rinna’s potty mouth get her fired from RHOBH? Or more likely, will it land the star her own spinoff?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Lisa Rinna Blasts Lisa Vanderpump For Trash-Talking Yolanda Foster

If you’re only familiar with Lisa Vanderpump as the sage boss/life coach on Vanderpump Rules, you may not realize that on the show that made her famous, Vanderpump is just another drama-addicted frenemy on one of TV’s most dysfunctional casts.

The bulk of this season’s drama has centered around the controversy over Yolanda Foster’s Lyme disease diagnosis. 

Specifically, the question of whether or not Foster is only pretending to be sick has been a hot topic in recent months.

It may seem like a bizarre accusation, but there’s ample evidence to suggest that Yolanda might not really be ill.

Foster’s own ex-husband has hinted that she’s faking it, and the former model has stated that two of her children are also infected, which would make for a bizarre coincidence, as the disease is tick-borne and not contagious.

Anyway, just about all of the ladies have stated that they believe Foster is faking it at one point or another, and now the controversy is tearing the group apart.

The drama is currently being re-hashed in one of those multi-episode reunion sagas that have become a trademark for Bravo.

This week’s installment features a battle of the Lisas, as Rinna (formerly a Foster-Lyme disease truther) blasts Vanderpump for comments she allegedly made behind Foster’s back:

“We’re at my birthday and you came…I was thrilled to see you,” Rinna tells Foster at the reunion.

“You came with no makeup. You left. [Vanderpump’s husband] Ken had said you looked terrible and [my husband] Harry said, ‘You know what? That’s not OK. This woman is sick and we need to stand by her.’”

Vanderpump weakly defends herself, saying, “Ken didn’t say she looked terrible to her face…he was observing that she didn’t look good,.”

Rinna then cuts her off and accuses her of attempting to use Foster’s illness as grist for the drama mill:

“Harry said, ‘We need to support this woman whether she’s sick or not.’…And you go, ‘There goes our ‘f–king’ story line.’”

Rinna may think that’s a shocking allegation, but it’s actually the kind of initiative that lands you your own show.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to get caught up in time for The Reunion: Part 19.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Lisa Rinna Shares BALD Pic to Instagram: Did She Pull a Britney??

Lisa Rinna is certainly famous for her full lips, but she’s also known for her perennially well-coiffed and fabulously thick head of hair.

So it’s shocking to see the latest pic she posted to Instagram, in which she’s completely BALD:

“Omg this just happened!!!! I feel so free!!!! Thank God I’ve got great wigs and extra wig glue for my QVC appearance tomorrow! #BaldIsBeautiful,” the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star wrote in the caption.

Her scalp appears to have a smooth, perfectly symmetrical upside-down egg shape. No lumps and bumps or anything.

But just when we thought she went full Britney Spears on us, the reality star slapped her sculpted thigh and let us in on the joke.

“The new look is, indeed, not real,” Rinna revealed in a statement to The Daily Dish.

“Ironically, I have always wanted to shave my head because I truly think it is so beautiful and when the most fabulous hair dresser in the world, Chris McMillan, called me asking me if I really shaved my head, I knew we had done a great April Fool’s joke.”

In fact, Rinna caused a few folks in Hollywood to choke on their Medjool date smoothies. 

“My agents also freaked out and had a heart attack,” she continued. “It was so much fun pranking everyone!”

Good one, L. Rin. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kim Richards Snaps at Lisa Rinna, Tries to Win Back Job on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Kim Richards may have had one hell of a tough year (Getting arrested for drunkenly shoplifting at Target isn’t exactly the sort of thing you boast about in your annual Christmas letter), but the disgraced reality star is doing her damnedest to turn things around.

In fact, she’s already back to doing what she does best – stirring up drama on Bravo.

Yes, as we reported earlier, Richards was a surprise guest at the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion show, which was filmed last week.

Sources say Kim had two reasons for agreeing to make a cameo on a show that canned her at her lowest point.

For starters, Richards is desperate for cash.

In addition, she’s hoping to win back her old job as a full-time RHOBH cast member, and she knows the best way to do that is by proving to reunion show host/series producer Andy Cohen that she still has some fight in her.

According to witnesses, Richards set her sights on Lisa Rinna and went to town.

“[Kim]lit into Lisa Rinna about comments she had made in the past, a production source tells Radar Online.

“She took exception to statements made that Lisa was scared of Kim. It was clear that Kim was hoping to get a reaction from Lisa.”

Unfortunately, if she was spoiling for a fight, it seems Ms. Richards was barking up the wrong tree:

“But Lisa took the high road and refused to let Kim get the reaction she was clearly hoping for. Lisa apologized to Kim for any pain she caused her, which was the last thing she was expecting,” says the source.

Sadly, viewers don’t tune in to see heartfelt apologies. Better luck next time, Kim!

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for the reunion show.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Yolanda Foster: Lisa Rinna Meddles In Other People"s Business!

