Showing posts with label Impress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impress. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tekashi 6ix9ine: No, I Didn"t Get My Ass Kicked to Impress Nicki Minaj!

Over the weekend, rapper Tekashi6ix9ine was beaten, robbed and essentially left for dead 

On the surface, it looks to be a terrifying and near-tragic situation — but fans think there’s something extremely suspicious about the circumstances of the attack.

If you’ve never heard of Tekashi, or you’re extremely confused about how to pronounce his name, you’re not alone.

The 22-year-old up-and-comer is a big deal in the world of pink-haired rappers with unpronounceable stage names whose style seems to be inspired by a street gang from Blade Runner.

But he has yet to cross over into the realm of mainstream success.

And many believe that the emcee’s recent brush with death was nothing more than a publicity stunt to designed to help him make it to the big time.

You see, Tekashi was hospitalized on the same day that his new single with Nicki Minaj dropped.

Fans were already suspicious of the timing, and Tekashi didn’t help his situation by taking the opportunity to publicly flirt with Minaj.

“You still love me after I got beat up?” he wrote on Instagram.

“Fa sho. True love lasts forever,” Minaj wrote back.

Now, faking your own ass-whupping just to promote your new and maybe score some pity sex might seem like extreme behavior — and it is — but you have to remember how much Tekashi stands to gain.

Fame, fortune, sex with Nicki Minaj — suddenly, a few bruises don’t seem like such a high price to pay.

We kid, of course, and Tekashi would be a truly repugnant SOB if he really faked this whole thing.

In fact, at this early stage in his career, he’d likely neve live it down, which might be why the young rapper is now in full damage control mode:

“It leaves me speechless for words,” 6ix9ine told TMZ in a recent interview.

“I wouldn’t want to set up a publicity stunt and lose close to a million dollars—you know what I’m saying?” he added, referring to the amount that was allegedly stolen from him.

“I’m like the boy who cried wolf, you know what I’m saying? Like the person who trolls…like, when it’s actually real, people just don’t believe it anymore because it’s like, ‘Oh he’s trolling.”

Well, if he is trolling, he’s certainly taken into new heights.

Again, the situation sounds absurd — but we wouldn’t put anything past a man with the number 69 tattooed all over his body.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Brad Pitt to George Clooney: Help Me Impress My New Girlfriend!

Brad Pitt might not seem like the kind of guy who experiences much difficulty when it comes to attracting the opposite sex.

In fact, at this point, the name Pitt is pretty much synonymous “guy the entire world wants to have sex with.”

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

But it seems that when it comes to his rumored new girlfriend, Neri Oxman, Brad feels that he’s a bit out of his depth.

Neri is a world-renowned architect and a professor at MIT.

Pitt reportedly fell hard for Oxman after sitting in on one of her lectures back in November.

And it seems the actor has been experiencing some conflicting feelings ever since.

Insiders claim that Brad is already in love with Neri … but he also feels that she may be a bit out of his league.

Yes, apparently it’s possible to be out of Brad Pitt’s league. Who knew?

Anyway, Pitt is determined to step his game up in order to make a more suitable partner for Neri.

And he’s even recruited his old pal George Clooney to aid him in his efforts … or so says the never-reliable Australian tabloid Woman’s Day.

According to the scandal sheet from Down Under, Pitt and Clooney are essentially making another Ocean’s movie, except this time, the object they hope to steal is Neri’s affection.

Please accept our apologies for that tortured analogy.

“George loves that Brad has been thrown off his game and makes fun of him endlessly,” one “insider” tells Woman’s Day.

“It’s sweet payback for all the jokes Brad tossed his way after George started dating Amal.”

Despite all the joking, however, Clooney reportedly wants to make Brad’s relationship work almost as badly as Brad does.

In fact, it seems he’s called in his erudite wife to help ease Neri’s transition from academic to tabloid staple.

The source tells Woman’s Day that Amal Clooney has been “advising Neri on ways to keep calm and grounded amid the media circus.”

The informant adds that Pitt is eternally grateful for the support, as “he’s not used to having a non-famous girlfriend and Neri never expected to be in the limelight.”

We guess this could conceivably be true … but Woman’s Day doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to Brad’s love life.

In fact, just last month, the Aussie mag claimed that Clooney planned to help Pitt in his efforts to win back Jennifer Aniston.

So either George is the ultimate wingman, or Woman’s Day is really churning out the BS.

