Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lisa Rinna Celebrates Turning 55 With Nude Selfie

Wednesday, July 11, was Lisa Rinna’s birthday. The The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star is now 55 years old.

She decided to celebrate by snapping a selfie so naked that it is no longer on Instagram. But you can still see it — the internet is forever.

Fair warning: the image below is not safe for work. There are nipples in play.

Lisa Rinna Window Selfie Header

Lisa Rinna has been nude on Instagram before.

This time, instead of a topless mirror selfie, she took the full-bodied approach.

She snapped a photo of herself at a window.

You can see through the window, but you can also see the reflection of her dynamite body in the glass.

It’s not just a silhouette, either. Her nipples are right there, staring you in the face.

And you don’t have to take our word for it.

As we mentioned, that image is not safe for work. Or for children.

It is also not safe for Instagram. She hasn’t been banned, but that photo is gone from Instagram.

But not gone from our hearts. Or, of course, from the internet.

She had captioned the Instagram selfie “birthday suit,” and she was not kidding.

It’s not the only photo featuring her trim figure and a window that she’s shared to Instagram in recent days.

Lisa also followed up by posting a caption reading:

“Happy F–king Birthday to ME!”

That’s the spirit!

To show that she was very much in the birthday mood, she followed those words with six cake slice emojis.

Though we somehow doubt that Lisa ate quite that much cake on her birthday, she has every right to do so. She’ll turn 55 but once.

Lisa Rinna is drop dead gorgeous.

Acknowledging that is like saying that the sun is bright. Just as the sun douses us with unwanted heat, light, and ultraviolet radiation, Lisa can also be problematic at times.

Less than a year ago, Lisa — for unknown reasons — decided to tweet “All Lives Matter.”

We don’t really understand why she decided to add her voice to the rallying cry of those who feel weirdly threatened by the assertion that Black Lives Matter..

Perhaps she was looking to stir up controversy and accusations of racism, and decided that her husband Harry Hamlin wearing a swastika was too subtle.

Still, everyone is growing and learning as a human being.

Lisa Rinna might not look 55, but she’s experiencing time just like the rest of us — and learning from her experiences.

So perhaps she’ll come around to issues that she didn’t quite understand with time. Or perhaps not.

Either way, the fans and followers of this Real Housewife hope that she never, ever stops posting nudes. She worked hard for her incredible body, and she should feel free to show it off whenever she likes.

(Whether it is her birthday or any other special occassion)

Instagram, however, would probably prefer that she keep her nipples to herself when using their social media platform. They have rules.

