Showing posts with label Hookers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hookers. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2018

Nevada Hookers Want to Save Tiger Woods

One of the most famous brothels in the world thinks it can help Tiger Woods get over the hump … by humping.  Tiger is getting dangerously close to returning to his old dominating self — and Sheri’s Ranch thinks his rampant sex habit gave…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Ditch the Hookers! Get a Life!

It appears as if no one will be particularly happy on Keeping Up with the Kardashians this Sunday night.

In clips previously posted on The Hollywood Gossip, Kim Kardashian freaked out after seeing that a paparazzo has snapped some unflattering photos of her and shared them online:

We also shared a sneak peek of Kim breaking down in a puddle of tears because she feared for her safety while on vacation in Mexico.

Here. Look at how that attack in Paris is still having an effect on the star in the following video:

So this brings us to Kourtney Kardashian.

Below, having just returned from this same trip down south with her sister, Kourtney stops by her mom"s office and asks how ex-lover Scott Disick has been in her absence.

"I think that he was jealous because you were having fun spending time with other people," Kris replies, which really sets her daughter off.

"Well that"s really not fair," Kourtney says. "It"s just like I can"t even live my life. I can"t even go anywhere. He needs to get a f–king life and leave me alone.

"All he does is try to make everybody else feel bad for him and try to make me look like the bad guy in this situation when clearly I"m not from 10 years of this going on."

"Wouldn"t you be sad if he truly left you alone?" Kris asks in response. "You always want what you can"t have. And when somebody"s right there giving you their heart on a platter."

(NOTE: Is that really what Disick has been doing? The guy is dating Sofia Richie and has basically had a young harem for months now.)

"He"s not! He"s not though!" Kourtney says, getting angry and adding:

"That"s what he makes it seem! To you, to Kim, to Khloe, to the world, to everybody! He sits there and grovels and feels bad for himself. So if that was his truth, why can"t he get it together?"

That"s a valid question.

Disick continues to get drunk all the time, party a lot and hook up left and right.

"I have to handle it when he"s out photographed with a different hooker every day," Kourtney says emphatically in this sneak peek.

It"s hard to disagree with that assessment, even if there"s no proof Disick has paid any of these women money for their services.


Kourtney kardashian to scott disick ditch the hookers get a life

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Michael Buffer: Canelo vs GGG Great for Hookers, Terrible for Judging

Canelo vs. GGG was great for literally everyone (especially hookers) … except the judges who doo-doo’d on boxing’s big night — so says the man who introduced the fighters. We got Michael Buffer a couple days after the fight ……


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Floyd vs. Conor: Vegas Playas Droppin" $40K on Hookers, Says Don "Magic" Juan

Playas in town for Mayweather vs. McGregor are blowin’ their wads in a BIG way — droppin’ $ 30-40K on sex for the Vegas super-fight … so says Don “Magic” Juan.  We got The Bishop — a notorious ex-pimp who’s also Snoop’s spiritual…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Vladimir Putin on Trump Scandal: Russia Has the BEST Hookers!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the President-elect of the United State’s alleged fondness for golden showers made news last week, thanks to a Buzzfeed News report that Russia had damaging footage showing Donald Trump engaging in some pee play with a pair of Russian hookers.

You know it was a big deal, because the day after the report was released, Trump forgot to postpone his press conference and was forced to actually talk to the reporters he’s been dodging like he used to dodge his creditors.

Of course, instead of shooting down the accusations in a level-headed fashion and addressing other pressing matters, Trump basically just stood next to a pile of blank papers and bellowed “Fake news!” at anyone he disagreed with.

Fortunately, while Trump might be reluctant to discuss the scandal, his comrade from another mom-rade, Brosef Stalin himself, Vladimir Putin, is more than happy to share his thoughts about his nation’s top-notch prostitutes.

Putin is also no big fan of press conferences, but he climbed off his horse and buttoned his Brooks Brothers to speak with reporters at the Kremlin on Tuesday.

Not surprisingly, he defended Trump.

Even better, it seems he’s taking a page from his buffoonish Western counterpart’s playbook, using over-the-top The Onion quotables to gaslight a skeptical electorate.

“I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world,” Putin said, when asked about the saucy minxes of Mother Russia.

Putin added that he finds it hard to believe that Trump would have to resort to pausing prostitutes, since the guy’s surrounded by sexy dames all the time:

“[Trump is] a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world,” said the Russian president.

“People who order fakes of the type now circulating against the U.S. president-elect, who concoct them and use them in a political battle, are worse than prostitutes because they don’t have any moral boundaries at all.”

So if you’re keeping score at home, our president-elect has been accused of “perverted sexual acts” fourteen times in the last four months, but it’s okay, because the allegedly murderous despot in charge of a hostile foreign power has his back, and thinks our media is a bunch of whores.

And you thought 2016 was ridiculous!

2017’s got a full bladder and it’s all set to hose last year down with a steaming stream of sadness.


Vladimir Putin Shades Trump "Dossier," Brags About Russian Hookers

Vladimir Putin scoffed at the now discredited dossier suggesting Donald Trump engaged in funny business in Russia … but it didn’t stop him from bragging about his country’s prostitutes. Putin held a news conference in the Kremlin, throwing shade…


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Charlie Sheen Spent HOW MUCH on Hookers Last Year?!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive during an interview with Matt Lauer yesterday.

The announcement set off a tidal wave of outrage from former sex partners of Sheen’s who say that he never disclosed his illness,  thus putting their lives at risk.

