Showing posts with label Teen's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teen's. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bristol Palin: Teens Moms Should Be Punished For Getting Pregnant!

For a woman who stars on a show called Teen Mom OG, Bristol Palin certainly isn"t very sympathetic to the plight of unwed young mothers.

Or at least that"s the impression we get from her latest comments on the subject.

As The Ashley"s Reality Roundup points out, Bristol went on an Instagram rant this week, and she made what many feel are deeply insensitive comments about teen pregnancy.

Some fans are even citing the remarks as proof that Bristol never should have been cast on the show in the first place.

Take a look:

1. Bristol Under Fire

Bristol palin as a teen mom

Many Teen Mom OG fans were not thrilled when Bristol Palin was cast on the show, and they’re citing her latest comments as further evidence that she just doesn’t belong.

2. Blast From the Past

Bristol palin looks unhappy

Unlike Cheyenne Floyd, who also joined the cast this season, Bristol was an honest-to-goodness teen mom at one point.

3. The Palins

Sarah and bristol palin photo

She welcomed her first child in 2008 … the same year that her mother gained national fame as John McCain’s running mate.

4. Different Strokes

Sarah and bristol palin

Needless to say, Bristol’s upbringing was quite different from those of the other Teen Moms, most of whom grew up in relative poverty.

5. Check Your Privilege

Bristol palin at home

But despite the fact that her mother was once one of the most famous women in the country, Bristol says she didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth.

6. Cut off

Bristol palin meyer

“People have this assumption that I haven’t struggled with finances but my parents cut me off lonnng long ago, like when I got knocked up 10+ years ago (which good parents should do),”

View Slideshow

Monday, March 26, 2018

Rick Santorum: Teens Should Take CPR Classes Instead of Protesting

Over the weekend, millions of patriotic Americans participated in the March For Our Lives protests, lobbying for gun control in order to put an end to the epidemic of gun violence that claims countless lives.

in the video that you can see below, former senator Rick Santorum says that teens who want to not be murdered shouldn"t ask their government to pass laws to make them safer.

He says that students would be better served by … learning to perform CPR.

Rick santorum state of the union on cnn

The next time that you see someone present CNN, of all networks, as the "liberal news source," remember that the network gave Trump billions in free air time during the election … and that they pay money to people like Rick Santorum to voice their opinions.

The former senator saw millions of teens marching with their families across America, hoping that they can finally pressure the government into protecting its citizens from lethal weapons of war like the AR-15.

Many Americans felt inspired or even, for the first time in too long, hopeful that things would change.

Rick Santorum felt that these courageous teens were … misguided.

He thinks that instead of asking the government — that is supposed to represent them and their interests — they should instead take individual action to prepare for future shootings.

"How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that."

That statement went viral because many found it to be mind-boggling.

First of all, CPR helps with only a select number of health situations. Very rarely does it do any good when someone has been shot.

Gunshots require very specific treatment that only a fraction of surgeons are prepared to perform.

And it also must be performed in a hospital.

Furthermore, of course, there is the absurdity of demanding that teens accept that mass shootings are and will always be inevitable. These teens and their families and millions of others are demanding that their elected representatives 

One wonders what function Rick Santorum believes that government should serve, if not to protect its citizens.

Rick santorum at trump tower

Now, Santorum"s statement didn"t go unchallenged, and it was pointed out to him that these teens are taking action.

"They took action to ask someone to pass a law," he counters.

He lays out what — aside from, uh, CPR classes — he believes that teens who would prefer to not be murdered should do.

"They didn"t take action to say, "How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community?""

It"s interesting that he brings up the "bullying" myth. Bullying is real, but the idea that it drives people to become shooters has been debunked, though people have been pushing that narrative since Columbine.

Rick santorum image

Rick Santorum continues with his list of questions that he believes that people who don"t fancy the idea of dying in a hail of bullets should ask themselves.

""What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?"… Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, "Here"s how I"m going to deal with this. Here"s how I"m going to help the situation.""

What he is talking about is a culture of resignation, where people accept that mast shootings will happen and must happen and live every day prepared to lose friends and loved ones.

It"s one thing to be prepared for an emergency. It"s another to focus solely on preparation and not try to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place.

But Santorum sees lobbying the government to protect its citizens as a sign that people lack personal responsibility.

"Instead of going and protesting and saying, "Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.""

While his whole take is questionable, the fact that Santorum suggested CPR as a solution to gun violence is absurd.

He also says that "phony gun laws don"t solve problems." We"re not sure what about any of this is "phony," but gun laws have been clearly demonstrated to work.

Of course, Tomi Lahren stuck a gun down her pants, and the NRA countered that the Parkland survivors wouldn"t be famous if their classmates had not been shot … which is kind of the whole point.

So it seems that it"s safe to say that those who oppose gun control legislation are scrambling and voicing a variety of responses and, presumably, hoping that one of these counter-arguments will "stick."

We wouldn"t want you to google "Santorum video" (don"t ask), so please take a look at the video of his statement below.

Rick santorum teens should take cpr classes instead of protestin

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Tide Pod Challenge: Teens Film Themselves Eating Detergent Pods! Why?!

What happens when you mix the internet, the neo-dadaist humor shared by Millennials and Generation Z, social media, YouTube"s "challenge" culture, and millions of years of evolutionary instinct?

Well, you get teenagers recording videos of themselves eating Tide detergent pods.

