Showing posts with label Effort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effort. Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Taylor Swift: Crazed Man Robs Bank in Effort to Impress Her

It’s been about a month since Taylor Swift released her latest music video, but plenty of fans are still hooked on her music and still love her. Some love her too much.

One Connecticut man was determined to impress Taylor that he allegedly robbed a bank so that he could use the cash to win her over.

His mad shceme to propose to her did not work, and police took him into custody.

Bruce Rowley Mugshot

We’re not saying that there’s any one right way to do a proposal, but … it does help your odds of getting a “yes” if the other person knows who you are.

But that didn’t deter Bruce Rowley of Derby, Connecticut from trying to propose to Taylor Swift.

The proposal that police say that he had concocted — which we suppose was also to be his meet cute with Taylor — involved him driving 60 miles to her Rhode Island home and throwing fistfulls of money over her fence.

Rowley got the money, which authorities say totaled roughly $ 1,600, after having robbed a bank.

Specifically, Rowley is accused of robbing a Webser bank in Ansonia.

Ansonia Police spokesman Lt. Patrick Lynch explains Rowley’s bizarre motive and how is alleged crime connects to Taylor Swift.

“It seemed he wanted to propose to her.”

But alas, what would surely have otherwise been a perfect marriage proposal ran across a little hitch.

“But she wasn’t home when he went there. He said he threw some of the money over a fence to impress her.”

As it turns out, he explained it all to police after they pursued his car into Connecticut for the alleged bank robbery.

“We didn’t know about Taylor Swift until our officers picked him up from state police to drive him back to Ansonia. He began to talk all about it in the cruiser.”

When a suspect begins to talk about their crime and motive without any provocation, it’s generally known as an “excited utterance,” which is considered admissible in court.

Rowley is charged with second-degree robbery and fourth-degree larceny.

Bruce Rowley

There are a number of funny elements to this story, but overall, it’s scary.

We’re talking about a stalker. There are, in general, two forms of stalking. One takes the form of a lover or an ex or acquaintance who harasses a person. This particularly manifests as an abuser tracking down his victim because he cannot allow himself to lose control.

The other type is where someone has imagined an elaborate relationship with someone, often a celebrity, so vividly that they imagine that the celebrity feels the same way about them.

They may interpret tweets or offhanded statements in interviews as coded messages for them. It may have all gotten started with what they perceived to be eye contact during a concert.

Remember when President Reagan was shot? Whatever one may feel about him and his political legacy, that was a scary event.

The man who fired the shot was not in his right mind — he believed that he was trying to impress Jodie Foster.

We’re just lucky that Rowley’s delusion did not lead him to shoot anyone.

This mad scheme to propose to her was doomed from the start by so many things.

Taylor Swift, of course, is already happily in a relationship with Joe Alwyn.

We cannot imagine that Taylor, whose net worth is reportedly somewhere in the ballpark of $ 300 million, is going to be lured by anyone with any amount of money.

(Because she’s a romantic at heart)

But we can’t imagine her even blinking at $ 1,600 that seems to be raining down over her fence like dead leaves tossed by a petty neighbor.

Also, not for nothing, folks, but Taylor is famous for owning many, many homes. We have no idea what led Rowley to believe that he’d find her in Rhode Island.

We don’t imagine that Rowley’s going to get the Kanye treatment in one of Taylor’s new songs.

Sure, she sings about major life events — romances, breakups, feuds, downfalls. But you don’t sing about stalkers.

It feeds into their delusions, and might encourage other stalkers to take similar actions. Or worse actions.

Hopefully, Rowley is undergoing a psychological evaluation and will be able to receive the help that he clearly needs.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aaron Carter Talked Into Rehab After 2-Day Effort from "The Doctors"

Aaron Carter’s getting the help he desperately needs in rehab largely in part to precision, patience and execution from the guys at “The Doctors.” Sources close to the Carter family tell TMZ … “The Doctors” sent an interventionist to Aaron’s…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ex-NFL Stars to Andre Johnson: Help Us with Miami Recovery Effort!

Two former NFL stars are hoping their former teammate, Andre Johnson, can help spearhead a J.J. Watt-style recovery effort in Miami. Bryant McKinnie and Phillip Buchanon both joined the “TMZ Sports” TV show this week — after leaving Miami…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Rita Ora Puts Her Back into Helping Houston Relief Effort

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

USC, F for Effort in Covering up Shakespeare Blunder

USC is standing firm … it purposely spelled Shakespeare’s name on a new statue without all 3 “e”s … but maybe someone should inform the registrar’s office. We weren’t buying that USC didn’t want to buy a vowel to properly spell Shakespeare’s…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Kim"s Last Ditch Effort!

Was Kim Kardashian serious about carrying another baby?

Or was this yet another ploy to save the show from plummeting ratings – or maybe a little of both, because what’s a health crisis without exploitation?

Last night’s Keeping Up addressed that and much more.

Picking up where last week left off, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 4 found Kim getting right down to business.

Of trying to save KUWTK from tanking ratings, that is.

“Kanye and I’ve always talked about having more kids, but after what I went through in Paris, the urgency is even greater,” Kardashian said.