Before we begin, I’d like to ask Bravo to screen storylines go forward, because the ones that exploit an illness arent not awesome.

It started with Brooks Ayers on The Real Housewives of Orange County, and he’s not even a cast member!  Now, the question of whether or not Yolanda Foster is exaggerating her battle against Lyme Disease is turning into a very awkward, very tired merry-go-round.

After the March 8th episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Foster’s blog post was basically a tirade against Lisa Rinna, who first brought up the possibility that Foster’s illness was created in her mind.

The Dutch model can’t let that accusation go (and no one can really blame her for it), if her most recent blog post is any indication.

Rinna thought Foster’s absence at Erica Girardi’s dinner party was odd given how close a friendship the two women share.

“I was surprised that Yolanda wasn’t there since Erika has been such a loyal and supportive friend to her,” Rinna wrote.

“I knew this was somewhat of a big deal for Erika to have us all over to meet Tom, who is a very busy man, and I thought surely Yolanda would make the effort to join us.

“I guess Yolanda didn’t ‘count her spoons’ that day and wore herself out at lunch with Brandi and Kim,” Rinna added.  “Hmmm… oh well.”

Foster fought back.

“I am not quite sure why Rinna is so worked up about something that doesn’t involve her,” Foster wrote.

“Getting in the middle of other people’s personal business and relationships seems to be a running theme for her.”

“Erika so beautifully touched on the practice of respect in tonight’s episode,” Foster added.

“Freedom of expression is not a permit to be disrespectful, and it seems there are blurred lines when it comes to this, especially when social media is involved.”

Ok then!  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: STILL Fighting Over Lyme Disease Claims?!

Last month, Yolanda Foster and Lisa Rinna engaged in a Twitter feud over the ongoing question of whether or not Yolanda is really suffering from Lyme disease.

It may seem like an odd thing to question, but Lisa is not alone in her belief that Yolanda might be faking the whole thing to gain attention and sympathy from others.

And in defense of the Yolanda-truthers, there are some sketchy details that make it seem as though Yolanda is only pretending to be ill.

For example, she recently revealed that two of her her children also have Lyme disease, which is bizarre, because the disease isn’t contagious through casual contact with infected humans, and is usually transmitted through deer tick bites.

Did the entire family go camping and forget to bring the Off? Did Oswald act alone? Can jet fuel really melt steel beams?!

We got a little carried away there, but the point is, the controversy over Yolanda’s illness is complex, and there’s a good chance it’ll never be resolved.

But while theories about Elvis helping the Illuminati fake the moon landing are usually confined to the scarier corners of the Internet, the great Yolanda Lyme disease debate might soon take center stage on national television.

Yes, according to Radar Online, Yolanda is planning to confront Lisa on the upcoming Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion special.

“Even though Yolanda and Lisa made up on camera, the friendship is still very much on the rocks,” the source continued. “She is going to give Lisa an ultimatum, fess up, or the friendship is over.”

Even though Lisa is just one of several people who has openly questioned Yolanda’s illness, Foster is reportedly planning to single her out because Rinna was on her side at first, and her sudden change of heart made Yolanda feel betrayed.

Like we said, this thing is complex, y’all. We’re pretty sure the Free Masons are somehow involved.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Kylie Jenner, Lisa Rinna & More: Star Sightings 2.18.16

Is that you, Kylie?

The youngest Jenner took in Boss Womenwear"s Show in New York yesterday looking classy, which is weird given what she normally wears.

In Beverly Hills, Kendra Wilkinson twerked during a Pilates class (because SURE), while Lisa Rinna looked less-than-pleased to see the paparazzi at LAX.

Check out what else your favorite celebs were up to in the sightings below.


1. Kylie Jenner Leaves Boss Womenswear Show

Kylie jenner leaves boss womenswear show

Kylie Jenner leaves the Boss Womenswear show on February 17, 2016 in New York City.

2. Wiz Khalifa: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 – Swim BBQ VIP

Wiz khalifa sports illustrated swimsuit 2016 swim bbq vip

Wiz Khalifa attends Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 – Swim BBQ VIP at 1 Hotel & Homes South Beach on February 17, 2016 in Miami Beach, Florida.

3. Blake Lively Shops In NYC

Blake lively shops in nyc

Blake Lively (in Michael Kors) goes shopping in New York On February 17th, 2016.

4. Kendra Wilkinson at a Pilates Class

Kendra wilkinson at a pilates class

Kendra Wilkinson worked out at a Pilates Class in Beverly Hills on February 17th, 2016.

5. Princess Eugenie Leaves Chiltern Firehouse

Princess eugenie leaves chiltern firehouse

Princess Eugenie of York leaves Chiltern Firehouse in London after night out with friends on February 17th, 2016.

6. Eva Longoria Visits HuffPo’s NY Offices

Eva longoria visits huffpos ny offices

Eva Longoria at the Huffington Post in New York on February 18th, 2016.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: TWITTER FEUD ALERT!

