Friday, October 23, 2015

Chris Rock to Lamar Odom: Nice Use of Coke and Hookers!

If the following is an example of the kind of jokes Chris Rock will tell as host of the 2016 Academy Awards, we’re in for quite the controversial ceremony.

In light of the Lamar Odom health scare and scandal last week, the comedian jumped on Twitter Thursday evening and shared the following photo:

LOL? Or… what the Hell, dude?

A quick bit of background for anyone out of the loop:

Odom spent multiple days partying at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch in Nevada, using cocaine and an herbal sexual stimulant before falling unconscious on Tuesday, October 13.

He was rushed to the hospital and remained in a coma, with sources saying Odom’s prognosis was so grim that he barely had a 50% chance of survival.

Estranged wife Khloe Kardashian remained by Odom’s side throughout this ordeal, making medical decisions on the star’s behalf before he awoke over the weekend and even starting communicating with those around him.

Once Odom’s condition improved, Khloe’s attorney actually went to a judge and asked to withdraw his client’s divorce papers.

Yup, Lamar and Khloe are giving their marriage another chance.

So that brings us back to Rock’s Twitter message.

Was it out of line, considering Odom just underwent two medical procedures and is still fighting for his life?

Or is it pretty hilarious, considering he’s sort of right: Within a week of going on a hardcore drug binge and sleeping with (legal) prostitutes, Odom managed to win back the woman of his dreams?

Sound off below with your opinion!