Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jim Bellino to Tamra Judge: Turn Over Those Secret Text Messages or You"re GONNA PAY!

The newly divorced Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

He clames that they deiiberately and maliciously spread lies about him in a diabolical plot to ruin his reputation and his business.

Now, he’s insisting that Tamra surrender her text messages to the court, which he says will expose this alleged scheme.

According to new court documents that The Blast obtained this week, Jim Bellino believes that he can prove malicious forethought.

How? Because Tamra and Shannon’s interview that launched this whole thing featured a visual aid.

“The premeditated nature of the Defendants vicious personal attack is reflected in the visual backdrop of the videotaped interview,” his attorneys argue.

The backdrop is one “which consists of a photo of Mr. Bellino and his ex-wife Alexis Bellino edited into two pieces, with a rip between them.”

The suggestion here is that Tamra and Shannon had planned in advance to roast him, and that the edited photo is proof of that.

More to the point, Jim’s team argues that Tamra’s body language betrays her allegedly sinister intent.

Tamra, his attorneys note, “grins and pumps her shoulders” when the Bellino divorce comes up.

They write in court documents that she is “unable to contain her excitement and eagerness to tear into Mr. Bellino and his reputation.”

That sounds like a bit of a stretch.

Being excited to discuss a topic isn’t the same thing as being eager to defame someone.

It’s hard for attorneys to claim to know exactly what someone was thinking.

Speculation about Tamra’s intentions will be moot, however, if her text messaging history contains what Jim thinks that it contains.

In court documents, Jim’s team demands that Tamra surrender her text messaging history.

It is their belief that this will yield “substantial direct or circumstantial evidence” of malicious forethought.

So, in other words, he believes that Tamra and Shannon plotted to ruin his good name, and that they texted about it beforehand.

That is quite a claim. And text messages are very personal.

This whole thing got started this summer when Tamra and Shannon sat down to talk about the Bellino divorce.

Alexis Bellino was, of course, their co-star. For a time, she was even friends with Tamra.

Shannon and Tamra discussed — we’ll be a little careful when we talk about this, but one might say that they gossiped — about Jim’s business.

At one point, they discussed the allegation that someone had been seriously injured at one of his trampoline parks.

It is normal to discuss things that you have heard. But when you’re a public figure, your words carry more weight.

Did Tamra and Shannon really conspire to drag Jim’s name through the mud and destroy his business? That … could be hard to prove.

Even if it’s true, it’s not clear if he’ll be awarded the $ 1 million that he is seeking.

Tamra’s attorneys have already hit back at some of Jim’s claims, saying that her characterization that Jim Bellino is “shady’ is demonstrably true.

Her team mentions that Jim agreed to a deal with the FBI over counterfeit sports memorabilia.sales.

They also note that he’s been sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, and breach of written contract over his company’s activities.

In other words, she stands by her assertion that he is a “shady motherf–ker” and says that it’s not slander because it’s true.

The lawsuit has another hearing schedules in December.

If Tamra really does have to turn over her text messages, well, that will be unpleasant. Text messages are very private.

If these were medical records, they mgiht be turned over to a Special Master for review so that only the relevant materials, if any, would be entered into evidence.

We’re no legal experts, but text messages probably won’t get the same sacrosanct treatment.

So even if there’s no merit to Jim’s claims, Tamra might not want to air her personal business, especially when celebrity court documents have a habit of leaking.

This whole lawsuit is a messy affair.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Asia Argento Text Messages: The 17-Year-Old Came On to ME!

One of Harvey Weinstein"s many, many accusers who has come forward was Asia Argento.

Now, Asia herself is accused of sexual battery of a minor and of having paid hush money to the now-22-year-old former child actor to cover up an alleged sexual encounter from when he was 17 … and she was 37.

In public, she has denied that this took place. But screenshots of some private text messages tell another story.

