Showing posts with label Memo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memo. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

NBA Send Memo Warning Players, If the Kneel During National Anthem they Face Discipline

The NBA has circulated a memo warning players if they don’t stand for the National Anthem they do so at their own peril. According to the memo, obtained by ESPN, “the league office will determine how to deal with any possible instance in which a…


NBA Send Memo Warning Players, If the Kneel During National Anthem they Face Discipline

The NBA has circulated a memo warning players if they don’t stand for the National Anthem they do so at their own peril. According to the memo, obtained by ESPN, “the league office will determine how to deal with any possible instance in which a…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Eli Roth Won"t Destroy Steve Harvey for Memo, Can"t Imagine His Pressure (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Eli Roth’s got Steve Harvey’s back in the aftermath of the comedian’s now infamous memo … but he still would’ve handled it differently. The guru of gore flicks was out at Wolfgang’s in Bev Hills, and he was well-versed on Harvey’s memo to his…


Steve Harvey: Yes, I Wrote That Memo! No, I"m Not Sorry!

Look out, Mariah Carey.

Steve Harvey is coming for your title of Biggest and Most Annoying Diva in the History of Hollywood.

Earlier this week, a letter allegedly written by the talk show host to his employees surfaced online.

In the memo, which was likely leaked by a disgruntled ex-employee, Harvey asks for total and complete privacy from his underlings.

It was sent prior to Season 5 of Harvey’s talk show and it asks for staff members to “adhere” to such rules as:

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do open my dressing room door.

Do not wait in the hallway to speak to me.

Do not attempt to walk with me.

Harvey really could have saved himself a lot of time and effort if he had simply written “STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!” instead.

Take a look at the controversial memo below:

Was it really written and passed along by Harvey?

Yes, the comedian himself verified as much in a follow-up discussion with Entertainment Tonight on Thursday.

“I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in,” Harvey explained to ET, adding:

“I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me – so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it.”

Harvey went on to say that people on his staff would dare to bring friends to set and they would then dare to ask for autographs or not knock when entering his personal space.

And he just couldn’t handle it any longer.

“In hindsight, I probably should’ve handled it a little bit differently,” Harvey admits, adding that he wanted to email “asking everyone to simply honor and respect” his privacy.

“I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter,” he concluded.

“I don’t apologize about the letter, but it’s kind of crazy what people who took this thing and ran, man.”

It’s also kind of crazy to compare fame to a prison and to say you were “scared” to walk around the set of your own talk show.

Just shut up, loser.

Harvey, who also hosts Family Feud and Little Big Shots, will be moving his talk show to Los Angeles for the new season this fall.

We hope no one watches it.

This guy sucks.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Rick Ross -- I Squashed the Game vs. Meek Beef! Game Didn"t Get the Memo (VIDEO)

The Game and Meek Mill’s feud is over after one phone call from Rick Ross … according to Rick, anyway — but we’ve learned one side isn’t ready for peace just yet.  Rick bragged on video Friday that he had a convo with Game about burying the…
