Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: TWITTER FEUD ALERT!

Yolanda Foster and her children’s Lyme disease continues to be a hot topic on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and now it’s become a hot topic on Twitter.

The former model and RHOBH cast mate Lisa Rinna exchanged jabs on the social media platform over who-said-what about Yolanda and her kids’ condition.

Let’s back up a sec.

In episodes past, we’ve seen the Housewives question whether Yolanda really has Lyme or is faking it.

Then in October, after she announced her children Bella and Anwar Hadid were also suffering from the condition, Lisa Vanderpump insinuated that she heard from the kids’ father Mohamed that the kids were “fine” and did not have Lyme.

Well, this pissed off Yolanda big time.

She had reason to believe Lisa Rinna also said the kids were Lyme-free, which set off a entire she said-she said debacle that eventually led to Housewife Erika Girardi admitting in a confessional that she was the guilty party.

However, when Yolanda responded to a fan’s question about why she fingered Rinna, she answered:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 1

This made Rinna most unhappy, claiming she’d been a scapegoat then turning the tables on Yolanda.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 2

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 3

Yolanda fired back:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 4

(Munchausen syndrome is a psychological disorder in which a person feigns an illness to receive sympathy or attention.)

The two remained silent for a few hours, possibly because they both went and took naps.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 5

This exchange is somewhat puzzling, because Rinna was actually on Yolanda’s side last year when the other Housewives accused her of faking her disease.

But, hey, a Twitter war makes for good headlines, and possibly more viewers to the high-drama Bravo show.