Showing posts with label Hears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hears. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian Promotes Perfume in Wake of Mass Shooting, Hears All About It

Kim Kardashian stands accused of caring more about her brand and her bank account than about the lives of 12 dead people in California.

This is a very harsh asssessment, but it’s one shared by a number of Kim’s Twitter followers right now.

The reality star has garnered quite a bit of backlash for what some perceive as an incredibly tone deaf Tweet on Thursday morning.

It reads as follows:

So excited! @KKWFRAGRANCE is coming to @ultabeauty this holiday season! My fragrances launch in all stores across the country on Sunday 11/25!

And then another almost immediately proceeded it:

Get ready! #KKWFRAGRANCE is coming to all @ultabeauty stores on Sunday 11.25! #KKWFragranceUltaBeauty.

On the surface, this is exactly what any follower of Kardashian would expect: a promotion of her makeup, beauty or perfume collection.

But the self-serving messages came just hours after the world learned of another mass shooting, as a dozen people were gunned down in a bar in Thousand Oaks around 11:20 p.m. on Wednesday.

bad kim tweets

As you might expect, many social media users responded to Kim’s fragrance shilling by asking what the heck the mother of three was thinking by sending them in light of this tragedy.

Here’s a look at some of the most pointed responded to Kardashian’s Tweets:

12 people are dead this morning Kim…and it happened a city over from your home. Get it together.

I would be much more interested with the developing facts behind a mass murder in Thousand Oaks, CA, that went down late last night Kim! But you really blew this one big time! Massively! Kris Jenner needs have a heart to heart with you!

Mass shooting right in ur state & as ALWAYS none of ur fam say shhh, WHY would any of you? U all have armed guards 24/7 on you, F the rest of us right? Don’t preach to me on gun control HYPOCRITE, MAKE UR MONEY #ThousandOaks

You are aware that there was a mass shooting one town over, right?

The thing is, Kim was likely unaware of this horrific massacre at the time the Tweets went live.

Based on the similarity of the messages, as well as how they were posted back-to-back, they were almost definitely scheduled to go up when they did, at some point before the aforecited bar patrons were killed.

And Kardashian has actually been a vocal proponent of gun control in the past.

In February, following a mass shooting in Florida, Kim earned our praise for responding as follows online:

“We owe it to our children and our teachers to keep them safe while at school. Prayers won’t do this: action will. Congress, please do your job and protect Americans from senseless gun violence.”

So this is one important topic on which the star has been admirably vocal.

Still, the unfortunate timing of Kim’s Tweets here coincide with Kardashian having to recently apologize for using the R-Word in video.

She may be best served by explaining the situation and issuing a statement about the shooting and gun control in general, simply to avoid another scandal.

Not that what folks think about Kim Kardashian is remotely the point right now.

What politicians think about the state of our country and the role guns play in it is infinitely more pressing.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Michael Jackson: La Toya Jackson Hears His Final Thoughts on Hollywood Medium

The third season finale of Hollywood Medium aired, and Tyler Henry sat down with La Toya Jackson to speak of the tragic passing of late music legend Michael Jackson.

It has been nine years, and a number of lingering questions have weighed heavily on La Toya"s heart and soul. 

As you"ll see in the video below, she"s sitting down with everyone"s favorite adorable Medium for a very serious conversation about Michael"s final thoughts.

La toya jackson and tyler henry on hollywood medium

Tyler Henry speaks of Michael Jackson, saying:

"He"s acknowledging that he should not have been left alone at a time when he was left alone."

The circumstances of Michael"s passing have been a source of speculation and uncertainty for nine years, now.

"And that"s coming in. And that"s what he"s putting a lot of emphasis on."

But it isn"t La Toya who is to blame.

"The person who should have been there to monitor wasn"t monitoring."

Henry says that the message communicated to him was that the person charged with looking after Michael had abandoned him.

"And it"s like "I trusted you to be there, I trusted the role that you were supposed to have to help me, and you left.""

La toya jackson on hollywood medium

La Toya asks: "Did something happen while he was abandoned?"

Tyler Henry answers, saying:

"It"s the interesting thing with this … because I feel like, when he was abandoned, that would have been an ideal time for him to try to reach 911, to try to call for help, to try to get help."