TMZ got their hands on some text messages that appear to show Asia confiding in a friend about the situation and what the public doesn"t know. You can see mock-ups of these text messages below.

Asia has apparently been telling confidants that Jimmy Bennett was the sexual aggressor, and that he continued to send her unsolicited nudes up until two weeks before sending her a shakedown letter.

As you are about to see, Asia seems to consider herself a victim.

She also says that the late, great Anthony Bourdain, whom she had been dating before his passing, encouraged her to keep this story under wraps.

Take a look:

1. Asia says that he came onto her

Asia argento texts 01

Obviously, she can’t tell her side of the story if she says that there IS no story

2. She says that she didn’t know that he was a minor

Asia argento texts 02

We get that she’s Italian and so might not be hung up on the number 18 like Americans are, but “when in Rome” absolutely goes both ways. It is the adult’s responsibility.

3. Does she have evidence of his years of unsolicited nudes?

Asia argento texts 03

We guess that she never felt like she would one day need to have them as evidence.

4. So, why didn’t she report the shakedown letter?

Asia argento texts 04

Apparently, her late boyfriend Anthony Bourdain also encouraged her to do it quietly.

5. She does have some reciepts, though

Asia argento texts 05

80 pages is a lot. The guy’s a former child actor.

6. She has other evidence from that time

Asia argento texts 06

No one wants to see their loved one dragged through the court of public opinion, especially at such a pivotal moment.

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Monday, April 2, 2018

David Beador: Cruel, Vile Text Messages to Shannon Beador Exposed

Shannon Beador’s divorce is in full swing. And we’d heard that David Beador was furious over how much he’s paying Shannon each month.

But it looks like there’s been more behind-closed-doors nastiness that no one’s seen until now.

Some of David’s private text messages to Shannon have been revealed, and they are heartbreakingly cruel.

Back in September, The Real Housewives of Orange County star and her husband separated after reportedly living separate lives for a long, long time.

In October, they made it official, filing for divorce.

What was initially going to be an amicable divorce, complete with the couple continuing to do activities with their three teenage daughters on a regular basis, broke down into a deeply acrimonious divorce.

By December, Shannon was tired of David’s behavior and started being more aggressive in the divorce.

Though it was reported that David was “shaking with anger” and cursing at Shannon after the court ruled on how much child support and spousal support he would need to pay Shannon, fans may be shocked when they hear these explosive text messages.

Shannon Beador did an interview with Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, and Gage on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

And … it seems like Shannon ended up getting a little blindsided, because Jeff Lewis had some text messages that she had received that she apparently hadn’t realized that she’d sent to him.

“You accidentally sent me a few texts of a conversation between you and David,” Jeff tells her. “I wanted to prove to the listeners how David has moved on.”

David Beador has a young, hot girlfriend, but that’s not what Jeff means.

Jenni Pulos reads the texts, which are attributed to David, and they are stomach-churning.

“F–k you. So tired of you. You f–king disgust me. F–k you. What do you have to do? Eat? Because you can’t get off your fat ass.”

This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard of David fat-shaming his ex for her (genuinely minor) weight gain. It’s said that David stopped loving her when she became “fat.”

Shannon responded with shock — not over the content of the texts, but over the fact that Jeff had them.

“Oh my gosh you guys. What do you mean I sent that to you? Are you kidding me? Oh my God. Oh my God. That was a couple months ago.”

She says that she’s not receiving texts of that nature from David now.

Jenni went on to read yet another text.

“World ending tonight? You get out of your pajamas today? Sleep ’til two. The sad part is your b–ch behavior is normal for you. F–k you.”

Shannon protests, saying: “Stop it, you guys!”

But those texts are pretty horrifying.

It’s always strange to hear anyone judge or dislike someone else for what they allegedly eat or what time of day they wake up.

(In fact, some would question what the point of being a millionaire is if you don’t sleep until the afternoon)

It’s worse to hear those messages sent from someone who spent years married to the recipient, who once loved her.

