Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Prince Harry to Meghan Markle: Don"t Ditch Me On Our Wedding Day!

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and you know what that means!

Yes, the internet is currently overrun with bonkers rumors about the couple melting down in spectacular fashion!

In the past month, the tabloids have really outdone themselves in terms of imagining totally implausible scenarios that might lead Harry and Meg to call the whole thing off at the last second.

They’ve claimed nude photos of Markle are making their way around social media and bringing tremendous shame to the royal family.

They’ve reported that Harry was caught cheating on Meghan with one of his most high-profile exes (the identity of the mistress varies from one publication to the next).

They’ve even published headlines insisting that Meghan’s sexts to Harry had been intercepted by a website with ties to ISIS.

Like we said, you almost have to respect the shamelessness that’s going on here.

With all that nonsense floating around the blogosphere, it’s sort of amazing that it’s taken some desperate BS artist this long to apply one of the most classic wedding scandal scenarios to Harry and Meghan’s big day, but we knew someone would get there eventually:

Yes, Woman’s Day Australia is reporting that Meghan is coming down with a serious case of cold feet.

A “palace insider” tells the magazine that Markle is now “questioning whether she can cope with the constant scrutiny that comes with her new life as a royal.” 

According to the tabloid, the first sign of trouble came when Meg declined to join the rest of the royal family for church services on Easter Sunday.

“It’s a sure sign Meghan needed some time out,” the source claims.

The insider adds that Harry is now “worried Meghan will struggle with royal life” and is “in a panic of his own as he worries about his bride.”

“He’s fiercely protective of Meghan and just wants the haters to back off and stop trying to ruin her reputation and their wedding day,” says another source.

Not surprisingly, a royal rep has dismissed the reports as “rubbish.”

In other words, being a rep for Buckingham Palace is apparently the easiest job in the world.

Just be ready with a British euphemism for “bullsh-t” and you’re golden.
