Showing posts with label Ozzfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozzfest. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ozzy Osbourne"s Ozzfest Sues Over Central Park"s OZY Fest

Someone’s trying to make a buck off Ozzy Osbourne’s name and his long-running concert festival … according to a new lawsuit. Ozzy’s company’s unleashing their lawyers on a Central Park music event called OZY Fest — short for OZY Fusion Fest –…


Ozzy Osbourne"s Ozzfest Sues Over Central Park"s OZY Fest

Someone’s trying to make a buck off Ozzy Osbourne’s name and his long-running concert festival … according to a new lawsuit. Ozzy’s company’s unleashing their lawyers on a Central Park music event called OZY Fest — short for OZY Fusion Fest –…