Some people can’t fall out of love without falling into hate.

To be clear, we can’t vouch for the veracity of these text messages. Shannon indicated that they were the real deal, however.

It looks like there are a couple of possibilities for how this came up.

One, it could be that Shannon was trying to send a screenshot of them to her attorney and accidentally sent them to Jeff Lewis.

She’s 53 and, honestly, even the most tech-savvy Millennial or Gen Z could get distracted and do the same.

Two, however, it could always be that Shannon had quietly arranged for her own on-air ambush in order to leak the texts while playing innocent.

Considering the content of those alleged text messages, who could blame her?


Friday, February 9, 2018

Tyga Posts Cryptic Messages on Instagram... to Kylie Jenner?

Tyga is in the middle of promoting a new album, of this we have no doubt.

But is he also in the process of courting Kylie Jenner?

This is the question many Internet users are being forced to ponder.

Over the past couple weeks, numerous reports have claimed that the rapper isn’t exactly ready to leave his ex-girlfriend alone.

Even though she’s now dating Travis Scott.

And even though she just gave birth to Travis Scott’s baby.

Toward the end of January, for example, a source alleged that Tyga was desperate to get back together with Kylie.

And even more recently, an insider claimed that Tyga is demanding a paternity test because he thinks he may be Stormi Webster’s biological father.

(We’re not sure here which is funnier: that rumor… or the name Stormi Webster.)

Tyga, meanwhile, has been updating his Instagram page frequently over the past several days.

Nearly every post includes a photo of himself and a mysterious caption, one that some believe was written with Jenner in mind.

To wit: 

All I wanted was to talk to u, Tyga wrote along with the image above.

Pretty straightforward, right? Pretty clear how some could interpret this as a message to Kylie, no?

The artist does, of course, also include the hashtags “#Temperature #Kyoto” with each caption, referring to his first single off the upcoming album and the album itself, respectively.

So there’s clearly a push at work here for followers to get psyched to hear new Tyga music. 

But the semi-talented rapper also wrote the following as a caption to the second picture shared above:

I been waitin right here, Still I been everywhere.

Those words seem like they truly could apply to Kylie.

As cited in this very article, there’s been constant chatter that Tyga is just waiting for Jenner’s relationship with Scott to fall apart; waiting to swoop in and be right there for the supposed love of his life.

Finally, Tyga asks a question along with this third image.

Is this what u need to feel better?

This one is a little more vague.

Does Kylie need a shirtless Tyga staring intensely at her right now in order to feel better?

Probably not. She probably just needs a good night’s sleep, considering the patterns of a newborn and everything.

Tyga and Kylie dated for about two years prior to breaking in late 2016.

Said Jenner during a scene from her terrible E! reality show last summer:

“There was absolutely not one thing wrong with me and T. Him and I will always, always have a bond. There was no crazy fight.

“We just decided, well, I decided that I’m really young.

“I don’t want to look back five years from now and feel like he took something from me when he’s really not that type of person.”

That’s fair.

And the split has seemed amicable. Neither side has bashed the other in public or anything.

But could Tyga now be trying to win the 20-year old back? Or might he just be posting non-Kylie related song lyrics into which we’re reading way too much?

It’s hard to say.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

27 Messages These People Really Wish They Could Unsend

We"ve all been there, right?

We"ve all sent an embarrassing email or text message, haven"t we?


But few of us have sent an email or text message as embarrassing as the ones featured below.

Good luck choosing a favorite fail among these classics. Each is more hilarious than the one before!

1. This is Genius

This is genius

Really dumb and stupid at first… but then genius.

2. Even Professors Mess Up

Even professors mess up

Badly, on occasion.

3. Best Professor Ever!

Best professor ever

Even better than the one who emails porn.

4. So… Did I Get the Job?

So did i get the job

It’s a very good recipe.

