Showing posts with label Deliver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deliver. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Huge NBA Stars Attend Rasual Butler Funeral, Deliver Emotional Chant

Some of the biggest stars in the NBA went to La Salle University on Sunday to pay tribute to Rasual Butler … and honored their friend by circling together for an emotional chant. Chris Paul, Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, Roger Mason Jr., Jim Jackson…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Duggar Pregnancy Race: Who Will Deliver First?!

The race is on, folks.

Who will be the first Duggar to welcome a child in 2018?

Three of the women in the family are pregnant, and it may seem like there’s a clear frontrunner–but far from receiving a gold medal, the odds-on favorite might be roundly ostracized if she delivers first. 

Allow us to explain.

The first of the pregnant Duggars to announce that she’s expecting was Joy-Anna, who revealed her baby bump just three months after marrying Austin Forsyth.

Not surprisingly, the timing resulted in a preponderance of “shotgun wedding” rumors.

If Joy delivers well ahead of schedule (as many fans believe she will), it could result in a minor scandal, as her family prohibits all forms of premarital sex.

Needless to say, of all the pregnant Duggars, Joy is the one attracting the most attention these days,

Next up is Kendra Caldwell, who’s currently pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby

Kendra announced last month that she’s expecting, but it’s not clear how far along she is.

There haven’t been any shotgun rumors there, but Kendra is still keeping pretty quiet about the details of her pregnancy.

(Well, “quiet” by the standards of Duggar sisters, who have been known to post weekly “bump selfies” on their Instagram pages.)

Of course, there’s always greater interest in the Duggar daughters than in the sons or their wives, so it should come as no surprise that Kendra’s thunder was effectively stolen when Jinger Duggar announced that she’s expecting her first child.

Now, this isn’t on par with Jana Duggar announcing she’s in a courtship, but it’s still news that the Duggar faithful have waiting for for quite some time.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo way back in November of 2016, which means she was married for over a year before she got pregnant.

That’s almost unheard of in a family in which women are taught from a young age that procreation is their primary reason for being.

Jinger is also more active on social media than Kendra, so she’s likely to retain her place in the spotlight.

As for the question of who will deliver first … well, the smart money is on Joy-Anna, and if it happens in the next couple weeks, buckle in for what should be some memorable Duggar drama.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Tyga to Kylie Jenner: I Miss You So Much! Let Me Deliver Your Baby!

How weird would it be to be Tyga right now?

Well, it would always be weird to be Tyga, but let’s focus on one issue at a time.

Just imagine: you’re a somewhat successful rapper who somehow found himself dating a much younger, much more famous reality star.

This goes on for years, even though your ex-girlfriend began dating your new girlfriend’s brother, and even though literally everyone thinks you’re creepy for getting with her when she was so young.

You break up, you get back together. This happens several times.

Eventually a breakup manages to stick, and you and your girl finally go your separate ways.

Shortly after that, she begins dating someone else — another kind of all right rapper, even.

And shortly after that — very shortly, to be specific — she gets pregnant.

It’s a sketchy, uncomfortable little story, but that’s what Tyga is going through right now. It’s very fitting, because Tyga himself is so sketchy and uncomfortable.

Since the news of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy broke back in September, we’ve heard multiple reports about how Tyga is supposedly handling it all.

Most of those reports discuss how much he regrets losing her, and how desperate he is to get her back, and this report we’re going to discuss today is no different.

Though it is quite a bit creepier.

Seriously, brace yourself, because this could possibly be the cringiest thing we’ve ever heard about Tyga, which is obviously saying a lot.

A source spoke about the situation to Hollywood Life, and claimed that “Tyga wants to be in the delivery room with Kylie, supporting her as she gives birth to her baby.”

… Come again?

Why would that ever happen? In what scenario would that be a logical chain of events?

“Tyga continues to be in contact with Kylie and sends her text messages irregularly, whenever he feels lonely, which is all the time,” the source added.

“Tyga misses Kylie and likes to maintain his connection to the woman he loved for years. Kylie appreciates him checking up on her, it is a nice reminder that he still cares.”

Right. Totally normal and appropriate.

This insider revealed that since her due date is coming up soon, “Tyga made it clear to Kylie that he would love to be there for her, to help support her during her big day.”

