Friday, January 12, 2018

Tyga to Kylie Jenner: I Miss You So Much! Let Me Deliver Your Baby!

How weird would it be to be Tyga right now?

Well, it would always be weird to be Tyga, but let’s focus on one issue at a time.

Just imagine: you’re a somewhat successful rapper who somehow found himself dating a much younger, much more famous reality star.

This goes on for years, even though your ex-girlfriend began dating your new girlfriend’s brother, and even though literally everyone thinks you’re creepy for getting with her when she was so young.

You break up, you get back together. This happens several times.

Eventually a breakup manages to stick, and you and your girl finally go your separate ways.

Shortly after that, she begins dating someone else — another kind of all right rapper, even.

And shortly after that — very shortly, to be specific — she gets pregnant.

It’s a sketchy, uncomfortable little story, but that’s what Tyga is going through right now. It’s very fitting, because Tyga himself is so sketchy and uncomfortable.

Since the news of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy broke back in September, we’ve heard multiple reports about how Tyga is supposedly handling it all.

Most of those reports discuss how much he regrets losing her, and how desperate he is to get her back, and this report we’re going to discuss today is no different.

Though it is quite a bit creepier.

Seriously, brace yourself, because this could possibly be the cringiest thing we’ve ever heard about Tyga, which is obviously saying a lot.

A source spoke about the situation to Hollywood Life, and claimed that “Tyga wants to be in the delivery room with Kylie, supporting her as she gives birth to her baby.”

… Come again?

Why would that ever happen? In what scenario would that be a logical chain of events?

“Tyga continues to be in contact with Kylie and sends her text messages irregularly, whenever he feels lonely, which is all the time,” the source added.

“Tyga misses Kylie and likes to maintain his connection to the woman he loved for years. Kylie appreciates him checking up on her, it is a nice reminder that he still cares.”

Right. Totally normal and appropriate.

This insider revealed that since her due date is coming up soon, “Tyga made it clear to Kylie that he would love to be there for her, to help support her during her big day.”

Because, believe it or not, “He still loves her and feels that should be his baby.”

OK, but … it’s not his baby? The baby has a father, and his name is Travis Scott, so it kind of feels like regardless of Tyga’s feelings, he should be the one in the delivery room.

But the thing is that “Tyga knows that Travis is often on the road, so he told Kylie that, while he respects her new relationship, is Travis can’t be there on her big day, he would love to fill in.”

It makes sense — what woman wouldn’t want her ex-boyfriend in the delivery room with her as she welcomes a child into this world?

Oh, all of them? Literally every single woman wouldn’t be cool with that?

Come on, Tyga. You can be a little more chill than this.
