Showing posts with label Rob's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob's. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2018

LeBron James Dominates Family Softball Game, Robs Wife Of A Hit!

Ever wonder how the NBA’s best player would fare in a slow-pitch softball game?? Good, ‘cause LeBron James hit the diamond Wednesday night … and absolutely dominated. LBJ, fam and friends (including J.R. Smith!) took the field at University of…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Taylor Swift: Crazed Man Robs Bank in Effort to Impress Her

It’s been about a month since Taylor Swift released her latest music video, but plenty of fans are still hooked on her music and still love her. Some love her too much.

One Connecticut man was determined to impress Taylor that he allegedly robbed a bank so that he could use the cash to win her over.

His mad shceme to propose to her did not work, and police took him into custody.

Bruce Rowley Mugshot

We’re not saying that there’s any one right way to do a proposal, but … it does help your odds of getting a “yes” if the other person knows who you are.

But that didn’t deter Bruce Rowley of Derby, Connecticut from trying to propose to Taylor Swift.

The proposal that police say that he had concocted — which we suppose was also to be his meet cute with Taylor — involved him driving 60 miles to her Rhode Island home and throwing fistfulls of money over her fence.

Rowley got the money, which authorities say totaled roughly $ 1,600, after having robbed a bank.

Specifically, Rowley is accused of robbing a Webser bank in Ansonia.

Ansonia Police spokesman Lt. Patrick Lynch explains Rowley’s bizarre motive and how is alleged crime connects to Taylor Swift.

“It seemed he wanted to propose to her.”

But alas, what would surely have otherwise been a perfect marriage proposal ran across a little hitch.

“But she wasn’t home when he went there. He said he threw some of the money over a fence to impress her.”

As it turns out, he explained it all to police after they pursued his car into Connecticut for the alleged bank robbery.

“We didn’t know about Taylor Swift until our officers picked him up from state police to drive him back to Ansonia. He began to talk all about it in the cruiser.”

When a suspect begins to talk about their crime and motive without any provocation, it’s generally known as an “excited utterance,” which is considered admissible in court.

Rowley is charged with second-degree robbery and fourth-degree larceny.

Bruce Rowley

There are a number of funny elements to this story, but overall, it’s scary.

We’re talking about a stalker. There are, in general, two forms of stalking. One takes the form of a lover or an ex or acquaintance who harasses a person. This particularly manifests as an abuser tracking down his victim because he cannot allow himself to lose control.

The other type is where someone has imagined an elaborate relationship with someone, often a celebrity, so vividly that they imagine that the celebrity feels the same way about them.

They may interpret tweets or offhanded statements in interviews as coded messages for them. It may have all gotten started with what they perceived to be eye contact during a concert.

Remember when President Reagan was shot? Whatever one may feel about him and his political legacy, that was a scary event.

The man who fired the shot was not in his right mind — he believed that he was trying to impress Jodie Foster.

We’re just lucky that Rowley’s delusion did not lead him to shoot anyone.

This mad scheme to propose to her was doomed from the start by so many things.

Taylor Swift, of course, is already happily in a relationship with Joe Alwyn.

We cannot imagine that Taylor, whose net worth is reportedly somewhere in the ballpark of $ 300 million, is going to be lured by anyone with any amount of money.

(Because she’s a romantic at heart)

But we can’t imagine her even blinking at $ 1,600 that seems to be raining down over her fence like dead leaves tossed by a petty neighbor.

Also, not for nothing, folks, but Taylor is famous for owning many, many homes. We have no idea what led Rowley to believe that he’d find her in Rhode Island.

We don’t imagine that Rowley’s going to get the Kanye treatment in one of Taylor’s new songs.

Sure, she sings about major life events — romances, breakups, feuds, downfalls. But you don’t sing about stalkers.

It feeds into their delusions, and might encourage other stalkers to take similar actions. Or worse actions.

