Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Brad Pitt to George Clooney: Help Me Impress My New Girlfriend!

Brad Pitt might not seem like the kind of guy who experiences much difficulty when it comes to attracting the opposite sex.

In fact, at this point, the name Pitt is pretty much synonymous “guy the entire world wants to have sex with.”

Brad Pitt Neri Oxman

But it seems that when it comes to his rumored new girlfriend, Neri Oxman, Brad feels that he’s a bit out of his depth.

Neri is a world-renowned architect and a professor at MIT.

Pitt reportedly fell hard for Oxman after sitting in on one of her lectures back in November.

And it seems the actor has been experiencing some conflicting feelings ever since.

Insiders claim that Brad is already in love with Neri … but he also feels that she may be a bit out of his league.

Yes, apparently it’s possible to be out of Brad Pitt’s league. Who knew?

Anyway, Pitt is determined to step his game up in order to make a more suitable partner for Neri.

And he’s even recruited his old pal George Clooney to aid him in his efforts … or so says the never-reliable Australian tabloid Woman’s Day.

According to the scandal sheet from Down Under, Pitt and Clooney are essentially making another Ocean’s movie, except this time, the object they hope to steal is Neri’s affection.

Please accept our apologies for that tortured analogy.

“George loves that Brad has been thrown off his game and makes fun of him endlessly,” one “insider” tells Woman’s Day.

“It’s sweet payback for all the jokes Brad tossed his way after George started dating Amal.”

Despite all the joking, however, Clooney reportedly wants to make Brad’s relationship work almost as badly as Brad does.

In fact, it seems he’s called in his erudite wife to help ease Neri’s transition from academic to tabloid staple.

The source tells Woman’s Day that Amal Clooney has been “advising Neri on ways to keep calm and grounded amid the media circus.”

The informant adds that Pitt is eternally grateful for the support, as “he’s not used to having a non-famous girlfriend and Neri never expected to be in the limelight.”

We guess this could conceivably be true … but Woman’s Day doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to Brad’s love life.

In fact, just last month, the Aussie mag claimed that Clooney planned to help Pitt in his efforts to win back Jennifer Aniston.

So either George is the ultimate wingman, or Woman’s Day is really churning out the BS.

Come to think of it, there’s probably some truth in both of those statements.
