Showing posts with label Nominee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nominee. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won Veto? Who Was the Replacement Nominee?

The latest episode of Big Brother picked up moments after the most awkward nominations ceremony in the history of the series. 

Sam had just nominated both Haleigh and Kaitlyn citing the fact that both of them were all over the younger men in the house, as though they were doing it for protection from the block. 

“I’m old-fashioned and, to me, being a lady is what makes me empowered,” Sam revealed in the Diary Room of her decision to nominate the pair. 

The basis for Sam’s plan was that the bonus life power expired this week and that it would allow the evictee the chance to re-enter the game. 

But Sam said that there was no way either of the women would stick around long if they returned to the game. 

Faysal, Rockstar, and Kaycee were not impressed by the combative nature of the speech … especially when you consider the fact that Sam did not allow either woman to speak to her before the ceremony. 

Sam continued to act erratically when Tyler went up to the HOH room for some clarity on what the next steps were.

She really wants to keep all of the information to herself during her reign, but Tyler managed to float the idea of putting Rockstar up. 

After Brett lied about the vote, Rockstar went crazy, and it’s painted a huge target on her. 

Kaitlyn turned to Faisyal to make sure he was going to save her if she threw the veto to him. He agreed, but moments later, he turned to Haleigh to tell her all about it. 

JC, Faisyal, and Rockstar joined Sam, Kaitlyn, and Haleigh for the veto competition.  It brought former winner Rachel Reilly back into the house to host. 

The competition found various objects smacking the living daylights out of the houseguests. But Faysal was the one to emerge as the winner, presenting him with a difficult decision. 

Kaitlyn subsequently went off on a tear-filled rampage when Faysal admitted that he also promised Haleigh he would keep her safe. 


Tyler turned to Sam one last time to get information on the veto replacement, but she refused to tell him anything. 

She backed this up in the DR by saying she did not want to be manipulated by anyone to make a decision. 

Faysal used the veto to save Haleigh, but things took a turn as Sam started to announce she was putting JC on the block. 

Um, what?

JC burst into tears, saying it was the wrong thing to do. Sam agreed and turned her attention to Rockstar, telling her to take a seat next to her ally. 

Sam then opened up about her power app, telling the nominees that they will have a chance to re-enter the game, but still, the house was divided. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS!


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: And the Replacement Nominee Is...

It’s not very often a plan comes to fruition in the Big Brother house, but it seems like Kaitlyn Herman’s scheming with Tyler Crispen could spell the end of a big target’s game this week. 

Kaitlyn was originally in an alliance that included Swaggy C, but she quickly changed focus when Tyler told her all about Sam’s secret power and that they could use it to their advantage. 

That’s why Kaitlyn was the swing vote to send Steve out of the house, keeping Sam and her power in the game for another week. 

Kaitlyn is part of the FOUTE alliance which includes Swaggy, Bayliegh, Faysal, Rockstar, and Haleigh. In the immediate eviction aftermath, everyone in the alliance tried to figure out which of them flipped the vote. 

Kaitlyn was lucky in that she won the HOH competition because her name was coming up several times, and she ultimately opened up about her decision. 

She told select houseguests that she was ready to take out Winston, while she told others that Swaggy was her target. Despite this, it was not really clear what she was really planning to do. 

When Saturday rolled around in the Big Brother house, Scottie and Winston were sitting pretty on the block. 

The two nominees, Kaitlyn, Faysal, Rachel, and Tyler competed in the Veto competition. The feeds were off four hours as the competition took place, but when they returned we learned that Tyler emerged with the win. 

Kaitlyn was dead set on her plan, but she wanted to keep Winston on the block alongside Swaggy. This rubbed the Level Six alliance the wrong way, but they ultimately decided to allow her to do what she wanted. 

As such, the Veto ceremony took place on Monday and Swaggy replaced Scott on the block. The most surprising thing about this is that Swaggy wound up on the block. 

In past seasons, the houseguests have struggled to execute plans because the target usually pulls out a win that allows them to stay in the game. 

While the Foute alliance was shocked to the core by the news, Swaggy maintained that he had four days to try and turn the tide back in his favor to take Winston out of the game. 

Will Winston or Swaggy be sent packing on Thursday night? 

Hit the comments below. 