Hopefully, Rowley is undergoing a psychological evaluation and will be able to receive the help that he clearly needs.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Says Rob"s a Good Guy, Ask Her About Everything Else

Blac Chyna’s side piece — the guy posting pics of them naked together in bed to get back at Rob — has a surprising response to all the drama … a compliment. Ferrari, a rapper, was outside Capitol Records in Hollywood Thursday … and…


Blac Chyna"s Side Piece Says Rob"s a Good Guy, Ask Her About Everything Else

Blac Chyna’s side piece — the guy posting pics of them naked together in bed to get back at Rob — has a surprising response to all the drama … a compliment. Ferrari, a rapper, was outside Capitol Records in Hollywood Thursday … and…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blac Chyna Nude Pics: Rubbed in Rob"s Face by Ferrari!

Ferrari has sent a very clear and very explicit message to Rob Kardashian:

You may have smashed it first. But I smashed it most recently!

The random rapper – who has sky-rocketed to viral fame in the last 24 hours, ever since Rob called him out as one of the men with whom Chyna recently slept – just issued a harsh shot across Kardashian’s sensitive bow.

According to TMZ, Ferrari actually sent two photos of Blac Chyna nude to Rob.

In both images, the reality star is lying in bed alongside Ferrari, likely post-coital, and definitely wearing a couple pieces of jewelry.

One of the pieces is a $ 250,000 necklace that belongs to Ferrari… while the other is a bracelet reportedly purchased for Chyna by Rob.

OUCH, right? Talk about adding insult to extremely personal injury.

As part of his lengthy rant against Chyna’s infidelity yesterday, Rob said the bed in which his ex-fiancee is lying in this photo below is also the one in which she and Rob conceived daughter Dream.

Insiders tell TMZ that the following image was snapped about a month ago, prior to Rob finding out that Chyna was sleeping with Ferrari behind his back.

How did Kardashian discover this dalliance was taking place?

Because Chyna apparently sent him a video on July Fourth of her and Ferrari being all cute and cuddly and getting to first base with each other.

This taunting footage caused Rob to GO OFF against his ex on Instagram (and then on Twitter, after Instagram kicked him off its platform).

In one social media message after another, Rob slammed Chyna as a liar and a cheater and a plastic surgery abuser and even as a drug addict.

Kardashian also shared a number of naked pictures of Chyna, showing the world her butt and boobs as evidence of body parts he paid to have altered.

He even posted a photo of Chyna’s vagina, alleging she had just sent it to him a few days ago as a form of seduction, not long before the two had unprotected sex.

Perhaps on the advice of an attorney, however, Rob eventually deleted all racy snapshots of Blac Chyna because she may very well pursue legal action against her unstable ex under California’s revenge porn law.

Indeed, what began as a funny situation that most followers chalked up to just another Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna beef has spiraled into something far more deranged and serious.

And this also raises a few questions about the lewd images Ferrari evidently sent to Kardashian.

Did Chyna approve of these pictures? If so, might she have a harder time challenging the illegality of the photos Rob shared?

We aren’t attorneys, but it would seem to make her case more challenging if she were to attempt to argue that Rob violated her privacy by exposing her lady parts to the Internet…

… yet she then gave Ferrari permission to do nearly the same.

Granted, there’s no actual nudity in these photos. And her privacy cannot be violated if she gave someone permission, which she most decidedly did NOT do with Rob.

Moreover, what if Chyna isn’t aware that Ferrari has taunted Rob with these sexual photos?

Could revenge porn charges then be brought against him as well?

For her part, Chyna initially fired back at Rob by claiming he beat her, but then quickly deleted the Snapchat post that made this allegation.

She’s said nothing about the scandal since then, but she has updated her Instagram page with a couple of beauty product photos and links to the her website,

It looks like Blac is trying to profit of this controversy, as she assumes folks will be visiting her Instagram page on the reg and is therefore directing them to one of her business ventures.

