Showing posts with label Lyme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyme. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Yolanda Hadid to Hater/Olympian -- Bella Was a Real Deal Athlete Before Lyme Disease

Bella Hadid’s mom is striking back at the Olympic gold medalist who trolled Bella for her new deal as a Nike brand ambassador. Figure skater Meryl Davis basically slammed Bella for working with the athletic giant — posting a pic of Bella with…


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Amber Marchese Confirms Lyme Disease Diagnosis

Amber Marchese has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease.

The former The Real Housewives of New Jersey star opened up about this illness and what it means for her in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

A doctor informed Marchese of the news last week.

“About two weeks ago, I had flu-like symptoms which included a low grade fever, headache, aches, chills, join pain and awful neck pain,” Marchese told ET, adding by way of explanation:

“I posted my condition on social media and a friend suggested I get tested for Lyme disease.

“She shared with me her struggles with Lyme disease and we shared many of the same symptoms.”

Marchese is a 38-year old mother of two.

She is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

In the Entertainment Tonight interview, the reality star said she requested the Lyme Disease test while at her oncologist’s office, during a round of chemotherapy… and the tests came back positive.

“I am very fortunate as I caught it so early that no treatment is necessary,” she added. “But we are going to monitor it.”

Marchese is the latest member of the Bravo family to have come down with this health issue.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Hadid has been battling the disease for years, recently admitting that two of her children – Bella and Anwar Hadid – are also coping with the ailment.

We wish them the best and we also send our best wishes to Amber Marchese for a full recovery.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Lisa Vanderpump: Yolanda Foster is LYING About Her Kids Having Lyme Disease!

It’s been almost four years since Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and while she’s made significant strides with her treatment, her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills castmates are no closer to believing the former model was ever to sick to begin with.

Back in October, Yolanda revealed that two of her kids also have Lyme disease and now Lisa Vanderpump is calling BS on that claim as well.

So if you were sick of the “Is Yolanda a big old faker?” storyline on the last season of RHOBH, you may want to skip season seven, which is currently filming.

According to TMZ, Vanderpump recently asked Yolanda’s first husband, Mohamed Hadid, about his kids’ health in front of a group of mutual friends (and a Bravo camera crew, of course) and it did not go over well.

In fact, the site is reporting that Mohamed has ended his 20-year friendship with Lisa as a result of her persistent suspicions about his kids’ health.

Things have gotten so bad that Mohamed refuses to set foot in any of Lisa’s three restaurants, which means he has to turn on his TV to see SUR bartender/human petri dish Jax Taylor. Sad.

As for whether or not 19-year-old Bella Hadid and 16-year-old Anwat Hadid are actually sick, well…we have no idea.

But with this sort of thing, it’s best to err on the side of caution and not accuse people of faking it for attention.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online for more of the ongoing Lyme disease drama.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: STILL Fighting Over Lyme Disease Claims?!

Last month, Yolanda Foster and Lisa Rinna engaged in a Twitter feud over the ongoing question of whether or not Yolanda is really suffering from Lyme disease.

It may seem like an odd thing to question, but Lisa is not alone in her belief that Yolanda might be faking the whole thing to gain attention and sympathy from others.

And in defense of the Yolanda-truthers, there are some sketchy details that make it seem as though Yolanda is only pretending to be ill.

For example, she recently revealed that two of her her children also have Lyme disease, which is bizarre, because the disease isn’t contagious through casual contact with infected humans, and is usually transmitted through deer tick bites.

Did the entire family go camping and forget to bring the Off? Did Oswald act alone? Can jet fuel really melt steel beams?!

We got a little carried away there, but the point is, the controversy over Yolanda’s illness is complex, and there’s a good chance it’ll never be resolved.

But while theories about Elvis helping the Illuminati fake the moon landing are usually confined to the scarier corners of the Internet, the great Yolanda Lyme disease debate might soon take center stage on national television.

Yes, according to Radar Online, Yolanda is planning to confront Lisa on the upcoming Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion special.

“Even though Yolanda and Lisa made up on camera, the friendship is still very much on the rocks,” the source continued. “She is going to give Lisa an ultimatum, fess up, or the friendship is over.”

Even though Lisa is just one of several people who has openly questioned Yolanda’s illness, Foster is reportedly planning to single her out because Rinna was on her side at first, and her sudden change of heart made Yolanda feel betrayed.

Like we said, this thing is complex, y’all. We’re pretty sure the Free Masons are somehow involved.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lisa Vanderpump: Yolanda Foster Brought Up Her Kids" Lyme Disease!