5. We’re Afraid to Make a Joke Here, But…

Were afraid to make a joke here but

… How do you know? Is it a good dancer?

6. Wait, So the Boat is Gone, Too?

Wait so the boat is gone too


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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Paul Walker"s Family and Friend Mark Birthday with Gravesite Messages

Paul Walker’s birthday was truly a bitter/sweet occasion for a dear friend and family member. Tuesday would’ve been Paul’s 44th bday, and his Uncle Rhett and childhood pal marked it with a visit to Paul’s L.A. burial site — and they didn’t come…


Paul Walker"s Family and Friend Mark Birthday with Gravesite Messages

Paul Walker’s birthday was truly a bitter/sweet occasion for a dear friend and family member. Tuesday would’ve been Paul’s 44th bday, and his Uncle Rhett and childhood pal marked it with a visit to Paul’s L.A. burial site — and they didn’t come…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mel B, Cops Say Text Messages to Siya are NOT Witness Intimidation

Mel B did not commit the crime of witness intimidation by sending text messages to a witness in her divorce case … this according to several cops who reviewed the texts. TMZ broke the story … the LAPD opened a witness tampering investigation…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Diane Warren Rips Taylor Swift Over Petty Hidden Messages on New Album

Taylor Swift’s wasting her time — and more importantly the world’s — with stupid secret jabs at her rivals … according to songwriting legend Diane Warren. The rumor is Taylor packed her “Reputation” album art with hidden messages targeting the…


Diane Warren Rips Taylor Swift Over Petty Hidden Messages on New Album

Taylor Swift’s wasting her time — and more importantly the world’s — with stupid secret jabs at her rivals … according to songwriting legend Diane Warren. The rumor is Taylor packed her “Reputation” album art with hidden messages targeting the…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Dr. Luke Demands Lady Gaga Testify and Give Up Text Messages Connected to Kesha Lawsuit

Lady Gaga’s been dodging Dr. Luke, refusing to be deposed in the Kesha case, but now he wants the judge to force her to do it … TMZ has learned.   Dr. Luke filed docs demanding Gaga firm up a date when she will sit for the depo. In the docs,…


Friday, May 19, 2017

31 Messages Sent to the Wrong Number (#19 May Kill You)

We"ve all been there. But hopefully, not at this level.

Know the feeling of abject horror when you realize you sent a text to the incorrect person? The people in this gallery can relate … and then some.

The worst occasions of texts sent to the wrong people occur when it"s regarding something truly personal, not just a harmless stray thought.

Or, when we don"t even realize that we"ve just sent the erroneous text message until the unintended recipient brings it to our attention.

In these cases, both are the case. Enjoy …

1. Tonight is the Night!

Tonight is the night

Dad won’t be ignoring this, we’re guessing. Sorry Kyle.

2. Friend Zoned

Friend zoned

It’s hard to get back into the romantic mindset after you eff up like this.

3. WTF Arnie

Wtf arnie

The fact that Arnie was ready and willing to do this at the drop of a hat raises so many questions.

4. Okay, I Deserved That

Okay i deserved that

Jeremy owned it after the fact at least?

5. Surprise!


At least Joey loves her?

6. Semper Fi

Semper fi

Even under the most bizarre circumstances, you gotta salute those who fight for our freedom.

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Drake Gets Former Porn Star Pregnant and She Has Text Messages ... She Claims, But He Calls BS

A woman who was hanging out with Drake after his split with Jennifer Lopez claims she’s pregnant with his baby and she says she has text messages to prove it.  Drake however, is calling BS. Sophie Brussaux has already hired 2 big NYC…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Teen Mom OG: See The Moms Touching Messages to Their Kids!

Before you watch this new Teen Mom OG video, you"re going to want to grab some tissues and plan out a good 30-45 minutes to just lay down and cry it out.

Because if you do, in fact, have feelings, this will make you feel every last one of them.