Seamless pivot from crisis to potential storyline there.

“Being a stay at home mom has been so refreshing,” she added, without irony, “and I’d love nothing more than to expand my family.”

Stay at home mom? Is she serious right now?

For all the special things Kim has done and continues to do as a parent, the idea that it’s a full-time job for her is absolutely hilarious.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know Kim has been told that her body might not be able to take a pregnancy.

Well, her body in its current condition, anyway.

“I have to go and repair my uterus because I decided I’m going to try to have one more baby. Isn’t that exciting?” Kim told the family.

The family was more worried than happy.

“I have to have a surgery on my uterus to kind of repair this hole, so they need to, like, clean it out and then there’s scar tissue,” Kim said.

“It will still be a really high-risk pregnancy,” she added, to which Khloe asked the obvious question on everyone’s minds in this situation: 

“So, why do you want to do it again?”

Because Khloe, sometimes, the ratings are just that low that you’ll feign interest in a lot of things if it means quality promos and stories.

Sorry, here’s her actual answer:

“I’ve gone through so much with really bad deliveries that the doctors don’t feel like it’s safe for me to conceive again myself.”

“This surgery is the one last thing I can try. I want my kids to have siblings. I want to know I did everything I could to make this happen.”

Later, she went through with it.

“I definitely am in pain, but if the end result is that I get to carry my baby, it’s all worth it,” Kim told the cameras. “Hopefully this is successful.”

Then she took a fertility test, though, and learned that despite the surgery, the results said “for sure now, you should not carry [a] baby.”

The devastation began to sink in, and quickly.

“Not only has this been really painful, but now hearing that I shouldn’t carry any more kids, it couldn’t be worse,” Kim lamented.

“I had a full breakdown. I just, like, give up.”

She said she and Kanye would look into having a surrogate carry their third kid next, and “whatever is meant to be will be,” she noted.

Meanwhile, the Kards were going hard at Rob over his health, with Khloe going so far as to ask if he wants to “be around” for Dream.

“When my mom and my sisters gang up on me, it doesn’t really motivate me. It pushes me away,” Rob said, and he does have a point.

 “I can’t f–king talk about this right now.”

Tough love is great … but only to a point.

Unlike her brother, Khloe has no problem motivating herself to get in shape, but she still revealed to Kourtney what keeps her up at night.

Her fashion line. She needed to move 150,000 pairs of jeans in three months to please investors and her business partner, a lofty goal.

“I have so much anxiety,” Khloe said, noting that such a sales figure has “never happened in denim history.” Plus, there’s personal anxiety.

“Kylie [Jenner] sells hundreds of thousands of units in like, what? Three minutes?” Khloe said. “I know we’re not necessarily competing.”

“Still,” she admits, “I have always been known as the fat sister and now that I’m over that, I don’t want to be known as the failing sister.”

That’s certainly not happening.

Khloe’s sales were off the charts right out of the gate, proving that she is not the fat sister, or the failing sister, in any sense of the word.

Just the anxious sister.

Perhaps the insecurity and fear of failure is what drives her, like a lot of people in business, because Khloe’s hustle is killin’ it of late.



Sunday, December 18, 2016

"Blow" Star Jennifer Gimenez"s Valiant Effort to Get George Jung Clean (VIDEO)

Jennifer Gimenez came off the set of “Blow” as an addict, but turned herself into a rehab guru — and says she would’ve helped George Jung get clean too … if he wanted it. The actress, who starred in the film about the famous drug smuggler, tells…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Making a Murderer" Star -- State"s Last-Ditch Effort to Keep Him Locked Up

Brendan Dassey poses a “serious public safety issue” if he’s released from prison and the state of Wisconsin wants him to stay behind bars until a higher court makes a final decision on his conviction. The state filed an 11th hour motion to…


Monday, January 4, 2016

#WatermelonBoy Goes Viral, Makes Valiant Eating Effort

You had your 15 minutes of fame, Pizza Rat.

It"s time to take a seat, Milkshake Squirrel.

Because #WatermelonBoy is now here and he wants his time to shine!

As brought to our attention by My Fanatic, 10-year old Mitchell Schibeci has gone viral after attempting to eat an entire watermelon during a single cricket game in Australia in Saturday.

Why did he attempt such an endeavor? Fame.

“I saw people do crazy things, like that mullet boy who got on television, so I thought I might try it too,” Michael, the son of a local broadcaster, told Channel Seven News.

And it worked, as #WatermelonBoy trended for awhile as a hashtag and the young man garnered coverage around the world, from ABC in Australia to the BBC in Britain to the website of People Magazine here in the United States.

"I"m not really a hero, I"m just a normal average kid," Schibeci told the BBC, we assume in jest.

According to Sporting News Australia, Michael had to go to the bathroom "like seven times" during the match, but no one ever said fame comes without a price.

Michael"s father, Tony Schibeci, later shared a photo on social media of his son going to bed with a half-eaten watermelon.

"It"s been a big night for @watermelonboyau #watermelonboy.  Time for sleep @tensporttv @BBL," he wrote as a caption.

Number watermelonboy attempts to devour entire piece of fruit in