The whole storyline of ailments and their validity isn’t a pleasant one, but for some reason The Real Housewives of Everytown seem to think it’s ratings gold.

Tuesday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills put Lisa Rinna in the hot seat.  She was being accused of telling Yolanda Foster that Lisa Vanderpump had denied that Foster’s children, Anwar and Bella Hadid had contracted Lyme disease.

“I would never bring somebody’s children (especially their health) into this very public forum, but Yolanda did…twice…of her OWN volition,” Vanderpump wrote on her BravoTV blog after the episode aired.

“She announced that they we were infected with Lyme disease, volunteered the information, first when we had drinks and were introduced to Erika.The second time was with Kyle in the park.”

Rinna was equally pissed about how the episode went down, and tangoed with Foster on Twitter Wednesday morning:

Vanderpump, who is close with Foster’s ex-husband, Mohamed Hadid, continued to defend herself.

“She has stated don’t bring my kids into this, but she did, twice. At the barbecue, I was asked questions about my perspective, having known the family for years. My understanding was they were healthy until Yolanda informed me otherwise.

“What else was I supposed to do? Lie? Say I knew nothing? I tried to shut it down, reticent to indulge in a conversation that was really none of my business.”

What a f–king mess.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Yolanda Foster: My Lyme Disease is Cured!

Depending on whom you ask, this news is either highly unexpected or long overdue.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Yolanda Foster has informed her bosses at Bravo that her Lyme disease symptoms have disappeared, and she’s ready to resume a full-time shooting schedule.

As you may know, Foster was diagnosed back on 2012, and her health appeared to deteriorate rapidly in the years that followed.

However, several of those closest to the 51-year-old former model (including her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars) have stated that they believe Yolanda is faking her illness.

Apparently, the final straw came when Yolanda’s ex, David Foster, questioned if she’s really sick, and now the controversial reality star is ready to strike back:

“[Yolanda] has informed Andy Cohen she will definitely be on board for the upcoming reunion,” an insider tells the website.

“During the reunion last year, Yolanda was only able to film for under an hour because she was suffering from the effects of her Lyme disease. But this year she feels like it’s almost a full recovery.”

Ironically, the source says that it was her castmates’ claims that she’s faking her illness that inspired Yolanda to return to the show.

“With the Lyme disease controversy being Yolanda’s storyline this year, she is ready to fight back against accusations she has been faking it,” the insider claims.

“Yolanda won’t allow the other ladies to bully her about the hell she has been through. She’s feeling much stronger than she has in months, and the ladies are going to be in for a big surprise when Yolanda lights into them.”

Huh. Frankly, we don’t think surprising the other ladies with her health and vibrancy will make them feel guilty about questioning Yolanda’s illness, but you do you, YoFo.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to decide for yourself if Yolanda was crying wolf all along.

Monday, December 14, 2015

David Foster to Yolanda Foster: I Want My Money Back For Your FAKE Lyme Disease Treatments!

When we first learned that Yolanda and David Foster were getting divorced, their reps assured fans that the split was mutual and the process would be an amicable one.

What a difference a couple weeks and a few million dollars in experimental medical treatments make!

As we reported earlier, David has joined the list of people who believe Yolanda is faking her Lyme disease, and he feels that his soon-to-be-ex owes him big time for all the money that he shelled out helping to treat the symptoms of her imaginary illness.

According to Radar Online, Yolanda and David are close to settling the terms of their divorce, but David is adamant that Yolanda reimburse her for the millions he spent flying her to Europe for expensive stem cell treatments that aren’t legal in the US.

“[David] spent a fortune on medical treatments for Yolanda’s Lyme disease that weren’t covered by medical insurance,” the source said.

“As the expensive alternative medical treatments progressed and David wasn’t seeing her get any better, he urged Yolanda to stop going overseas.

“She absolutely refused, and David was stuck paying the bills. Now with David’s record label shutting down, he needs that money.”

Apparently, Yolanda’s not having it, as she feels paying him back would amount to admitting that she was lying about her illness.

Several of Yolanda’s cast mates thinks she’s not really sick, and David reportedly believes she was cured several years ago. 

If the Fosters don’t work something out soon, Yolanda may be forced to answer questions about her health under oath. We can only hope they’ll allow a Bravo camera crew in the courtroom.

Friday, December 11, 2015

David Foster: Yolanda Foster Does NOT Have Lyme Disease!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and her health has deteriorated steadily in the years since.

Earlier this week, the reality star’s world unraveled further when it was announced that Yolanda and David Foster are divorcing after four years of marriage.

