Monday, April 3, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Kim"s Last Ditch Effort!

Was Kim Kardashian serious about carrying another baby?

Or was this yet another ploy to save the show from plummeting ratings – or maybe a little of both, because what’s a health crisis without exploitation?

Last night’s Keeping Up addressed that and much more.

Picking up where last week left off, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 4 found Kim getting right down to business.

Of trying to save KUWTK from tanking ratings, that is.

“Kanye and I’ve always talked about having more kids, but after what I went through in Paris, the urgency is even greater,” Kardashian said.

Seamless pivot from crisis to potential storyline there.

“Being a stay at home mom has been so refreshing,” she added, without irony, “and I’d love nothing more than to expand my family.”

Stay at home mom? Is she serious right now?

For all the special things Kim has done and continues to do as a parent, the idea that it’s a full-time job for her is absolutely hilarious.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know Kim has been told that her body might not be able to take a pregnancy.

Well, her body in its current condition, anyway.

“I have to go and repair my uterus because I decided I’m going to try to have one more baby. Isn’t that exciting?” Kim told the family.

The family was more worried than happy.

“I have to have a surgery on my uterus to kind of repair this hole, so they need to, like, clean it out and then there’s scar tissue,” Kim said.

“It will still be a really high-risk pregnancy,” she added, to which Khloe asked the obvious question on everyone’s minds in this situation: 

“So, why do you want to do it again?”

Because Khloe, sometimes, the ratings are just that low that you’ll feign interest in a lot of things if it means quality promos and stories.

Sorry, here’s her actual answer:

“I’ve gone through so much with really bad deliveries that the doctors don’t feel like it’s safe for me to conceive again myself.”

“This surgery is the one last thing I can try. I want my kids to have siblings. I want to know I did everything I could to make this happen.”

Later, she went through with it.

“I definitely am in pain, but if the end result is that I get to carry my baby, it’s all worth it,” Kim told the cameras. “Hopefully this is successful.”

Then she took a fertility test, though, and learned that despite the surgery, the results said “for sure now, you should not carry [a] baby.”

The devastation began to sink in, and quickly.

“Not only has this been really painful, but now hearing that I shouldn’t carry any more kids, it couldn’t be worse,” Kim lamented.

“I had a full breakdown. I just, like, give up.”

She said she and Kanye would look into having a surrogate carry their third kid next, and “whatever is meant to be will be,” she noted.

Meanwhile, the Kards were going hard at Rob over his health, with Khloe going so far as to ask if he wants to “be around” for Dream.

“When my mom and my sisters gang up on me, it doesn’t really motivate me. It pushes me away,” Rob said, and he does have a point.

 “I can’t f–king talk about this right now.”

Tough love is great … but only to a point.

Unlike her brother, Khloe has no problem motivating herself to get in shape, but she still revealed to Kourtney what keeps her up at night.

Her fashion line. She needed to move 150,000 pairs of jeans in three months to please investors and her business partner, a lofty goal.

“I have so much anxiety,” Khloe said, noting that such a sales figure has “never happened in denim history.” Plus, there’s personal anxiety.

“Kylie [Jenner] sells hundreds of thousands of units in like, what? Three minutes?” Khloe said. “I know we’re not necessarily competing.”

“Still,” she admits, “I have always been known as the fat sister and now that I’m over that, I don’t want to be known as the failing sister.”

That’s certainly not happening.

Khloe’s sales were off the charts right out of the gate, proving that she is not the fat sister, or the failing sister, in any sense of the word.

Just the anxious sister.

Perhaps the insecurity and fear of failure is what drives her, like a lot of people in business, because Khloe’s hustle is killin’ it of late.

