Friday, October 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: I Want Cole DeBoer to Deliver My Baby!

How cute are Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer?!

You really don’t even have to answer that: they’re so cute that our minds probably can’t even properly comprehend just how cute they are.

They’re that cute.

And right now Chelsea is pregnant with their first child together — she’s already mother to one adorable little girl, Aubree, obviously — so things are only going to get sweeter for them.

Oh, but just you wait till you hear these new details that Chelsea’s giving out about the pregnancy.

Can a person’s brain literally explode from delight?

We’re about to find out.

First, Chelsea asked her Twitter followers about some thoughts she’d been having about delivering her baby.

“Opinions from people who had a photographer during labor/birth?” she wrote.

“I’m considering it, but want to hear what other people thought!”

One woman told her that she’s had the birth of her baby photographed and that she loved the experience, which was apparently what Chelsea wanted to hear.

“I think I’m going to!” she tweeted in response. “I’ve only ever heard amazing things.”

“I’m excited to see my husband’s reaction since normally that’s not something I would be paying attention to right when the baby is born!”

Someone told her to “just vlog it!”, and Chelsea joked “I’ll have Cole get up in there! Lol.”

But it turns out that Chelsea’s comment wasn’t just a joke, because it sounds like she actually is having Cole get up in there.

“We are also planning on having Cole help with the delivery!” she revealed.

“A big reason why I want to capture the moment! Amazing photo!”

And we have to agree, it definitely would be an amazing photo, but it’s unlikely we’d ever get to see it.

Chelsea and Cole are very private — remarkably private, really, when you consider Chelsea reality television career.

All the way back in January, after they got engaged, Chelsea stated that she wouldn’t allow the wedding to be filmed.

At the time, an insider added that “Chelsea wants her wedding to be very private and low-key.”

“MTV is begging her to let them film it but Chelsea refuses,” the source continued. “She usually stands firm on stuff like this, so it’s unlikely that she’ll change her mind.”

“Besides, Cole has never really been comfortable doing things on-camera.”

And when they got married earlier this month, there were no cameras, and they just shared a single photo from their big day.

So if Chelsea and Cole didn’t feel comfortable sharing much from a day when they got dressed up and professed their love for each other, it seems highly unlikely they’d share anything about the birth of their child.

And damn, what a shame.

Understandable, of course, but still … such a crying shame.