Kris Jenner may be angry at her near-daughter-in-law for what Chyna did to her son, but she has to silently be applauding Blac for this maneuver.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Brittany Carter Rapes Cab Driver While Friend Robs Him at Knifepoint

In what may be the strangest story we’ve read in months, an Ohio woman was charged after allegedly raping a cab driver this winter.

The more details we learn, the more bizarre it gets.

Brittany Carter, 23, has been charged with rape after performing oral sex on the cab driver while at least one friend held him at knifepoint.

Carter’s friend(s) subsequently robbed the driver.

A native of Fremont, Ohio, Brittany was indicted on charges of first-degree felony rape and aggravated robbery following the incident.

Starcasm, via the Fremont News-Messenger, reports that Carter and 20-year-old Cory Jackson got into a cab in Findlay, Oh., on January 28.

It was 4:24 a.m. when this all went down.

No pun intended. Wow, that was bad.

In any event, according to law enforcement, Jackson “held [the] knife at the male cab driver while Carter performed a sex act on him.”

They stole a whole $ 32 in cash and bolted.

The driver reported what happened right away, and local cops issued arrest warrants, though it took months for her to be brought in. 

Carter wasn’t apprehended until last week.

Brittany Carter’s bail is $ 60,000; Jackson, who is also wanted on murder charges (seriously) in Lima, Oh., apparently remains at large.

Currently, Carter is being held at the Hancock County Jail, where the mug shot above was taken, having not yet posted the $ 60K bond.

Photos of Brittany from her still-public Facebook page appear above and below … and show someone who looks by all accounts normal.

Don’t believe anything you read online!

As for the question you’re all wondering:

Given that the apparent motive was robbery (albeit for a mere $ 32) and it was serious enough to warrant the use of a deadly weapon …

Why the heck did she blow the driver?!

“We don’t know why she did it,” Findlay Detective Lieutenant Robert Ring said when that query was posed. “Maybe it was a distraction?”

“Because they took money from him.”

Brittany performing oral sex on a man while someone else clandestinely steals money is one thing, but wasn’t he robbed with a knife? 

This whole thing makes no sense.

Interestingly, the official police report indicates that it was two males and one female who called for the cab ride in the first place.

Who is the third passenger? Was there one? Police are still on the hunt for Carter’s other accomplice, according to reports.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kardashian Family: Blaming Blac Chyna For Rob"s Health Problems?!

Last month, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized for what was later revealed to be a flare-up of type 2 diabetes symptoms.

Sources say the attack occurred after indulged in an extended period of binge eating following his latest breakup from Blac Chyna.

The couple has called it quits several times over the course of their one year together, but it seems this time there’s reason to be believe that they’re done for good.

Prior to their most recent split, the reality stars reportedly got into a fight that resulted in Blac drunkenly beating Rob.

Insiders say Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble, happened to arrive on the scene during the altercation, and was able 

Now, it seems there’s reason to believe that his troubled, on-again, off-again relationship be having a considerable impact on Rob’s health.

“He’s really spiraled after the baby was born and the family is very concerned,” says a source close to the Kardashians.

Fearing the attack could be  “something worse” than a diabetes flare-up, doctors have reportedly ordered Rob to undergo further testing.

“They took blood tests and are waiting,” says the source.

Despite the fact that Rob had been engaging in self-destructive behavior for several years before he met Blac, his family remains convinced that she’s the primary source of stress in his life.

Though they initially didn’t take sides in the breakup, the Kards have reportedly started ganging up on Blac.

“Their imaginations are running wild because he seemed stable before the baby and she seemed to have his best interests in mind, but they fear that’s not the case with Blac anymore,” says an anonymous family friend.

“They think she is very suspicious and her motives are even more suspicious.”

Both Rob and Blac are reportedly braced for an ugly custody battle, and the insider claims Khloe is assisting her brother by helping to dig up dirt on his baby mama:

“He asked for a few things from his house the other day so Khloe was going to go over and while she was there she was going to do a sweep of the house for anything suspicious,” says the source.

Something tells us this situation is gonna get worse before it gets better.

We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.