As you"ll see in the video below, this unbelievable (and very inadvisable!) stunt is the latest "challenge" video that"s taking the internet by storm. Oh, dear.

So, you know when you were a kid — and, honestly, now — and some things looked like food and, on some primal level, you felt the impulse to try to eat it?

Recently, people on social media have been talking about detergent pods and other "forbidden snacks."

From little colorful bouncy balls to salt lamps to translucent dice to detergent pods, there are certain small items that we have to resist the impulse to devour.

Why? Because our instincts — we"re talking, like, lizard brain instincts — see a small, colorful object that might be partially see-through, and it registers as fruit.

Not just fruit, but some sort of nutrient-rich morsel full of flavor, vitamins, and simple carbohydrates that our bodies need to survive.

So people have joked about "forbidden snacks." Memes were born.

Unfortunately, while the vast majority of people talking about these detergent pods were just remarking on the absurdity of their impulse to eat them, well …

Some people have been taking things a step further by recording themselves putting a detergent pod in their mouths.

They took a perfectly good, almost wholesome, meme, and turned it into one of those stupid "challenges" that could easily poison someone.

As the Taylor Swift song says, "This Is Why We Can"t Have Nice Things."

Now, some of these "challenge" videos are funny. Genuinely, truly funny.

Artistically created, they"re even set to music.

Many of them use tricks, via editing or camera movements, in order to simply make it appear that someone has eaten one of these "tasty" pods.

They are made of extremely concentrated soap, folks. They do not taste good. When eaten, they are also super, super bad for you.

Some of these videos are, again, illusions.

In fact, some videos include artificial detergent pods, made of safely edible things like candy and jello, which reminds me of that game show where people bite onto everyday objects in a room in order to discover which are chocolate.

(You can view an edible Tide Pod recipe here)

But we"re sad to say that at least some of these videos are for real.

Many companies make detergent pods, for the dishwasher or the washing machine.

Tide pods, for whatever reason, have been singled out by the meme and particularly by the people taking the "Tide pod challenge."

We can only imagine what a PR nightmare this must be for all of the people working at Tide, who must either be scratching their heads or screaming as they see their cleaning products ingested all across the internet.

In fact, Tide actually put out a statement:

"Our laundry pacs are a highly concentrated detergent meant to clean clothes, and they"re used safely in millions of households every day. They should be only used to clean clothes and kept up, closed and away from children."

Their statement continues:

"We have seen no indication of an increase of cases seeking medical treatment amongst infants and teenagers associated with the recent uptick in social media conversation or in consumer calls."

So, that"s good, at least.

We should note that the reason that detergent pods in general are so colorful is because that appeals to our instincts. (That"s why products and packaging, in general, look colorful)

We don"t think that it"s Tide"s fault, or any other company"s, that some people make terrible choices because they want their videos to get views.

Tide pod challenge teens film themselves eating detergent pods w

Monday, January 8, 2018

Rapper Kevin Gates Hopes to Scare Teens Straight After Prison Release

Rapper Kevin Gates has one hell of a story to tell … which is exactly what he plans on doing after he’s released from prison. The rapper’s attorney, Herschel Rush, tells TMZ … Kevin’s plans after he’s released from an Illinois penitentiary…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Teens Accused of Taunting, Filming Man As He Drowned

Shocking news out of Florida today, as police are reporting that five teens watched, laughed, and recorded footage on their cell phones while a man lost his life drowning in a retention pond.

Police say 32-year-old Jamel Dunn entered the pond near his mother’s house for unknown reasons following a family argument.

Now, his sister, Simone McIntosh, wants the teens who watched Jamel drown charged in connection with his death.

Jamel Dunn Photo

“You’re a f–king junkie!” shouted one of the teens in a disturbing video they shot themselves.

“Ain’t nobody fitting to help you, b-tch,” laughed another.

Toward the end of the video, the teens collapse into hysterical laughter.

“He died!” they’re heard to remark at one point. “He ain’t coming back up.”

“You b-tch, you shouldn’t have gotten in there,” one teen commented, seemingly upon realizing that Dunn had died.

Astonishingly, the teens laugh harder after one of the group points out that they just watched a man drown and “could’ve helped him.”

The identities of the teens who shot the appalling footage have not been released.

Cocoa Police Department spokesperson Yvonne Martinez says that prosecutors have thoroughly reviewed of the case, it seems unlikely that the teens will face any criminal charges.

“There wasn’t anything criminal we could charge them with,” Martinez told the press, adding that authorities had initially hoped to charge the teens with “some sort of negligence that could contribute to manslaughter.”

[The teens] weren’t directly involved. They didn’t push him into the water, they didn’t coerce him into the water,” Martinez said, noting that unlike other states, Florida does not have a Good Samaritan law that would’ve required the teens to intervene.

Jamel Dunn Pic

Members of the Cocoa, Florida community have expressed outrage, but Martinez says that the teens are protected by the law.

“Obviously it’s a tragic incident and that there are people like that in this world,” Martinez said.

“Unfortunately there’s not a lot we can do about it.”

Echoing the sentiments of many in her community, McIntosh has taken to social media to express her outrage.

“How could you witness someone die & not be charged w/anything?” she wrote on Facebook yesterday, while sharing the shocking video of her brother’s death.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox Run to Transgender Teen"s Defense in Supreme Court Case

Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox just joined a transgender teen’s fight in the Supreme Court, which pits Caitlyn, a staunch Republican, against President Trump’s agenda. The case centers around Gavin Grimm — a transgender HS…