Because, believe it or not, “He still loves her and feels that should be his baby.”

OK, but … it’s not his baby? The baby has a father, and his name is Travis Scott, so it kind of feels like regardless of Tyga’s feelings, he should be the one in the delivery room.

But the thing is that “Tyga knows that Travis is often on the road, so he told Kylie that, while he respects her new relationship, is Travis can’t be there on her big day, he would love to fill in.”

It makes sense — what woman wouldn’t want her ex-boyfriend in the delivery room with her as she welcomes a child into this world?

Oh, all of them? Literally every single woman wouldn’t be cool with that?

Come on, Tyga. You can be a little more chill than this.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Bill Cosby Lawyers Rest in Sexual Assault Trial and Deliver Closing Argument

Bill Cosby’s defense lasted about a nanosecond before his team rested and delivered a closing argument to the jury laced with cheating and betrayal. Cosby’s team only called one witness, and then, with Camille in the gallery, Cosby’s lawyer made the…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Blac Chyna -- I"m Here to Deliver ... A Baby!!!

Blac Chyna is at the hospital, getting prepped for the arrival of the first Kardashian heir … TMZ has learned. Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble just rolled into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. We’re told Chyna is in a posh suite upstairs,…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: I Want Cole DeBoer to Deliver My Baby!

How cute are Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer?!

You really don’t even have to answer that: they’re so cute that our minds probably can’t even properly comprehend just how cute they are.

They’re that cute.

And right now Chelsea is pregnant with their first child together — she’s already mother to one adorable little girl, Aubree, obviously — so things are only going to get sweeter for them.

Oh, but just you wait till you hear these new details that Chelsea’s giving out about the pregnancy.

Can a person’s brain literally explode from delight?

We’re about to find out.

First, Chelsea asked her Twitter followers about some thoughts she’d been having about delivering her baby.

“Opinions from people who had a photographer during labor/birth?” she wrote.

“I’m considering it, but want to hear what other people thought!”

One woman told her that she’s had the birth of her baby photographed and that she loved the experience, which was apparently what Chelsea wanted to hear.

“I think I’m going to!” she tweeted in response. “I’ve only ever heard amazing things.”

“I’m excited to see my husband’s reaction since normally that’s not something I would be paying attention to right when the baby is born!”

Someone told her to “just vlog it!”, and Chelsea joked “I’ll have Cole get up in there! Lol.”

But it turns out that Chelsea’s comment wasn’t just a joke, because it sounds like she actually is having Cole get up in there.

“We are also planning on having Cole help with the delivery!” she revealed.

“A big reason why I want to capture the moment! Amazing photo!”

And we have to agree, it definitely would be an amazing photo, but it’s unlikely we’d ever get to see it.

Chelsea and Cole are very private — remarkably private, really, when you consider Chelsea reality television career.

All the way back in January, after they got engaged, Chelsea stated that she wouldn’t allow the wedding to be filmed.

At the time, an insider added that “Chelsea wants her wedding to be very private and low-key.”

“MTV is begging her to let them film it but Chelsea refuses,” the source continued. “She usually stands firm on stuff like this, so it’s unlikely that she’ll change her mind.”

“Besides, Cole has never really been comfortable doing things on-camera.”

And when they got married earlier this month, there were no cameras, and they just shared a single photo from their big day.

So if Chelsea and Cole didn’t feel comfortable sharing much from a day when they got dressed up and professed their love for each other, it seems highly unlikely they’d share anything about the birth of their child.

And damn, what a shame.

Understandable, of course, but still … such a crying shame.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Fat Jewish -- Spencer Pratt Shall Deliver Me From My Demons



Pizza can’t solve all problems, not even for The Fat Jewish …  because he’s turning to Spencer Pratt for spiritual guidance. No, you read that correctly.

The Instagram comedy curator and pizza fanatic arrived in L.A. Tuesday for a session with his new shaman and former ‘Hills’ star — something our photog found hard to believe … so he hopped the shuttle bus with FJ to get the story.

As we first reported, Pratt is shooting a new reality series, so it’s most likely a stunt for the show, but still entertaining to watch.

And if Pratt’s crap doesn’t work … Fat Jewish’s vintage GWAR shirt should scare off plenty of demons. Just sayin’.