Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: And the Replacement Nominee Is...

It’s not very often a plan comes to fruition in the Big Brother house, but it seems like Kaitlyn Herman’s scheming with Tyler Crispen could spell the end of a big target’s game this week. 

Kaitlyn was originally in an alliance that included Swaggy C, but she quickly changed focus when Tyler told her all about Sam’s secret power and that they could use it to their advantage. 

That’s why Kaitlyn was the swing vote to send Steve out of the house, keeping Sam and her power in the game for another week. 

Kaitlyn is part of the FOUTE alliance which includes Swaggy, Bayliegh, Faysal, Rockstar, and Haleigh. In the immediate eviction aftermath, everyone in the alliance tried to figure out which of them flipped the vote. 

Kaitlyn was lucky in that she won the HOH competition because her name was coming up several times, and she ultimately opened up about her decision. 

She told select houseguests that she was ready to take out Winston, while she told others that Swaggy was her target. Despite this, it was not really clear what she was really planning to do. 

When Saturday rolled around in the Big Brother house, Scottie and Winston were sitting pretty on the block. 

The two nominees, Kaitlyn, Faysal, Rachel, and Tyler competed in the Veto competition. The feeds were off four hours as the competition took place, but when they returned we learned that Tyler emerged with the win. 

Kaitlyn was dead set on her plan, but she wanted to keep Winston on the block alongside Swaggy. This rubbed the Level Six alliance the wrong way, but they ultimately decided to allow her to do what she wanted. 

As such, the Veto ceremony took place on Monday and Swaggy replaced Scott on the block. The most surprising thing about this is that Swaggy wound up on the block. 

In past seasons, the houseguests have struggled to execute plans because the target usually pulls out a win that allows them to stay in the game. 

While the Foute alliance was shocked to the core by the news, Swaggy maintained that he had four days to try and turn the tide back in his favor to take Winston out of the game. 

Will Winston or Swaggy be sent packing on Thursday night? 

Hit the comments below. 