Ahead of the new season"s premiere, our favorite OG moms, Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, and Farrah Abraham came together to film a special little video.

See, it"s been eight whole years since the girls became teen mothers. That means their kids are halfway to 16 years old themselves — crazy, right?

To celebrate the special occasion, the moms filmed sweet little messages for their children.

And it will absolutely touch your heart.

Seriously: this video is so adorable that at one point, Farrah breaks down in tears, saying that she"s "seriously thankful" for Sophia, because she helped her become "the best mom that I can be, and it makes my heart proud, and it makes me just happy living every day."

Farrah Abraham made us cry, and not because of her overwhelming awfulness. Because she"s being sweet and genuine and loving.

Another heartbreaking moment is when Amber tells her daughter, Leah, a bit about her time in prison, but tells her "You"re not going to mess up like I did, and I will make sure of that."

The whole thing is just so lovely though … but seriously, get your tissues:

Teen mom og see the moms touching messages to their kids

Friday, February 3, 2017

Baylor Football Scandal ... Art Briles" Alleged Text Messages Exposed

Newly uncovered text messages allegedly sent by ex-Baylor coach Art Briles show how poorly he handled situations where his football players were involved with drugs, guns and even an incident where a player exposed himself to a woman at a spa. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Derrick Rose Judge -- I May Declare "Mistrial" ... Over Text Messages

The judge in the Derrick Rose rape trial just warned that he may declare a mistrial in the case — over allegations the accuser’s team did NOT turn over text messages that could help the NBA star. The judge just ripped the accuser’s attorney in…


Derrick Rose Judge -- I May Declare Mistrial ... Over Text Messages

The judge in the Derrick Rose rape trial just warned that he may declare a mistrial in the case — over allegations the accuser’s team did NOT turn over text messages that could help the NBA star. The judge just ripped the accuser’s attorney in…


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rob Kardashian To Blac Chyna: Let Me Read Your Messages!

Rob & Chyna premieres in just a few days, and E! is ramping up their promotional efforts for the Keeping Up with the Kardashians spin-off. 

It’s the spin-off that no one really cares about.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’ll know that Rob was not the most interesting person on the show. 

It resulted in him taking a back seat from his duties due to him coming to the conclusion that the show ruined his family. 

That’s a perfectly plausible conclusion, but it does not explain why the heck he’s taking part in another show. 

There’s no denying Rob and Blac Chyna found love in a hopeless place.

Their relationship came out of nowhere and shocked the world. 

Blac has a son to Kylie Jenner’s ex, Tyga. 

That’s going to make for one messed up family tree. 

We know that this new series is going to focus on the ups and downs for both Rob and Chyna. 

Like most couples, they have their arguments, but they always seem to find a way to work through their issues. 

However, Blac is not amused with Rob in the slightest in a new sneak peek when he starts quizzing her about changing her password to her cell phone. 

“Who’s this hitting your phone over and over?” Kardashian, 29, asks. 

“And your password’s not the same as it was.”

Chyna made her feelings known to Rob when quizzed why he didn’t trust her. 

“It’s not about that — it’s just that I don’t get why you even care if I go through your phone.… I mean, don’t you think that’s shady?,” quipped Kardashian. 

It’s pretty evident that Rob is insecure about what Blac’s really up to and that could ultimately break their relationship. 

“I don’t even understand why Rob would even think that I’m doing anything wrong,” she tells the camera.

“I’m four months pregnant, I have two businesses that I’m running, I’m with King, and I literally don’t leave the house. So what could I possibly be doing?”

The good thing about Rob being with Blac, is that the cameras are never far behind them. 

There’s genuinely zero chance that Chyna could be stepping out on him. 

It would be all over the internet by now.

This is not the type of melodrama that will keep their show afloat. 

We need to see how they function in their relationship. 

All of the convoluted stuff is not what viewers want to see.

That’s why viewers are fleeing Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 

What do you think about all of this?

Should Rob be dictating who she can talk to?