This is when he begins to describe Michael"s final thoughts.

"At this time, he realized that something was wrong while he was alive."

He clarifies:

"And that"s when he was conscious and realizing something"s wrong here."

But again, he laments — or rather, says that Michael laments — that there was no one there to help.

"But I just don"t feel like he had someone to, like, say "hey, I"m having a medical emergency.""

La Toya summarizes:

"Right, no one was there to save him, yeah, okay."

Tyler henry on hollywood medium

Tyler continues, this time lapsing into first person.

"And so after I realize that something is going wrong in here, there is this feeling of … oh, this medication kicks in."

But those medications, Tyler says, robbed Michael of his ability to seek help.

"I actually become affected by this medicine."

And then he describes a powerful feeling of panic.

"So it"s kind of like, a feeling of like, oh my god, what do I do, I don"t want to waste time, like clearly something is happening."

He says that it happened quickly.

"And this is happening very fast."

La toya jackson on hollywood medium

La Toya responds to her illuminating experience with Tyler, syaing:

"I think what hurts more than anything else is that, not only is there a need for someone to be there for him, but there was a trusted person … and that person wasn"t there."

Even though she"s mourned and processed Michael"s death, she"s still crushed. She will always grieve him.

"And just to hear that, really, it tears you apart."

Even to this day, she"s heartbroken over it.

"I wanted to just cry."

We hope that Tyler Henry"s reading was able to bring her closure.

Tyler henry and la toya jackson on hollywood medium

Obviously, Hollywood Medium is sometimes controversial with certain groups.

Some believe that Tyler Henry is perpetrating a fraud and should not be speaking to these people, no matter how much closure and peace it may bring them.

Others believe that he is very real, but that his readings are the work of dark forces (the devil) and that mediums should not be "glorified" on television.

But no matter what you believe, it"s hard to see that he"s doing any harm. In fact, he seems to bring a lot of peace and closure to a lot of people.

Check out the video of his conversation with La Toya. She clearly feels validated by his words.

Michael jackson la toya jackson hears his final thoughts on holl

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Amy Roloff Prepares for Easter, Hears It from Jesus Fans

Without intending to do so, Amy Roloff has managed to make a plateful of cookies seem controversial.

The Little People, Big World star jumped on Instagram last week to share a delicious looking photo.

It features Amy sitting alone at a table, except for the yummy items in front of her; from mini muffins to some kind of bread and even a few painted eggs.

“I’m already planning for Easter,” she wrote to open a lengthy caption, continuing as follows:

“It’s a special time and celebration to me because what Jesus did! And I’m with my family. Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen is all about sharing what I love with you.

“Recipes, food and why I love being in the kitchen making delicious baked goods and meals. That gather people together and around the table.”

So… why the aforementioned controversy?

Because Easter is arguably the most sacred and important of all Catholic holidays.

It is meant as a celebration for the surprising resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And Amy is using it as a way to shill for her website and her company?!? Does she have no sense of decorum or respect?!?

So argues a few harsh critics, at least.

“Really, Amy?!? Must you exploit this holiday for your own selfish gain?” wrote one follower in response to this post.

The post, meanwhile, goes on a bit more:

I remember how I loved coloring eggs w/ my kids and hiding them before they woke up to find them. And making Easter baskets with something special in it that reminded them what Easter truly is all about. I

’d baked a lemon poppy seed bread (in photo) quiche, cheesecake, honey baked ham and other goodies for our meal. I get excited just thinking about it.

We get hungry just thinking about it.

But some get angry.

“Just stop, Amy,” said another hater. “Of ALL days, this one is not about you.”

In the past, Amy’s daughter also got dragged for using God and religion to pitch her own products.

Amy, meanwhile, typically hears it from trolls who don’t approve of her romance with Chris Marek.

But he wasn’t the source of contention this time around.

Concluded Roloff in her caption:

My kids are all grown up now and it’ll be fun to see them with their kids at Easter and start their own traditions. What are some of your Easter traditions and things you make? Check out Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen at

Thank you for your support and encouragement. Have a wonderful almost Spring day.

Roloff also used the hashtags “#amyroloffslittlekitchen,” “#Easter,” “#celebratetraditions,” “#familylife,” and “#sharingourstory.”

What do you think of this scandal?