Come to think of it, there’s probably some truth in both of those statements.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Taylor Swift: Crazed Man Robs Bank in Effort to Impress Her

It’s been about a month since Taylor Swift released her latest music video, but plenty of fans are still hooked on her music and still love her. Some love her too much.

One Connecticut man was determined to impress Taylor that he allegedly robbed a bank so that he could use the cash to win her over.

His mad shceme to propose to her did not work, and police took him into custody.

Bruce Rowley Mugshot

We’re not saying that there’s any one right way to do a proposal, but … it does help your odds of getting a “yes” if the other person knows who you are.

But that didn’t deter Bruce Rowley of Derby, Connecticut from trying to propose to Taylor Swift.

The proposal that police say that he had concocted — which we suppose was also to be his meet cute with Taylor — involved him driving 60 miles to her Rhode Island home and throwing fistfulls of money over her fence.

Rowley got the money, which authorities say totaled roughly $ 1,600, after having robbed a bank.

Specifically, Rowley is accused of robbing a Webser bank in Ansonia.

Ansonia Police spokesman Lt. Patrick Lynch explains Rowley’s bizarre motive and how is alleged crime connects to Taylor Swift.

“It seemed he wanted to propose to her.”

But alas, what would surely have otherwise been a perfect marriage proposal ran across a little hitch.

“But she wasn’t home when he went there. He said he threw some of the money over a fence to impress her.”

As it turns out, he explained it all to police after they pursued his car into Connecticut for the alleged bank robbery.

“We didn’t know about Taylor Swift until our officers picked him up from state police to drive him back to Ansonia. He began to talk all about it in the cruiser.”

When a suspect begins to talk about their crime and motive without any provocation, it’s generally known as an “excited utterance,” which is considered admissible in court.

Rowley is charged with second-degree robbery and fourth-degree larceny.

Bruce Rowley

There are a number of funny elements to this story, but overall, it’s scary.

We’re talking about a stalker. There are, in general, two forms of stalking. One takes the form of a lover or an ex or acquaintance who harasses a person. This particularly manifests as an abuser tracking down his victim because he cannot allow himself to lose control.

The other type is where someone has imagined an elaborate relationship with someone, often a celebrity, so vividly that they imagine that the celebrity feels the same way about them.

They may interpret tweets or offhanded statements in interviews as coded messages for them. It may have all gotten started with what they perceived to be eye contact during a concert.

Remember when President Reagan was shot? Whatever one may feel about him and his political legacy, that was a scary event.

The man who fired the shot was not in his right mind — he believed that he was trying to impress Jodie Foster.

We’re just lucky that Rowley’s delusion did not lead him to shoot anyone.

This mad scheme to propose to her was doomed from the start by so many things.

Taylor Swift, of course, is already happily in a relationship with Joe Alwyn.

We cannot imagine that Taylor, whose net worth is reportedly somewhere in the ballpark of $ 300 million, is going to be lured by anyone with any amount of money.

(Because she’s a romantic at heart)

But we can’t imagine her even blinking at $ 1,600 that seems to be raining down over her fence like dead leaves tossed by a petty neighbor.

Also, not for nothing, folks, but Taylor is famous for owning many, many homes. We have no idea what led Rowley to believe that he’d find her in Rhode Island.

We don’t imagine that Rowley’s going to get the Kanye treatment in one of Taylor’s new songs.

Sure, she sings about major life events — romances, breakups, feuds, downfalls. But you don’t sing about stalkers.

It feeds into their delusions, and might encourage other stalkers to take similar actions. Or worse actions.

Hopefully, Rowley is undergoing a psychological evaluation and will be able to receive the help that he clearly needs.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Ray J Tries to Impress Princess Love by Babysitting Manager"s 1-Year-Old on "L&HHH"

Ray J and his wife Princess Love have baby fever, and it’s being put to the test with the addition of the newest “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood” cast member — one-year-old Stevie Rose Weintraub. The couple’s manager, David Weintraub and…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Chuck Liddell to Floyd: Wanna Impress Me? Knock McGregor Out!

Chuck Liddell has a challenge for Floyd Mayweather — you really wanna make a statement? Don’t run from Conor McGregor … KNOCK HIM OUT!  The Iceman was out in Calabasas when he said he’d love to see Floyd really take the fight to Conor in a…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Nick Jonas Uses Bowling to Impress the Ladies (360 VIDEO)

Nick Jonas knows a thing or two about winning a woman’s heart … and, apparently, the bowling date is right up his alley. We got Nick Tuesday at LAX, and while he was fairly tight-lipped for a lot of questions … he did open up for some crucial…
