Thursday, November 9, 2017

27 Messages These People Really Wish They Could Unsend

We"ve all been there, right?

We"ve all sent an embarrassing email or text message, haven"t we?


But few of us have sent an email or text message as embarrassing as the ones featured below.

Good luck choosing a favorite fail among these classics. Each is more hilarious than the one before!

1. This is Genius

This is genius

Really dumb and stupid at first… but then genius.

2. Even Professors Mess Up

Even professors mess up

Badly, on occasion.

3. Best Professor Ever!

Best professor ever

Even better than the one who emails porn.

4. So… Did I Get the Job?

So did i get the job

It’s a very good recipe.

5. We’re Afraid to Make a Joke Here, But…

Were afraid to make a joke here but

… How do you know? Is it a good dancer?

6. Wait, So the Boat is Gone, Too?

Wait so the boat is gone too


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