Hit the comments!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kanye West Birthday! Kim Kardashian & Family Share Sweet Messages to Yeezy

It’s Kanye West’s birthday, and Kim Kardashian and the fam are using the Interwebs to toast the self-professed “greatest artist of all time.”

His wife Kim shared a sweet photo of the two of them kissing to Instagram, along with a sweet message.

“Happy birthday to my best friend!” she wrote. “I usually would be scared for us getting older but as each year passes I’m just happy we have more time on this earth together!” 

“I love you so much and hope this year brings you so much happiness,” she added.

Kim’s mom Kris Jenner also gave a shout out to her son-in-law on Instagram, sharing a photo of Kanye and writing a touching tribute.

“Happy birthday to my son, North and Saint’s daddy and Kim’s soul mate, #KanyeWest,” wrote Kris. “To say you are special is an understatement… you are one of a kind!!!!”

“You inspire, you lead, you’re the most incredible father and a wonderful friend,” she continued. “We are so blessed to have you in our lives!!! I’m so proud of you and I love you so much. Happy birthday!!!!”

Kim’s sisters Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian and Kendall and Kylie Jenner also sent Kanye birthday wishes on each of their respective apps.

“Happy birthday to one of the most creative and intelligent people I know!!!” shared Khloe. “Kanye, I couldn’t have picked a better husband for my big sister and I am so happy that you’re in our lives!”

Kendall echoed Khloe’s statements.

“You and Kim are ultimate couple goals!” she wrote. “You’re the best husband my sister could have. We love you!”

It’s funny to see this kind of outpouring of birthday love for Kanye from the Kardashian-Jenner clan, while not a one of them ever wished brother Rob Kardashian any sort of congratulations on his engagement to Blac Chyna – or on the news that the couple were having a baby.

Maybe they’re saving that for Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Kim and Kanye recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary and appear to be going strong, despite constant divorce rumors that claim the contrary.

Then again, everyone’s always happy on social media. 

Kanye West Birthday! Kim Kardashian & Family Share Sweet Messages to Yeezy

It’s Kanye West’s birthday, and Kim Kardashian and the fam are using the Interwebs to toast the self-professed “greatest artist of all time.”

His wife Kim shared a sweet photo of the two of them kissing to Instagram, along with a sweet message.

“Happy birthday to my best friend!” she wrote. “I usually would be scared for us getting older but as each year passes I’m just happy we have more time on this earth together!” 

“I love you so much and hope this year brings you so much happiness,” she added.

Kim’s mom Kris Jenner also gave a shout out to her son-in-law on Instagram, sharing a photo of Kanye and writing a touching tribute.

“Happy birthday to my son, North and Saint’s daddy and Kim’s soul mate, #KanyeWest,” wrote Kris. “To say you are special is an understatement… you are one of a kind!!!!”

“You inspire, you lead, you’re the most incredible father and a wonderful friend,” she continued. “We are so blessed to have you in our lives!!! I’m so proud of you and I love you so much. Happy birthday!!!!”

Kim’s sisters Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian and Kendall and Kylie Jenner also sent Kanye birthday wishes on each of their respective apps.

“Happy birthday to one of the most creative and intelligent people I know!!!” shared Khloe. “Kanye, I couldn’t have picked a better husband for my big sister and I am so happy that you’re in our lives!”

Kendall echoed Khloe’s statements.

“You and Kim are ultimate couple goals!” she wrote. “You’re the best husband my sister could have. We love you!”

It’s funny to see this kind of outpouring of birthday love for Kanye from the Kardashian-Jenner clan, while not a one of them ever wished brother Rob Kardashian any sort of congratulations on his engagement to Blac Chyna – or on the news that the couple were having a baby.

Maybe they’re saving that for Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Kim and Kanye recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary and appear to be going strong, despite constant divorce rumors that claim the contrary.

Then again, everyone’s always happy on social media.