Yolanda Foster and her children’s Lyme disease continues to be a hot topic on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and now it’s become a hot topic on Twitter.

The former model and RHOBH cast mate Lisa Rinna exchanged jabs on the social media platform over who-said-what about Yolanda and her kids’ condition.

Let’s back up a sec.

In episodes past, we’ve seen the Housewives question whether Yolanda really has Lyme or is faking it.

Then in October, after she announced her children Bella and Anwar Hadid were also suffering from the condition, Lisa Vanderpump insinuated that she heard from the kids’ father Mohamed that the kids were “fine” and did not have Lyme.

Well, this pissed off Yolanda big time.

She had reason to believe Lisa Rinna also said the kids were Lyme-free, which set off a entire she said-she said debacle that eventually led to Housewife Erika Girardi admitting in a confessional that she was the guilty party.

However, when Yolanda responded to a fan’s question about why she fingered Rinna, she answered:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 1

This made Rinna most unhappy, claiming she’d been a scapegoat then turning the tables on Yolanda.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 2

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 3

Yolanda fired back:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 4

(Munchausen syndrome is a psychological disorder in which a person feigns an illness to receive sympathy or attention.)

The two remained silent for a few hours, possibly because they both went and took naps.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 5

This exchange is somewhat puzzling, because Rinna was actually on Yolanda’s side last year when the other Housewives accused her of faking her disease.

But, hey, a Twitter war makes for good headlines, and possibly more viewers to the high-drama Bravo show.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lisa Rinna: Makeup-Free and Nothing to Hide

I’ll admit that I’ve had my doubts about Lisa Rinna’s looks.  Specifically, has that face been under the knife?

Lisa Rinna

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reality star’s latest makeup-free selfie has washed any and all doubts away.  

Fishwrapper has the same thoughts, wondering what sorcery is responsible for that youthful complexion.  The work of a chemical peel?  Great genes? 


Her lips appear real, only because other reality stars have afforded me the opportunity to actually hear the difference between speaking with lip plumpers vs. without.  It’s painfully obvious and offensive to those of us whom you say, “I’ve done nothing!  Don’t I look natural?”

No, you do not.  And you sound odd.

Rinna’s lips look the same now as they did twenty years ago.  The same cannot be said for Farrah Abraham (to be fair, she was a child at that time), Kyle Richards, Rose McGowan and others who have gotten a little help from Juvederm.

Alas, even Rinna gets jealous of others’ youthful glows.  

Rinna had a few theories about new RHOBH co-star and model Kathryn Edwards’ unchanging looks.  The two have known each other since the 90s, when Rinna worked on Days of Our Lives.

“She’s either sold her soul to the devil, or she has some sort of special cocktail that she drinks, because she looks exactly the same,” Rinna said in her voice-over interview.

You can’t have it all, Rinna.  Embrace the beauty that you are and be grateful that women everywhere walk into their plastic surgeon’s office, proclaiming “I want Rinna’s trout pout!”

Friday, December 11, 2015

Lisa Rinna: STOP Questioning Yolanda Foster"s Lyme Disease!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease. If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you’ve seen Yolanda’s health deteriorate as she resorts to more drastic measures to treat her illness.

But apparently some of Foster’s co-stars have been too busy with their own problems to take notice of their “friend’s” suffering, because some of them have openly accused Yolanda of faking it

Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Taylor Arnstrong have all questioned Yolanda’s health claims, despite the fact that the woman has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling to Europe for stem cell treatments.

Now, one of Yolanda’s more sane co-stars, Lisa Rinna, is addressing the issue on her Bravo blog, and it seems she’s fed up with the rest of Housewives and their speculation.

“We saw Lisa talk to Kyle at lunch and openly admit she’s questioning what’s happening beyond the Lyme diagnosis,” Lisa writes.

“Then their second conversation about Yolanda in Tuscany where Lisa V said, ‘I’m thinking what she’s thinking is it’s not Lyme disease anymore’ and ‘so you think the mental state dictates the physical state’ in regard to Kyle’s story about her depression after her mother’s death showing itself as physical pain. A whole lot of speculation we’re seeing right now.”

While she doesn’t come right out and say, “Yolanda has Lyme disease; everybody STFU about it!” Lisa does describe the feeling of watching her friend suffer in heartbreaking detail:

It was quite clear that we were sitting with a woman desperate to feel well and determined to figure out the culprits to her illness while watching her descent into darkness.

My heart really went out to her in that moment as I couldn’t imagine, even for a second, having my own life do such a severe 180 due to illness.

Yolanda’s situation affected me in a way that made me want to understand what she was going through, and I really started listening to the conversations going on around me pertaining to Yolanda, Lyme disease, and her journey to wellness.

We think it’s safe to say Lisa is on Team Yolanda. We also think Bravo can cool it with the fake disease storylines now.