Thursday, November 16, 2017

Josh Duggar: No More Therapy! I"m Cured!

You know, we’ve spent os much time talking about newly exposed sex monsters over the past several weeks. It might be easy for some to forget that there are some sex monsters that we’ve known about for years.

So … how is Josh Duggar doing these days?

Well, apparently, he’s “cured.”

The news that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, including four of his own sisters, was horrifying.

We’ve heard a lot of disturbing things about the Duggars over the years, including allegations of physical abuse perpetrated by Jim Bob and the way that the Duggars view women and their roles in marriage and society.

But that Josh Duggar’s molestation was actively covered up by the Duggar parents until a whistleblower came forward was shocking, even for that crowd.

They say that the first step to recovering is that you have to admit that you have a problem.

Josh Duggar doesn’t seem to have met that standard, since he’s apparently not sorry and blaming the devil for his actions. Great.

But see, the molestation isn’t what got Josh Duggar sent away to “therapy.”

(We say “therapy” because, though there are some great, professional religious counseling services in the world, Josh Duggar was sent to a shady faith-based retreat with views compatible with that of the Duggars. Not helpful)

Instead, Josh Duggar’s porn viewing (gasp!) and attempts to cheat on Anna Duggar using the Ashley Madison dating site were the cause for alarm within the Duggar family.

In real life, outside of the fringe views of the Duggar cult, we know that viewing pornography is normal and only rarely creates a problem (in the same way that drinking, or even hand-washing, might be done to excess and adversely impact someone’s life).

For the Duggars, it’s corruption by society or by “the culture” (a catch-all term that they use to refer to, you know, normal people who aren’t part of their fertility cult) and perhaps every bit as bad as the adultery.

The adultery thing, at least, we can all sort of agree on. Anna Duggar was unfortunate enough to marry a man who molested little girls. The last thing that she deserves is to be cheated on, right?

The Duggars weren’t shocked by the molestation news, because they were the ones who covered it up in the first place. But the porn and the cheating?

So, naturally, they sent him back to “therapy.”

Well, RadarOnline is reporting that Josh Duggar is now no longer in therapy.

(If you can even call it “therapy” in the first place)

Someone with the unenviable position of being a Duggar family insider shares:

“He’s doing great. He’s really folding into the lifestyle that comes with a new baby. He seems to have made some serious changes in his life.”

Now, if you’re thinking that you remember something or another about Josh Duggar having left therapy already, you’re thinking of his faith-based rehab facility.

Josh Duggar left rehab in the spring of 2016.

At the time when Josh departed from rehab, the Duggar family put out a statement:

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor to take important steps toward healing.”

In other words, they’d put Josh in their version of “therapy.”

“It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship.”

Honestly, even though Anna Duggar doesn’t deserve to be cheated on, we can’t imagine the levels of reinforced conditioning that made Anna believe that she needed to stay with Josh.

Even some of the Duck Dynasty stars were saying that she should feel free to divorce him.

“We are very thankful for God’s forgiveness, grace and help, as it is our strength and guide to rebuilding our lives.”

We’re not going to tell anyone what to believe, but we’d say that adultery can be forgiven. Molestation cannot.

“As the future unfolds, we are taking one day at a time and we are grateful for your continued prayers for both of us and our sweet children.”

You know, there are tasteful messages, and then there’s ending a post about Josh Duggar with “sweet children.” Yikes.

So, we in real life know that a leopard doesn’t change their spots.

So … how long until the next Josh Duggar scandal, do we think?

We’d imagine that Josh will try his best to lay low for a while before he tries anything new. He’ll want the family to be confident in him and to trust him again. If he’s finished with therapy, then he’s well on his way to that.

What getting caught these last times will tell him is how to not get caught next time.

What a creep.