Is it really a scandal?

Is Amy just doing what any entrepreneur anywhere would do?

Or should Easter really not be a holiday that gets the hashtag treatment because it is too sacred?

We want to hear your opinion, readers!


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Amy Roloff Takes Trip with Boyfriend, Hears It from the Haters

Amy Roloff recently went on an innocent and enjoyable vacation with long-time boyfriend Chris Marek.

Or at least Amy Roloff thought she went on an innocent and enjoyable vacation with long-time boyfriend Chris Marek.

As we’re discovering nearly everyday, however, the Little People, Big World star can’t do much of anything without getting dragged all around the Internet by a bunch of trolls and haters.

In this case, Amy simply shared the photo above and included with it the caption below:

What a blast! Went to ID to visit Chris’s family and go snowmobiling. Just beautiful.

She also added the hashtags “#allaboutfamily #amyssecondactcontinues #snowmobiling #idahocountry #chrisandamyPdx.”

Seems like a fun little trip to take during the winter, a nice way to take advantage of the cold elements while enjoying some time together as a couple.

That’s how we view it, at least.

But certain people on Instagram responded to this picture in the same way they have responded to old photos of Amy and Chris: via lots of disdain and scorn for some reason.

One individual, for example, actually dragged Amy for her appearance, writing:

“Please smile with your mouth closed!!! YIKES.”

Another, meanwhile, looked at this picture and instantly jumped to the conclusion that upcoming installments of Little People, Big World would focus entirely on this romance.

“Have a feeling the new shows are going to be her little adventures,” wrote this person, clearly unhappy with this prospect while adding:

“not what LPBW has always been about…hope not….would be disappointing if they change the show…others shows have tried that and it did not work….”

We’d love to know why this user thinks such a thing – and also why this user thinks such a thing would be so terrible.

amy hate

Despite the fact that Amy and Matt Roloff have been divorced for years and that each has moved on to someone else and that the split is very amicable…

… many viewers just can’t handle the idea of Amy dating Chris.

They took her to task just a few weeks ago for another picture she shared of herself and Marek, slamming Roloff for living in sin because they assumed she and her man had moved in together.

One, this has never been confirmed.

Two, who the heck is anyone to judge Amy if she did decide to reside with her serious boyfriend?!?

Thankfully, Amy does still have a lot of supporters out there.

A user named “lovemydogs3,” for example, wrote the following in response to the first image posted in this article:

Happy for you Amy! You’re a wonderful person and glad you found someone to have adventures with! I know from previous shows you are an adventurer.

You have a great spirit! God bless you.

Really, is that attitude so difficult for others to express as well?

Must we wildly speculate about Marek’s motives for dating Roloff?

Sadly, this is what some folks out there think the Internet is for.

We’re just glad to see that Amy doesn’t appear to be letting the misguided hate bring her down.

You keep doing you, girl.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian Rocks "Bo Derek" Dreadlocks, Hears It From Haters

Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but…

… a member of the Kardashian-Jenner family has been accused of cultural appropriation.

This term is applied when a (typically white) individual doesn’t copy a certain style made popular by someone from a different background of out respect or as some kind of tribute.

But does so instead to simply further him or herself; for self-promotional reasons only.

It’s most commonly used to slam Caucasians for “stealing” something from African-Americans, usually a look or a theme.

Like dreadlocks.

It should not be a controversial statement to say that dreadlocks were made popular by African-American women. It is this section of society that basically created the hairdo.

So this brings us to Kim Kardashian.

She shared the following photo a few hours ago on Snapchat:

Even worse (in the eyes of critics), she wrote the following caption along with it:

“So guys, I did Bo Derek braids and I’m really into it.”

Short… but not very sweet, based on the reaction of many Internet users.

The mention of Bo Derek is a reference to the veteran actress and her role in the 1970s movie 10.

And it’s very much true that Derek rocked some serious braids for that film, as you can see here:

But many comments left on Kim’s video took major issue with Kardashian giving Derek any sort of credit for inventing this style of hair.

“Kim Kardashian on snap talking bout her Fulani braids are ‘Bo-Derek braids,’ while she got 3 black children I CANT tonight,” one Twitter user wrote, while another chimed in with:

“Kim Kardashian about to hear it from black Twitter. She’ll have them braids out by Tuesday, along with an apology saying how she didn’t mean to offend anyone.”

