Showing posts with label Cured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cured. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ami Brown: Was Her Cancer Really Cured in a Christmas Miracle?!

Remember when we told you about this year’s Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special? Well it happened and, despite the fears of many fans and members of the Brown family itself, Ami Brown was able to participate.

In doing so, we got a very hopeful update on Ami Brown’s battle with cancer. For one thing, she was done with that round of chemotherapy.

But was the good news — or “Christmas miracle,” as it’s been touted by some — really what it seemed?

We’re not going to ask anyone to test their belief in miracles. That’s a matter of personal religious convictions (not every faith believes in miracles, and not every person of a miracle-friendly faith believes in them).

Instead, we’re just going to question whether the beautiful story of Ami making a recovery, as told on the Christmas Special, was misleading.

In other words: is she actually cured at all?

Ami’s doctor said this:

“There’s every single reason to be hopeful and absolutely optimistic.”

This was, of course, after Ami Brown’s second round of chemotherapy. Hope and optimism can’t fight cancer alone, but studies have demonstrated that they can have a powerful effect on someone’s odds of surviving cancer.

The doctor also said: “You were pretty sick. You got through it!”

Now, reality shows are often edited, and editing can lead to very misleading statements.

Was the doctor talking about Ami’s serious and possibly terminal lung cancer in the past tense?

Or was the doctor talking about Ami’s adverse reactions to chemotherapy?

Billy Brown also spoke about Ami’s health, announcing:

“Her lungs are clear!”

Sure … but does he mean clear of fluid, like a person might get if they are sick? Or does he mean clear of cancer, which would be positively miraculous after only two rounds of chemotherapy?

“She’s still weak and has a cough and all that, but if you look at her eyes it’s the best part because Ami’s back inside there and she wasn’t for a while.”

When he says that she “has a cough,” that sounds like a very delicate way of referring to lung cancer.

Chemo can cause people to zone out. Have you ever known someone on chemo? They nap a lot. They seldom eat and they have no energy.

Billy sure sounds optimistic.

“We’ve been in California for so long, and up until recently we haven’t been able to look out and see if there’s a road going out of here or not. But now it’s a good beginning!”

Ami’s reply is a little vague:

“Life is a gift.”

Bird did confessional segments during the Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special.

She gave it in front of a backdrop meant to resemble a simple cabin, even though we all know that they’re living in L.A. and Bird even acknowledged their location:

“It still feels unreal that we’re celebrating for Christmas and doing our tree in like, a desert.”

(Fun fact: the use of actual Christmas trees is not commonplace in L.A. because it’s a desert)

Bird and the rest of her family used that element of surprise to their advantage, to Ami’s delight.

“She won’t be expecting Christmas at all.”

Well, to be fair, nobody expects Christmas before Thanksgiving.

Billy Brown seems eager to point to the bright side of things.

“It’s been a hard road,” he says. “But to know that it’s been worth it and to know that it’s better than it was, no matter what it may be, makes it all feel very good.”

The non-fan page, Alaskan Bush People Exposed, had their own commentary about the Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special.

“Last night’s show was filmed before Thanksgiving and Ami was doing fairly well after finishing chemo.”

That much, we knew. (Though it may have been less-than-obvious to your average viewer that this was filmed so far in advance)

“Shortly after Thanksgiving she suffered a brief setback and was very ill.”

That is crushing news, but Alaskan Bush People Exposed has been pretty reliable about this sort of information, so we’re inclined to believe it.

“She is doing better now and back on the mend. They are still in Los Angeles, and she is recuperating.”

That, at least, is good news. But not all of the news is good.

“There has been no miracle cure and unfortunately this will be a long battle for her.”

We figured as much, because that’s how cancer works. Even the page administrator feels sorry for Ami.

(The page may not like Alaskan Bush People, but they’re not cheering for anybody to have cancer)

“She has lost a lot of her hair, wears a hat most of the time and very frail.”

Some of that was apparent, even in the special.

“Hopefully, after the holidays she will get strong enough to start filming the upcoming season.”

Remember, folks, even Rain Brown doesn’t know if her mom will survive.

If it sounds like somebody’s cancer went away like magic, you’re hearing optimism and editing.

We all hope that Ami pulls through — even people who can’t stand the show are hoping that.

But we need to remember that, best case scenario, Ami has a long, long road to recovery.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Josh Duggar: No More Therapy! I"m Cured!

You know, we’ve spent os much time talking about newly exposed sex monsters over the past several weeks. It might be easy for some to forget that there are some sex monsters that we’ve known about for years.