Now, those two seemingly unrelated challenges are colliding in unexpected fashion, as Radar Online reports that David has joined the ranks of those who believe that Yolanda is faking her illness

“David is telling friends he believes she was cured of it long ago, but she’s been playing up ongoing symptoms because she enjoys the attention,” says one insider.

Unlike some Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members who think Yolanda was never sick, David believes his wife was very ill at one point, but hasn’t been experiencing severe symptoms like the ones she describes for several years.

There was no doubt Yolanda was struggling and David was there to support her,” the source said. “In the beginning, David went with her to all of her doctor’s appointments, including the overseas trips for other treatment.”

David tells friends, however, that as time went on “Yolanda just seemed to really enjoy all of the attention she was getting.”

He reportedly claims the problem got worse after Yolanda’s daughter, Gigi Hadid, began to gain international fame.

“Her oldest daughter, Gigi was becoming a very successful model, and it seemed hard for Yolanda, a former model herself, to watch her child get so much attention,” says the source.

“Getting older seems to have been very hard for Yolanda. Now, it looks like she isn’t ready to give up the role of sick patient.”

Is it possible that Yolanda’s “illness” is simply a symptom of a severe mid-life crisis.

If so, the beloved Housewife may soon fall out of favor with many of her fans.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to decide for yourself if Yolanda is really sick – or really good at faking it.

Lisa Rinna: STOP Questioning Yolanda Foster"s Lyme Disease!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease. If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you’ve seen Yolanda’s health deteriorate as she resorts to more drastic measures to treat her illness.

But apparently some of Foster’s co-stars have been too busy with their own problems to take notice of their “friend’s” suffering, because some of them have openly accused Yolanda of faking it

Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Taylor Arnstrong have all questioned Yolanda’s health claims, despite the fact that the woman has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling to Europe for stem cell treatments.

Now, one of Yolanda’s more sane co-stars, Lisa Rinna, is addressing the issue on her Bravo blog, and it seems she’s fed up with the rest of Housewives and their speculation.

“We saw Lisa talk to Kyle at lunch and openly admit she’s questioning what’s happening beyond the Lyme diagnosis,” Lisa writes.

“Then their second conversation about Yolanda in Tuscany where Lisa V said, ‘I’m thinking what she’s thinking is it’s not Lyme disease anymore’ and ‘so you think the mental state dictates the physical state’ in regard to Kyle’s story about her depression after her mother’s death showing itself as physical pain. A whole lot of speculation we’re seeing right now.”

While she doesn’t come right out and say, “Yolanda has Lyme disease; everybody STFU about it!” Lisa does describe the feeling of watching her friend suffer in heartbreaking detail:

It was quite clear that we were sitting with a woman desperate to feel well and determined to figure out the culprits to her illness while watching her descent into darkness.

My heart really went out to her in that moment as I couldn’t imagine, even for a second, having my own life do such a severe 180 due to illness.

Yolanda’s situation affected me in a way that made me want to understand what she was going through, and I really started listening to the conversations going on around me pertaining to Yolanda, Lyme disease, and her journey to wellness.

We think it’s safe to say Lisa is on Team Yolanda. We also think Bravo can cool it with the fake disease storylines now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Yolanda Foster: I Will PROVE I Have Lyme Disease!

The sixth season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills premieres tonight on Bravo, and you can safely assume that once again, the ladies’ “friendships” and wine glass throwing abilities will both be put to the test.

Things may be a bit different this time, however, as in addition to the usual addiction and infidelity-fueled drama there’s a bizarre amount of controversy surrounding Yolanda Foster’s struggle with Lyme disease.

Foster was diagnosed with the illness in 2012, and her condition has steadily worsened in the years since.

Fans who have watched Yolanda’s health deteriorate were shocked when returning Housewife Taylor Armstrong mocked Foster and suggested that she was exaggerating her symptoms.

Astonishingly, Kyle Richards recently doubled-down on that claim and suggested in an interview that she believes Foster is faking it.

Yolanda has remained relatively quiet on the issue, but insiders say she’s plotting her revenge on Armstrong and Richards, and she hopes to make this season hell for those who betrayed her.

Production sources tell Radar Online that Foster will prove she has Lyme disease by sharing her medical records with those who doubt her. 

And of course, she won’t stop with just proving her fake friends wrong:

“She seems to be the center of all of the drama,” an insider tells the website. “The ladies have continued to question her Lyme disease diagnosis, all behind her back.

“Knowing the cattiness of the ladies, Yolanda isn’t surprised about the whispers, but just wishes it would have been expressed to her directly.”