Ex-girlfriend Bree Olson says Sheen never told her he was HIV positive, even though they slept together every night for nearly a year.

Olson’s friend and fellow adult film star Lisa Ann called Sheen a “criminal” for allegedly putting dozens of sex workers at risk without their knowledge.

Now, a new report from Radar Online may corroborate Lisa’s story, as the website claims to have uncovered evidence that Sheen spent more than $ 1 million on prostitutes in one year

Sheen says he was diagnosed in 2011, but it seems he did little to change his ways after receiving the dire news.

The site claims that financial reports from Sheen’s production company show that the actor spent $ 1,629,507 in an 18-month period.

“The item was listed as ‘Friendly Entertainment,’ which was Charlie’s shorthand for sex workers,” says one insider.

The financial report also confirms that Sheen donated to AIDS charities on a regular basis.

Of course, if he really exposed hundreds of partners to the illness without their knowledge, it pretty much negates his philanthropic efforts.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Lamar Odom: Refusing Rehab! Blaming Hookers For Drug Overdose!

Lamar Odom is reportedly in denial that he has a real drug problem and needs a prolonged stint in rehab, despite Khloe Kardashian’s urging.

Kardashian insists that as his hospital discharge approaches, which could be as early as 10 days from now, Odom’s next move should be rehab.

Regardless of whether reports of Odom begging for drugs in the hospital are legitimate, a stubborn Odom refuses to admit that he has a problem.

Instead, he feels the prostitutes are to blame for the substance abuse that caused 12 strokes and left him on a brink of death just a few weeks prior.

“Lamar will be released from the hospital in the next ten days,” a source told Radar, but that does not mean he’s recovered from his massive overdose.

While the former NBA star will not need a kidney transplant, “it’s uncertain if he will go to a facility to continue physical rehab, or do it as an outpatient.”

And therein lies the 10,000-pound elephant in the room.

“Khloe told Lamar that after he was released from the hospital, he would need to go to rehab for substance abuse addiction,” says an insider.

“Lamar balked and said no way. Blaming the hookers for his overdose, Lamar is still insisting he doesn’t have a drug problem. He is still in denial.”

Surprising, given that Odom lost close friends Jamie Sangouthai and Bobby Heyward to drug-related deaths this summer alone, but denial is potent.

According to insiders, the loss of both of his friends, and of his relationship with Kardashian, drove him down a dark path earlier this year.

The prostitutes at the Love Ranch brothel simply pushed him over the edge, or so his narrative would have you believe. Do we believe it, though?

It sounds like Khloe has her reservations, for sure.

She’s reportedly decided that Odom will not live with her when he leaves hospital, at least not until he shows that he’s recovered in every sense.

“Khloe has made it clear, Lamar won’t be staying with her. He has a loft in downtown Los Angeles, and there are other options that can be explored.”

Think she made the right move calling off the divorce?

Friday, October 23, 2015

Chris Rock to Lamar Odom: Nice Use of Coke and Hookers!

If the following is an example of the kind of jokes Chris Rock will tell as host of the 2016 Academy Awards, we’re in for quite the controversial ceremony.

In light of the Lamar Odom health scare and scandal last week, the comedian jumped on Twitter Thursday evening and shared the following photo:

LOL? Or… what the Hell, dude?

A quick bit of background for anyone out of the loop:

Odom spent multiple days partying at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch in Nevada, using cocaine and an herbal sexual stimulant before falling unconscious on Tuesday, October 13.

He was rushed to the hospital and remained in a coma, with sources saying Odom’s prognosis was so grim that he barely had a 50% chance of survival.

Estranged wife Khloe Kardashian remained by Odom’s side throughout this ordeal, making medical decisions on the star’s behalf before he awoke over the weekend and even starting communicating with those around him.

Once Odom’s condition improved, Khloe’s attorney actually went to a judge and asked to withdraw his client’s divorce papers.

Yup, Lamar and Khloe are giving their marriage another chance.

So that brings us back to Rock’s Twitter message.

Was it out of line, considering Odom just underwent two medical procedures and is still fighting for his life?

Or is it pretty hilarious, considering he’s sort of right: Within a week of going on a hardcore drug binge and sleeping with (legal) prostitutes, Odom managed to win back the woman of his dreams?

Sound off below with your opinion!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Derrick Rose -- Legal Hookers Offer Group Sex ... We"ll Take You And Your Friends



0930_derrick-rose_sheris-ranch_gettyA Nevada brothel is offering Derrick Rose a multiple-partner sexing sanctuary … telling the Bulls star if he’s down with banging in a group setting … he should do if with professionals who won’t sue.

In case you missed it, Rose was hit with a lawsuit by a woman who claims the NBA star and his pals raped her in 2013 — but Rose claims she’s LYING .. insisting they had consensual group sex on multiple occasions. 

Enter the folks at Sheri’s Ranch — one of the biggest legal brothels in the country — who tell us there’s a way for Rose and crew to avoid pesky snafus in their search for group sex … nail prostitutes.

“The legal hookers at Sheri’s Ranch can take on Derrick Rose, his entire entourage, and the rest of the Chicago Bulls before breakfast, and without any unwanted residual effects like an embarrassing lawsuit.”

“Sheri’s understands that pro athletes have an over-average sex drive that requires over-average sex partners who are willing and able to give them the hardcore sex marathons they crave.”

No word if Rose will accept the offer … but it’s gotta be nice to know people care.