So … how is Josh Duggar doing these days?

Well, apparently, he’s “cured.”

The news that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, including four of his own sisters, was horrifying.

We’ve heard a lot of disturbing things about the Duggars over the years, including allegations of physical abuse perpetrated by Jim Bob and the way that the Duggars view women and their roles in marriage and society.

But that Josh Duggar’s molestation was actively covered up by the Duggar parents until a whistleblower came forward was shocking, even for that crowd.

They say that the first step to recovering is that you have to admit that you have a problem.

Josh Duggar doesn’t seem to have met that standard, since he’s apparently not sorry and blaming the devil for his actions. Great.

But see, the molestation isn’t what got Josh Duggar sent away to “therapy.”

(We say “therapy” because, though there are some great, professional religious counseling services in the world, Josh Duggar was sent to a shady faith-based retreat with views compatible with that of the Duggars. Not helpful)

Instead, Josh Duggar’s porn viewing (gasp!) and attempts to cheat on Anna Duggar using the Ashley Madison dating site were the cause for alarm within the Duggar family.

In real life, outside of the fringe views of the Duggar cult, we know that viewing pornography is normal and only rarely creates a problem (in the same way that drinking, or even hand-washing, might be done to excess and adversely impact someone’s life).

For the Duggars, it’s corruption by society or by “the culture” (a catch-all term that they use to refer to, you know, normal people who aren’t part of their fertility cult) and perhaps every bit as bad as the adultery.

The adultery thing, at least, we can all sort of agree on. Anna Duggar was unfortunate enough to marry a man who molested little girls. The last thing that she deserves is to be cheated on, right?

The Duggars weren’t shocked by the molestation news, because they were the ones who covered it up in the first place. But the porn and the cheating?

So, naturally, they sent him back to “therapy.”

Well, RadarOnline is reporting that Josh Duggar is now no longer in therapy.

(If you can even call it “therapy” in the first place)

Someone with the unenviable position of being a Duggar family insider shares:

“He’s doing great. He’s really folding into the lifestyle that comes with a new baby. He seems to have made some serious changes in his life.”

Now, if you’re thinking that you remember something or another about Josh Duggar having left therapy already, you’re thinking of his faith-based rehab facility.

Josh Duggar left rehab in the spring of 2016.

At the time when Josh departed from rehab, the Duggar family put out a statement:

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor to take important steps toward healing.”

In other words, they’d put Josh in their version of “therapy.”

“It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship.”

Honestly, even though Anna Duggar doesn’t deserve to be cheated on, we can’t imagine the levels of reinforced conditioning that made Anna believe that she needed to stay with Josh.

Even some of the Duck Dynasty stars were saying that she should feel free to divorce him.

“We are very thankful for God’s forgiveness, grace and help, as it is our strength and guide to rebuilding our lives.”

We’re not going to tell anyone what to believe, but we’d say that adultery can be forgiven. Molestation cannot.

“As the future unfolds, we are taking one day at a time and we are grateful for your continued prayers for both of us and our sweet children.”

You know, there are tasteful messages, and then there’s ending a post about Josh Duggar with “sweet children.” Yikes.

So, we in real life know that a leopard doesn’t change their spots.

So … how long until the next Josh Duggar scandal, do we think?

We’d imagine that Josh will try his best to lay low for a while before he tries anything new. He’ll want the family to be confident in him and to trust him again. If he’s finished with therapy, then he’s well on his way to that.

What getting caught these last times will tell him is how to not get caught next time.

What a creep.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Catelynn Lowell Post-Rehab: I"m Not Cured, But I"m Getting Better

In March, Catelynn Lowell entered rehab in Arizona to focus on her mental health.

“I went for just mental illness, panic attacks and depression and I was there for 30 days,” Lowell told OK! Magazine.

“It went well, they taught me lots of different things, I learned lots of good things.” 

Lowell warned that while she’s doing well, she’s not fully recovered. 

“Obviously it was going to be a work in progress, but as of now, things are going really good,” she said.

“I think the plus of me being so open and honest about it is it shows the truth of what it looks like to struggle with postpartum depression, and not even just postpartum depression, but also depression and panic attack disorder which I have.”

Lowell hopes her public struggle will cause fans to realize that it’s OK to admit that they’re battling a mental illness, and that getting help doesn’t make them weak.