“Yolanda watched how Bravo handled Brooks’ cancer scandal. She won’t tolerate this playing out as gossip fodder or allow the show to minimize the seriousness of what she has been through.”

The source adds that Yolanda discussed her intentions with producers but Taylor and Kyle were not warned in advance that they would be confronted.

If we weren’t already looking forward to tonight’s premiere, we certainly are now!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Kyle Richards on Yolanda Foster"s Lyme Disease: She"s Faking It!

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know that one of the ladies has been battling a devastating illness for several years.

Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2012, and her treatments and efforts to raise awareness have been prominently featured on the series. Bizarrely, however, some of her castmates thinks it’s all just for show.

First, returning Housewife Taylor Armstrong accused Yolanda of faking her illness, now, Kylie Richards is throwing shade in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight:

“I think for a lot of people it’s very confusing,” Richards says.

“A lot of the things she’s gone through and the treatments she’s done, for some of the cast members they were questioning exactly what she was doing and exactly how sick she was. It was not a good situation.

“Some things came up made some of the Housewives question exactly what was really going on.”

Richards didn’t go into specifics, but she did promise that the debate over Foster’s illness would ignite some serious drama on the upcoming season of RHOBH.

The timing of this latest controversy is strange, as it comes on the heels of accusations that Real Housewives of Orange County star Brooks Ayers faked his cancer.

We know all reality stars bend the truth to create better television, but the stars of the Housewives franchise might be getting iut of hand. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Going Broke Battling Lyme Disease?!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease. While she’s shown remarkable determination in her battle to regain her health, Foster and her family have been forced to make certain sacrifices as the disease has taken its toll.

Foster has lost her ability to read and write, and she’s become increasingly reliant upon help from others in order to get out of bed and perform simple tasks.

In addition to the tremendous physical toll that she’s paid, Yolanda and her family have suffered financially, as well, as she’s been forced to travel internationally to receive stem cell treatments that are illegal in the United States. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Yolanda and her husband – famed music producer David Foster – have sold their Beverly Hills mansion and moved into a condo in a far less swanky neighborhood of Los Angeles. 

Fortunately, while the move is a cost saving measure, its reportedly only temporary, as sources close to the Fosters report that Yolanda and David are looking for a smaller mansion and hoping to return to Beverly Hills.

“While Yolanda wants to buy a house, David isn’t ready to put down a huge payment,” says one insider.

“David is hoping Yolanda will agree to lease something. The real estate market in Beverly Hills is just out of control, and David doesn’t want to overpay.”

The Fosters were reportedly in a hurry to sell (they accepted a $ 19 million offer, despite originally asking or $ 23.5 million), but that doesn’t mean Yolanda is willing to settle when it comes to her new home.

“Yolanda wants a house that has at least five bedrooms, a pool, and large gardens,” says the insider.

It’s nice to hear that the disease hasn’t sapped Yolanda’s spirit.

Yolanda recently revealed that her daughter Bella Hadid has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, but even though the illness has had an unfortunate effect on the entire family, the Fosters are also bringing up another generation of A-listers.

Yolanda’s daughters Bella and Gigi are both in demand models, and David’s daughters Sarah and Erin are actresses who star on the VH1 series Barely Famous.

Something tells us Yolanda can still afford all the gardens she wants.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Bella Hadid: Lyme Disease Diagnosis Revealed by Yolanda Foster

Yolanda Foster has been remarkably candid about her courageous battle with Lyme disease, and the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has inspired millions in the process.

Foster’s Instagram diary offers hope and insight for the millions who have been affected by the tick-borne illness, directly or otherwise, and the 51-year-old model has been praised by research organizations and fellow patients alike.

Last night, Foster received an award at the Global Lyme Alliance, and she made surprising revelation about the ways in which the illness has impacted her family:

“God had different plans for me,” a tearful Foster said. “He changed my destiny when my two youngest children, Bella and Anwar, were diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in early 2012.

“Watching my babies struggle in silence in order to support me and my journey struck the deepest chord of hopelessness inside of me, and it’s because of them that I’m motivated to stand here in front of you today,”

Foster had not previously revealed that 18-year-old Bella and 16-year-old Anwar are also battling the illness.

There is no word on how they contracted the disease.

Like her older sister Gigi, Bella recently embarked on a modeling career and has already met with stunning success.

It was revealed last month that Bella is dating The Weeknd, and she is often spotted at the most exclusive Hollywood parties.

Both Bella and Anwar have yet to speak publicly about their mother’s surprising revelation.