President Trump Announces Brett Kavanaugh as New Supreme Court Nominee

President Trump has tapped his pick for the next Supreme Court justice to replace Anthony Kennedy — and he’s being hailed as a strong conservative choice. The Prez nominated DC Circuit Court of Appeals judge Brett Kavanaugh Monday,…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Glenne Headly Dies; Former Emmy Nominee Was 63 Years Old

Glenne Headly, an Emmy Award-nominated actress likely best known her role in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, has sadly passed away.

She was 63 years old.

This unfortunate piece of news was confirmed by Headly’s rep, Annie Schmidt, who said in a statement to USA Today:

“It is with deep sorrow that we confirm the passing of Glenne Headly. We ask that her family’s privacy be respected in this difficult time.”

No other details regarding the star’s death have been made available at this time.

Headly got her start in the industry as an original member of Chicago’s famous Steppenwolf Theatre Company, working at the time alongside future stars such as John Malkovich, Gary Sinise, Laurie Metcalfe, Joan Allen, Terry Kinney and Rondi Reed.

She was in production on the Hulu series Future Man at the time of her death.

The veteran actress made her big screen debut in 1981 with Four Friends; she went on to star as an heiress targeted by competing con men (played by Steve Martin and Michael Caine) in the 1988 comedy Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

As mentioned above, to this day, the latter role likely remains her most beloved part.

But it wasn’t her last, not by a long shot.

Headly also worked with Warren Beatty in 1990’s Dick Tracy and Richard Dreyfus in 1995’s Mr. Holland’s Opus.

More recently, she portrayed mother to Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character in 2013’s Don Jon and appeared on the shows The Night Of and Parks and Recreation.

She earned her two Emmy nomination over the course of her career as well:

First, in 1989 for the miniseries Lonesome Dove.

Second, in 1996, for the television film Bastard out of Carolina.

At the time of her passing, Headly had been working opposite Josh Hutcherson of The Hunger Games, who wrote a touching message on Instagram in light of the news.

Along with the photo of a gorgeous sunset, the actor penned the following tribute:

“Her eyes brought to life so many amazing characters over the years and her love brought to life a beautiful family.

“I’m gonna miss her presence, her smile, and the way she made me feel like her son before, between, and after they called action and cut.

“Grab onto those who make you feel loved. My heart is broken today and I can only imagine what those closest to her are going through.

“My broken heart goes out to all of you as well. This is a photo of my home. Kentucky. I love my family and friends so much. I hope you all feel it.

“With lead hearts we are going to celebrate the irreplaceable Glenne Headly. LOVE.”

Headly is survived by her husband Byron McCulloch and son Stirling.

We send our condolences to her loved ones and to the loved ones of all celebrities who died this year.

May they rest in peace.


Friday, February 3, 2017

These Folks Think Rob Kardashian is the Supreme Court Nominee

Look, we know that Donald Trump is unpredictable.

We know that it seems impossible to be surprised by anything the President does or says these days.

But still. Come on, people!

In the following edition of Jimmy Kimmel"s Lie Witness News, the comedian sends a correspondent out in Los Angeles and has her ask folks how they feel about Trump nominating Rob Kardashian to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

Yes, that Rob Kardashian.

“Honestly, I was a little shocked, a little taken back. But I think whatever happens, happens for a reason," replied one woman to this actual piece of fake news.

Said another man in response to the alleged nomination of Kardashian:

"He’s a people person, and he’ll keep the people’s interest at heart."

Kimmel said that seven pedestrians in a row believed that Trump really did make this selection.

At one point, Kimmel"s so-called reporter asked a man if he thought that Rob’s relationship with Blac Chyna would help improve America’s relationship with the country of China.

"I’m going to say it can’t hurt. It can help. It’s just an open door for communication. Communication is important, honest communication," the man said.

For the record, Trump actually nominated Neil Gorsuch to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

But watch now to see why some people think Kourtney Kardashian would have been a better choice:

These people think rob kardashian was nominated for the supreme

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Neil Gorsuch: Who is This Supreme Court Nominee?

Donald Trump has made his selection.

In one of the most vital decisions a President can make, the Commander-in-Chief announced on Tuesday night that Neil Gorsuch is his choice to be the next Supreme Court justice.

“The most important thing the President of the United States can make is the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice, I took the task of this nomination very seriously,” Trump said in a nationally televised announced from the White House.

Gorsuch – who received his undergraduate education from Columbia prior to earning his law degree from Harvard and who then went on to receive a doctorate at Oxford University – is a federal appeals court judge in Colorado.

Like late justice Anton Scalia, whose seat Gorsuch will fill if he"s confirmed, the nominee is considered to be an originalist when it comes to how he interprets the Constitution.