That’s probably true.

Here’s a look at some of the more harsh responses:

Kardashian and her sisters have a long history of this sort of thing.

In October, Kourtney was slammed for dressing up like Michael Jackson for Halloween.

In August of 2016, Khloe heard it from haters when it came to her hair.

And remember when Kendall and Kylie Jenner tried to profit off Tupac and Biggle? YIKES.

You can agree or disagree with critics who have come down hard on Kardashian for this latest look.

And you can also scroll through the photos below to compare and contrast past unique hairstyles.

But we can all agree on one thing: Kim Kardashian looks best nude.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan King Edmonds Covers Latina Magazine, Hears It From Critics

Meghan King Edmonds stars on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

And we say this with no disrespect nor any judgment of any kind, really, but…

… it may very well be the whitest show on television.

Each week, this Bravo series just pits one spoiled rich white woman against each other, as one First World Problem after another is discussed and dissected in nauseating detail.

Doesn’t mean the program isn’t entertaining.

It’s just… very white.

This likely explains the outcry by some on the Internet in response to Edmonds being featured on the latest cover of Latina Magazine.

The reality star, who is pregnant with her second child, at least seems to recognize that she isn’t the typical main subject of this particular publication.

First, she shared the following image on Instagram:

Then, she included the following caption along with it.

“I’m so proud and honored to be on the cover of @latinamagazine1 and represent @glamarella_jewelry!” wrote the cable network personality, adding:

“I loved doing this shoot right after I found out I was pregnant! No, I’m not Latina but I was asked to be on the cover and talk about my life and #RHOC in the cover story so I guess I’m blessed to be an honorary Latina this month!

“(By the way, big shout out to my husband for my engagement ring that got a front and center shot!)”

Ah yes, an “honorary Latina.”

It’s safe to say this cover shoot and this phrase didn’t sit well with readers of the magazine.

“Dressed up the nice white lady to look like a Latina for Latina magazine because?” wrote one dissatisfied Internet user.

“This is the same as black facing only for Latinas now! What a fail.”

Not exactly, of course. It would maybe the same if Edmonds’ skin was darkened or she was wearing a sombrero or something.

But general point still taken.

Other critics laid into Latina for putting “white privilege” on display, while another person chimed in with:

“This is beyond disappointing and such a slap in the face to the ENTIRE community. Shame on you!”

This magazine does consistently feature prominent Latinas such as Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lopez, Paulina Rubio, Jessica Alba, Shakira, Eva Longoria, Salma Hayek, Eva Mendes, Christina Aguilera, Naya Rivera, America Ferrera and even Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The November 2015 issue featured girl group Fifth Harmony, whose three out of five members are Latinas, marking the first time two non-Latinas were featured on the cover of the magazine.

So this was a trend that started a couple years ago.

What do you think of this supposed scandal?

Do the haters have a point?

Or should everyone be okay with Latina diversifying its cover subjects a bit?

Edmonds and her co-stars – including Vicki Gunvalson, Kelly Dodd, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, Lydia McLaughlin, and Peggy Sulahian – will return for Season 13 some time next year.

Will you be tuning in?


Monday, December 11, 2017

Bullied Middle Schooler Shares Tearful Video, Hears from Hollywood

Keaton Jones has gone viral for the most unfortunate of reasons.

Only a middle school student, this young Tennessee native has recorded a video in which he addresses the bullies who have been harassing him at school and asks a simple, heartbreaking question:


Why are you doing this to me, he says below?

Why would anyone treat another human being in this manner?

"Just out of curiosity, why do they bully? What what"s the point of it?" Keaton asks in this footage, talking his mother after he asked to pick him up because he was afraid to go to lunch.

"They make fun of my nose, they call me ugly," he adds. "They pour milk on me and put ham down my clothes…"

It"s truly heartbreaking to watch.

The one positive that has come out of the video, however, is that word has spread.

The recording has been shared thousands of times across various social media platforms, reaching celebrities such as Snoop Dogg, Eva Longoria, Sean Hannity and many others.

"Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to "em?" Keaton says.

"It"s not okay…People that are different don"t need to be criticized about it. It"s not their fault."

