Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne: BACK TOGETHER, Says Daughter Kelly!

Really, Osbournes? After all that fuss?

Last month, we saw one of Hollywood"s most enduring relationships come to an end when Sharon Osbourne announced she was leaving Ozzy Osbourne after 33 years of marriage.

Ozzy was reportedly having an affair with hairstylist Michelle Pugh, and Sharon admitted throwing the rocker out of the house after making the discovery.

Sharon wasn"t shy about notifying the public, either.

Just a couple days after the news broke, Sharon re-assumed her hosting duties on The Talk, appearing at the table sipping a tall glass of lemonade.

For those with short attention spans, lemonade is the drink of choice by scorned women everywhere, made popular by fellow cheatee, Beyonce, through her latest album, "Lemonade."  

But now, it seems Sharon"s changing her tune.

Daughter Kelly Osbourne tells The Insider that her parents are now together.

"My mom and dad are together right now," Kelly said, in a tone suggesting, DUH.

She explained that no woman [expletive, expletive] was going to ruin her family, because somehow all the blame should be placed on the mistress, and not the cheater?

"I will never not be good with my dad," she said.

"That does not mean that I think what he did wasn"t f**king stupid, but that"s between him and I. I"m a daddy"s girl. I love my dad."

Fans were shocked at the breakup news, most notably because Sharon has stuck with Ozzy throughout many years of god-awful behavior – cheating included.

So why would she dump him now?

Well, a number of skeptics surmise that the entire blowup was nothing but a PR stunt executed just in time to gain publicity before Ozzy"s world tour.

It all makes sense now.

Lest we forget Sharon was the original Kris Jenner, and the modern day version of PT Barnum.


Sharon and ozzy osbourne back together says daughter kelly