“I think it’s good that I go out and show the truth because if anything, I feel like it’s going to help someone else and push them to go find the help that they need or inspire them to know they are not alone,” she said.

Lowell’s husband, Tyler Baltierra has been nothing but supportive of her.  He updated fans on Lowell’s health while she was away, and admitted that even thought it can get tough at times, he’ll never give up on her.

Last month, Baltierra wrote a beautiful tribute to his wife on Instagram celebrating more than ten years together.

“Today marks 11 years together with this amazing, selfless, beautiful & courageous soul.

“11 years ago today, me & Cate sat outside on the curb in the trailer park & decided to be “boyfriend & girlfriend” & to look at us now, more than a decade later, is very surreal,” he wrote.

“They say teenage love doesn’t last & that fairytale endings only happen in the movies…but I’m telling you, I’m living proof that it’s possible.

“As long as 2 people commit to each other 100% & unconditionally love each other…nothing can break the spiritual bond created between them.

“Our relationship has gone through devastating lows that would tear a “normal” couple apart…but we are far from normal.

“Our spirits will forever be in a continuous unity & our love for each other will nurture that unity.

I am so honored & blessed to have experienced the last 11 years of my life with a godsend angel that was destined to be cherished by me.

“I love you @catelynnmtv #HappyAnniversary #11Years.”

Teen Mom OG returns to MTV on August 22nd at 9 p.m.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Yolanda Foster: My Lyme Disease is Cured!

Depending on whom you ask, this news is either highly unexpected or long overdue.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Yolanda Foster has informed her bosses at Bravo that her Lyme disease symptoms have disappeared, and she’s ready to resume a full-time shooting schedule.

As you may know, Foster was diagnosed back on 2012, and her health appeared to deteriorate rapidly in the years that followed.

However, several of those closest to the 51-year-old former model (including her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars) have stated that they believe Yolanda is faking her illness.

Apparently, the final straw came when Yolanda’s ex, David Foster, questioned if she’s really sick, and now the controversial reality star is ready to strike back:

“[Yolanda] has informed Andy Cohen she will definitely be on board for the upcoming reunion,” an insider tells the website.

“During the reunion last year, Yolanda was only able to film for under an hour because she was suffering from the effects of her Lyme disease. But this year she feels like it’s almost a full recovery.”

Ironically, the source says that it was her castmates’ claims that she’s faking her illness that inspired Yolanda to return to the show.

“With the Lyme disease controversy being Yolanda’s storyline this year, she is ready to fight back against accusations she has been faking it,” the insider claims.

“Yolanda won’t allow the other ladies to bully her about the hell she has been through. She’s feeling much stronger than she has in months, and the ladies are going to be in for a big surprise when Yolanda lights into them.”

Huh. Frankly, we don’t think surprising the other ladies with her health and vibrancy will make them feel guilty about questioning Yolanda’s illness, but you do you, YoFo.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to decide for yourself if Yolanda was crying wolf all along.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pamela Anderson: I"m Cured, Now Let"s Save The Earth!

Earlier this month, Pamela Anderson got the best news EVER.

The former Baywatch star and PETA advocate shared with fans that she had been cured of Hepatitis C.

And now, it’s time to celebrate.

“It has been 20 years … and I always felt this little dark cloud hanging over me,” Anderson told People at a party for Coco Eco in Santa Monica, CA.

“I think anyone struggling with a disease that they say you can live with is still – it still plays into a lot of your decisions in your life.”

Anderson shared her diagnosis in 2002, having contracted the virus from Tommy Lee via a shared tattoo needle.  Lee, Anderson confirmed at the event, was cured a year ago.

“Twenty years ago they told me I would die in 10 years. And 10 years into that, they told me I would be able to live with it and probably die of something else, but it all was very scary stuff,” Anderson said.

“I’ve been too busy, I think it really hasn’t even hit me yet, but it’s exciting because now I get 20 years back on my life.”

The news has allowed Anderson to think big picture in terms of what she’s going to do with those bonus years.  

“People have to understand that climate change is a real thing and it’s the most important thing,” Anderson explained of her newest cause.

“So I’m going to go nuts. I’m kicking it up a notch. That fact that I get more time on this earth – I am going to be a great shepherd of the earth.”

For those still living with the virus, Anderson offered advice.

“They have to go to their doctor. They have to get tested. There’s different kinds of Hep C but there’s cures for every single one of them,” Anderson stressed.

“They just have to talk to their doctors and having insurance is the best thing to have. … It’s an expensive drug. So you better have insurance.”