At one point, Keaton even summons the strength to address other victims of bullying.

"If you are made fun of, just don"t let it bother you. Stay strong, I guess. It"s hard, but it will probably get better one day."

Tweeted actress Jaimie Alexander (Blindspot) in response:

Keaton Jones. You sweet soul. You sweet, beautiful soul. You are perfect just as you are. Inspiring and brave. Courageous. Loved beyond measure.

Click PLAY to watch Keaton"s tearful plea and join us in offering him reassurance:

Yes, it really will get better one day. We promise.

Keaton jones bullied middle schooler shares tearful video stars

Friday, January 20, 2017

Girl Snaps Selfie in Messiest Room EVER, Hears All About It

The following selfie features a young woman from New Orleans named Alyssa.

But it really features one of the messiest bedrooms you"ve ever seen in your entire life.

Earlier this month, Alyssa did what Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian and so many other females have done before her: she posed for a photo in the mirror while wearing a fancy dress.

What"s the big deal, you are likely asking?

All the clutter surrounding Alyssa and the dress, as noted by pretty much everyone on Twitter.

See what we mean below…


1. Going to Dinner!

Going to dinner

What do you think of my sexy dress, Alyssa asked followers? But they proceeded to offer up their thoughts on the incomprehensible mess all around here instead…

2. Ummm… Is That a Waffle Maker?

Ummm is that a waffle maker

By your bedside table? We can’t figure out if we’re confused, scared or impressed.

3. And Is That a Rat?!?

And is that a rat

That settles it. We’re definitely NOT impressed.

4. Let’s Focus on the Fashion

Lets focus on the fashion

Forget the rat (!!!) for a moment. Why are you wearing nude-colored shoes with a black dress?

5. Especially When You Have Other Options

Especially when you have other options

May we suggest the black heel sitting right behind you?

6. Or Maybe a Pair of Uggs?

Or maybe a pair of uggs

It’s cold outisde and they’re RIGHT THERE!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Jeremy Calvert Posts Photo of Daughter with MASSIVE Gun, Hears it From Critics

Teen Mom 2 fans are up in arms out after Jeremy Calvert posted a picture of his three-year-old daughter, Adalynn, with a rather large gun.

Well, some fans are up in arms. Others are less irate. Or all for it!

Jeremy’s weapon was not loaded at the time, it’s worth noting.

The reality star used his Instagram caption to reassure naysayers of this fact and that his daughter with Leah Messer was not in danger.

“She said, ‘Daddy, let’s go hunting and shoot a coyote…"” Jeremy wrote, clearly proud of his offspring (who looks just like him BTW).

“Lol better watch out boys, she won’t miss.”

A lot of people weren’t LOLing, but if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow Jer on Insta, you know he’s not one to give many f–ks.

In fact, he seemed to know the hate was imminent.

“P.S. yes people it’s a gun and it’s also unloaded get over it…” 

This is the Internet, of course. “eople never get over it.

“This is deeply troubling,” one fan responded indignantly, right on cue and excoriating this move as the worst kind of parenting imaginable.

“I can’t say I’ve ever commented on a celebrity’s post before but this really saddened me. When did childhood stop meaning innocence?”

“Around guns there can be no innocence.”

“I think it’s simply time to unfollow,” another comment reads, adding that it may seem innocent what he’s doing, but think of the little girl.

“For a small child, this has such vast implications,” writes the fan, clearly of the mind that such upbringing may not be the best idea.

“She can’t simply press the unfollow button.”

Deep stuff right there, ladies and gentlemen.

Another took the rebuke to the next level.

“What the f–k Jeremy? I don’t give a s–t that it’s unloaded … treat it like it is loaded!” the fan wrote, urging him to rethink such behavior.

“This is giving her the wrong impression of what a firearm is. It’s not a toy! Why don’t you try being a responsible parent for once.”

“Giving gun owners a bad rep.”

In fairness, other Instagram followers praised Jeremy for allowing little Addy to get “comfortable” with a gun, which is just a part of life.

Gotta start ‘em young … or not?

Another defender of Calvert, who is now engaged to Brooke Wehr, said, “the thing is she won’t just go grab it because she thinks it’s okay.”

“That is part of teaching our kids gun safety!”