He also clerked in the past for two Supreme Court justices, Byron White and Anthony Kennedy and served as a clerk on the second most important appeals court in the country, in Washington D.C., for conservative Judge David Sentelle.

“He is the man of our country, a man who our country really needs, to ensure the rule of law and justice, I only hope that Democrats and Republicans can come together, for once, for the good of the country,” Trump concluded of his nominee.

Gorsuch beat our finalists William Pryor and Thomas M. Hardiman for the nomination.

Get to know Neil Gorsuch better below and then VOTE: Is he the right choice?

Neil gorsuch who is donald trumps supreme court nominee

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tim Kaine: VP Nominee Was A Hottie Back In The Day!

The internet has spoken, and they approve of his cheekbones.

Last week, Tim Kaine was announced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate, and last night at the Democratic National Convention, he took the stage to introduce himself to voters.

While the Virigina senator spoke about his mission work in Honduras and meeting his wife, Anne, the internet was drooling over old school photos of the civil rights lawyer and politician.

“ONLY FACTS: to reiterate: young tim kaine’s cheekbones belong in a DAMN art museum,” one user wrote.

Young Tim Kaine Black White

“Young Tim Kaine is someone I’d risk it all for and take a shuttle to Williamsburg when the L isn’t running,” another commented.

Others were cracking up over Kaine’s “dad” qualities.  Here are our favorite tweets:

“Tim Kaine is like a dad trying to roast someone in the form of the silliest dad joke of all time.”

“Tim Kaine is your friend’s dad who catches you smoking weed at a sleepover and doesn’t rat you out but talks to you about brain development.”

“Tim Kaine is your friends dad who always pats you on the back and congratulates you for that one time you won the spelling bee in 2nd grade.”

“Tim Kaine was my soccer coach in 5th grade who would always let me play goalie just because I asked and gave high fives to teammates.”

“When Tim Kaine goes to the store to get half & half for tomorrow morning’s coffee, he also comes back with your favorite gum.”

“All of America has one question on their mind … who’s gonna play Tim Kaine on SNL”

He may hold a law degree from Harvard Business School, but the country is quickly finding other ways to fall in love with this VP hopeful.

Gold Save Those Cheekbones, amiright?

According to CBS News, by 11pm last night, Kaine was mentioned in over 20,000 tweets.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Mike Pence to Run with Donald Trump, Join GOP Ticket as Vice Presidential Nominee

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will be announced as presidential candidate Donald Trump’s running mate on the Republican ticket in the 2016 election.

The Indianapolis Star has confirmed that Trump plans to announce Pence as his pick for vice president, ending a weeks-long process.

Pence will drop his bid for re-election in Indiana to run with Trump, whose spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, says “a decision has not been made.”

A formal announcement is scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday in Manhattan, and while Trump could pull a fast one, all signs point to Pence.

With the addition of the governor, a social conservative with state house and Congressional experience, Trump hopes to shore up his base.

Pence also provides an experienced, at times more credible and almost certainly more disciplined counter to Trump’s unusual style.

The Republican National Convention, which starts July 18 in Cleveland, will formally nominate Trump and Pence for President and V.P.

Pence, a vocal Trump supporter since he clinched the Republican nomination, will help him take on Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

Trump appeared to have winnowed the field of vice presidential picks from about 10 people as recently as last week to a select few.

Some likened the audition process to reality show casting, but in the end, the star of the show picked a substantive, non-flashy “apprentice.”

Aside from Pence, the other favorites were thought to be former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

A couple of prospective running mates, U.S. Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Joni Ernst of Iowa, withdrew their names from consideration.

Ernst said she was focused on serving in the Senate but suggested Pence, a longtime favorite among conservatives, should get the nod.

Looks like The Donald listened. Will it matter?

Polls suggest Clinton leads nationally over the mercurial real estate mogul, but that her margin has narrowed in the previous week or so.

State polls also show her with a tangible, albeit diminishing, advantage in what will ultimately determine the electoral college majority.

Clinton has yet to name her V.P. running mate.

The extent to which Vice Presidential nominees, on either site, will influence voters is hard to define at best, and negligible at worst.

With Pence, however, Trump signals that he is shoring up his lack of political experience and his unpredictable style with a steady hand.

Combine those two factors with Pence’s popularity among a Republican base that is still resistant to Trump, and it seems like a logical pick.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below to discuss.