Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released from Hospital After Breaking Ribs

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is out of the hospital, but not back on her feet … quite yet. RBG was released from George Washington Medical Center in D.C. Thursday after spending the night.  As you know … she fractured 3 ribs…


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Robert De Niro Cracks a Kavanaugh Joke After Supreme Court Confirmation

Robert De Niro got back into his political comedy shtick again this weekend, making a sorry joke about Brett Kavanaugh hours after he was confirmed to the Supreme Court. De Niro was receiving the Brass Ring Award Saturday evening at…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to the Supreme Court of the U.S.

There were no last minute surprises or curveballs — Brett Kavanaugh got the votes he needed to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States … but just barely. President Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy was confirmed by…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

President Trump Announces Brett Kavanaugh as New Supreme Court Nominee

President Trump has tapped his pick for the next Supreme Court justice to replace Anthony Kennedy — and he’s being hailed as a strong conservative choice. The Prez nominated DC Circuit Court of Appeals judge Brett Kavanaugh Monday,…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Meek Mill Appeals Judge Brinkley"s Decision to Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Meek Mill’s legal team just filed new legal docs asking Pennsylvania’s highest court to remove Judge Genece Brinkley from his case … on the heels of her denying him a new trial. The appeal to the PA Supreme Court comes just 3 days after…


Meek Mill Appeals Judge Brinkley"s Decision to Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Meek Mill’s legal team just filed new legal docs asking Pennsylvania’s highest court to remove Judge Genece Brinkley from his case … on the heels of her denying him a new trial. The appeal to the PA Supreme Court comes just 3 days after…


Anthony Scaramucci Says He Knows Who Trump Will Pick for Supreme Court

Anthony Scaramucci says he knows a lot … he knows who Trump will pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, and he knows the fate of Roe vs. Wade. We got The Mooch Wednesday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and he seems to be saying Trump or his…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Celebrity Chef Art Smith Rallies LGBT Bakers After Supreme Court Decision

Ex-“Top Chef Masters” star Art Smith is imploring all Americans to avoid cake made with hate … and he’s also rallying all LGBT bakers to help the cause. Art, who’s been the personal chef of both Oprah and former Florida…


Celebrity Chef Art Smith Rallies LGBT Bakers After Supreme Court Decision

Ex-“Top Chef Masters” star Art Smith is imploring all Americans to avoid cake made with hate … and he’s also rallying all LGBT bakers to help the cause. Art, who’s been the personal chef of both Oprah and former Florida…


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Won"t Trade with Judge Judy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says in a contest with Judge Judy, her job reigns supreme. We got the Supreme Court Justice Tuesday at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC and asked her squarely … would she trade jobs with the famed TV jurist. R.B.G.…


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Won"t Trade with Judge Judy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says in a contest with Judge Judy, her job reigns supreme. We got the Supreme Court Justice Tuesday at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC and asked her squarely … would she trade jobs with the famed TV jurist. R.B.G.…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Gregg Popovich & Spurs: Screw Trump"s White House, We"re Hitting the Supreme Court!

Gregg Popovich hates Donald Trump’s guts, but he ain’t down on all of D.C. … ‘cause Pop took the gang to another Washington landmark — the Supreme Court!! Unclear if Pop and co. were there on any official business or just to see the sights ……


Friday, December 1, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Rocks Supreme Walking Boot Because Swag

Somehow Odell Beckham Jr. can even make an injury look cool … ‘cause the N.Y. Giants superstar is turning a negative into a positive by sporting a custom Supreme design on his walking boot!!  Beckham — who suffered a season-ending ankle…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Issues Opinion ... on Bill Murray!

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer tackled a critical topic head on, and with very little hesitation revealed the ruling on … his favorite movie of all time! We got Justice Breyer at Reagan National Airport in DC, and with SCOTUS just a…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Rock Band The Slants Win Supreme Court Battle Over Name

Asian-American rock group, The Slants, are free and clear to trademark their name after a Supreme Court ruling in their favor. The Slants had attempted to trademark their controversial name back in 2011, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office shot…


Rock Band The Slants Win Supreme Court Battle Over Name

Asian-American rock group, The Slants, are free and clear to trademark their name after a Supreme Court ruling in their favor. The Slants had attempted to trademark their controversial name back in 2011, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office shot…


Monday, March 6, 2017

U.S. Supreme Court Punts on Transgender Bathrooms

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to rule in a case that could have established a hotly-contested transgender issue … the right to choose which bathroom they use. The court was set to hear the case this month but sent it back down to a lower…


U.S. Supreme Court Punts on Transgender Bathrooms

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to rule in a case that could have established a hotly-contested transgender issue … the right to choose which bathroom they use. The court was set to hear the case this month but sent it back down to a lower…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox Run to Transgender Teen"s Defense in Supreme Court Case

Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox just joined a transgender teen’s fight in the Supreme Court, which pits Caitlyn, a staunch Republican, against President Trump’s agenda. The case centers around Gavin Grimm — a transgender HS…


Friday, February 3, 2017

These Folks Think Rob Kardashian is the Supreme Court Nominee

Look, we know that Donald Trump is unpredictable.

We know that it seems impossible to be surprised by anything the President does or says these days.

But still. Come on, people!

In the following edition of Jimmy Kimmel"s Lie Witness News, the comedian sends a correspondent out in Los Angeles and has her ask folks how they feel about Trump nominating Rob Kardashian to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

Yes, that Rob Kardashian.

“Honestly, I was a little shocked, a little taken back. But I think whatever happens, happens for a reason," replied one woman to this actual piece of fake news.

Said another man in response to the alleged nomination of Kardashian:

"He’s a people person, and he’ll keep the people’s interest at heart."

Kimmel said that seven pedestrians in a row believed that Trump really did make this selection.

At one point, Kimmel"s so-called reporter asked a man if he thought that Rob’s relationship with Blac Chyna would help improve America’s relationship with the country of China.

"I’m going to say it can’t hurt. It can help. It’s just an open door for communication. Communication is important, honest communication," the man said.

For the record, Trump actually nominated Neil Gorsuch to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

But watch now to see why some people think Kourtney Kardashian would have been a better choice:

These people think rob kardashian was nominated for the supreme