“My daughters know not to touch guns at all unless there is an adult to supervise. Whenever they see one they know to go tell an adult asap.”

Maybe, this member of the pro-Calvert gun photo camp posits, it’s “because we teach our kids safety and not that they are evil machines.”

The argument, questionable but not irrational, is that perhaps more exposure to guns would lead to fewer tragedies, this fan concluded.

Others were more ambivalent about the whole thing.

“We live in WV for God sake!! There is nothing wrong with this picture!! If he wants to take a picture with his daughter and his gun then let him”

“I’m sure he wasn’t posting to get nasty reactions.”

“It’s a cute picture! How is anyone to judge others!!?”

Apparently this fan is new to the whole social media thing – especially when it comes to parenting – but the sentiment is nice, at least. 

One can only imagine how Leah Messer feels.

Part of her may be alarmed at the sight, but then again, she is from West Virginia, and she’s been embroiled in her fair share of controversies.

Some of them, admittedly, over absurd things.

What do you think? Is Jeremy Calvert crossing a line with this photo of Addy and his gun? Or are people getting outraged over nothing?

Hit the comments and let us know!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Leah Messer SHADES Unnamed Lover, Hears it From Twitter

Troubled Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer took a telling, passive-aggressive SHOT on Twitter that quickly caused an uproar among fans.

As she gears up for her court date with Corey Simms, she spoke someone who was creating issues, and she’s not happy with them:

“You can’t run from the issues YOU created…. #JustSaying.”

Leah didn’t name her first ex-husband Corey Simms, with whom she is battling for custody of her six-year-old daughters, in the Tweet.

It’s possible, though unlikely, that she was directing it at her second ex-husband Jeremy Calvert, with whom she’s been on better terms.

She’s also dating T.R. Dues – and was even rumored to be cheating on T.R. Dues with Jeremy Calvert – so there’s yet another possibility.

The most logical target for that Leah’s latest salvo seems like Simms, however, and regardless, people on Twitter weren’t impressed.

Considering all she’s done in the last several years, fans felt Messer’s comment was ironic at best … and brazenly hypocritical at worst.

“Says the serial cheater, who can’t parent her kids with out been high on pills,” wrote one fan, taking the Teen Mom 2 star to task.

Added another: “You cried that your husband left you for no reason because you can’t admit that you cheated on him multiple times.”

Others were even more harsh: “You’re such a hypocrite. You went to REHAB for drugs but you told everyone it was therapy for anxiety.”

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Leah has been accused of cheating on Jeremy with her former boyfriend, Robbie Kidd.

Then, she admitted hooking up with Simms one time in his truck while her ex-hubby was married to his current wife, Miranda Patterson.

Frequent drug rumors haven’t helped her reputation, either.

Simms and Calvert have both spoken out about her addiction issues, and Messer recently lost primary custody of her kids with Corey.

She’s been fighting him hard in court, but it looks like she has a ways to go in terms of repairing her image in the court of public opinion.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ashley Benson Dresses as Cecil the Lion, Hears It from Critics

A Pretty Little Liar has made a pretty major costume faux pas.

Ashley Benson took to Instagram on Tuesday in order to give followers an early look at her Halloween outfit, sharing the following image and explaining her look thusly:

“Help! Can’t decide on my Halloween costume this year! What do you guys think of this cecil the lion costume? @yandy #thanksyandy #halloweencostume.”

Cecil the Lion, of course, was a protected animal in Africa who unfortunately made headlines this summer after a dentist from Minnesota shot and killed him illegally.

Not long afterward, online stores started to sell Cecil the Lion costumes, offending many who don’t think it’s appropriate to use an innocent creature’s murder as some kind of holiday prop.

So you can imagine the backlash Benson received upon posting this photo.

The criticism was so extreme and immediate, in fact, that the young actress quickly jumped online and changed her wording to simply read:

“What do you guys think of this lion costume?”

But at least follower wasn’t gonna allow Benson to get away with this edit, shooting back at her:

“you called it ‘Cecil the Lion!’ #clueless #smh #insensitive,” while another added:

”It’s a shame lions can’t wear dead ignorant humans as costumes. Totally unaware douche.”


At least Benson has company in the controversial costume game, as you can see above.

To see the star dressed in far less scandalous attire, follow this link to watch Pretty Little Liars online.