Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan King Edmonds Covers Latina Magazine, Hears It From Critics

Meghan King Edmonds stars on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

And we say this with no disrespect nor any judgment of any kind, really, but…

… it may very well be the whitest show on television.

Each week, this Bravo series just pits one spoiled rich white woman against each other, as one First World Problem after another is discussed and dissected in nauseating detail.

Doesn’t mean the program isn’t entertaining.

It’s just… very white.

This likely explains the outcry by some on the Internet in response to Edmonds being featured on the latest cover of Latina Magazine.

The reality star, who is pregnant with her second child, at least seems to recognize that she isn’t the typical main subject of this particular publication.

First, she shared the following image on Instagram:

Then, she included the following caption along with it.

“I’m so proud and honored to be on the cover of @latinamagazine1 and represent @glamarella_jewelry!” wrote the cable network personality, adding:

“I loved doing this shoot right after I found out I was pregnant! No, I’m not Latina but I was asked to be on the cover and talk about my life and #RHOC in the cover story so I guess I’m blessed to be an honorary Latina this month!

“(By the way, big shout out to my husband for my engagement ring that got a front and center shot!)”

Ah yes, an “honorary Latina.”

It’s safe to say this cover shoot and this phrase didn’t sit well with readers of the magazine.

“Dressed up the nice white lady to look like a Latina for Latina magazine because?” wrote one dissatisfied Internet user.

“This is the same as black facing only for Latinas now! What a fail.”

Not exactly, of course. It would maybe the same if Edmonds’ skin was darkened or she was wearing a sombrero or something.

But general point still taken.

Other critics laid into Latina for putting “white privilege” on display, while another person chimed in with:

“This is beyond disappointing and such a slap in the face to the ENTIRE community. Shame on you!”

This magazine does consistently feature prominent Latinas such as Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lopez, Paulina Rubio, Jessica Alba, Shakira, Eva Longoria, Salma Hayek, Eva Mendes, Christina Aguilera, Naya Rivera, America Ferrera and even Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The November 2015 issue featured girl group Fifth Harmony, whose three out of five members are Latinas, marking the first time two non-Latinas were featured on the cover of the magazine.

So this was a trend that started a couple years ago.

What do you think of this supposed scandal?

Do the haters have a point?

Or should everyone be okay with Latina diversifying its cover subjects a bit?

Edmonds and her co-stars – including Vicki Gunvalson, Kelly Dodd, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, Lydia McLaughlin, and Peggy Sulahian – will return for Season 13 some time next year.

Will you be tuning in?
