Showing posts with label Is. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: That Girl is... Poisoned?!?

Keeping Up with the Kardashians asked viewers to suspend their disbelief this week.

First, because the episode was filmed WAY back in December and focused on the family’s celebration of Christmas.

Second, because Kris Jenner believed she was the target of a murder plot.

krissy j

We’ll get a summation of the latter storyline over first.

We actually have documented it at length already, sharing multiple clips of Kris Jenner initially testing her drinking water for samples of poison and then being tricked by Kim and Kylie into believing Kourtney was out for her.

Totally hilarious… we guess?

Definitely not totally scripted by producers desperate for some levity… right?

Elsewhere this Sunday, the crux of the installment centered on further tension between Kim, Khloe and Kourtney.

“We really haven’t resolved anything with Kourtney since the therapy session,” Kim said early on in a confessional, adding:

“We’ve so much more to really hash out and it just hasn’t happened yet, so we’ve just all been kind of walking on eggshells around each other.”

As chronicled on The Hollywood Gossip, this filmed rivalry has been ugly and intense at times, while almost definitely phony.

At one point on this episode, Kourtney said she didn’t want to invite Scott Disick to her mother’s holiday party, which caused quite the backlash for some reason.

“You have to invite Scott,” Kris told her eldest child. “You can’t just have him come to a party for 10 years as part of our family, he’s still part of our family.”

Speaking of the party and of invites… why did Caitlyn Jenner not receive one, Kendall wondered?

Simple, Kim replied:

“Scott has never done anything mean or said anything negative. So that’s different.”

It certainly is true that Caitlyn had some harsh things to say about his relatives, most notably Kris Jenner, during his promotional book tour last fall.

But Kendall wasn’t satisfied with this response about her dad, snapping back at Kim:

“Is that actually a joke?. They’ve both done f-cked up things in different ways.”

Kourtney basically agreed with Kendall’s point and emphasized that whether Disick would be a part of the gathering or not was her call in the end.

“This is exactly why my sisters and I haven’t been getting along. They just don’t have my back and they don’t take my feelings into consideration,” she told the camera.

“And now I feel like the same thing’s happening with Kendall. If it’s not exactly what they think there is always criticism and judgement and I’m not here to be criticized every day.”

angry kk22

Kourtney added that she’s “so over everyone and their bitchiness” and even confided in Kendall that she wanted to skip family Christmas altogether this year.

Kendall, of course, shared this admission with Kim and Khloe, who just used it as fuel in their fiery rage against their sister.

“She drives me so crazy, I just don’t even know what to do,” an annoyed Kim said at one point.

Kourtney eventually acquiesced and stuck around for the celebration, but only after Disick vowed to be nice to her then-boyfriend, Younes Bendjima.

Oh, then there was the whole dual pregnancy thing.

This episode was filmed so long ago that Khloe had not yet announced she was expecting, but she was waiting on Kylie to do the same, wanting to give her younger sister a “time to shine” and also wanting to stay out of the spotlight until she was showing.

“I’m just like, chubby right now,” Khloe confessed during a conversation with Kris. “I don’t want someone to be like, ‘Are you pregnant or just hungry?"”

Finally, Kylie called Khloe and said her pregnancy confirmation was forthcoming.

“I just don’t want to be in the spotlight,” the Kylie Cosmetics founder explained. “I’m just gonna be low-key.”

That surprisingly did end up being the case, with Kylie saying almost noting about her status in public until after her daughter was born.

But these cast members had a lot to say last night!

Click on the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and get caught up now!


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: And the Replacement Nominee Is...

It’s not very often a plan comes to fruition in the Big Brother house, but it seems like Kaitlyn Herman’s scheming with Tyler Crispen could spell the end of a big target’s game this week. 

Kaitlyn was originally in an alliance that included Swaggy C, but she quickly changed focus when Tyler told her all about Sam’s secret power and that they could use it to their advantage. 

That’s why Kaitlyn was the swing vote to send Steve out of the house, keeping Sam and her power in the game for another week. 

Kaitlyn is part of the FOUTE alliance which includes Swaggy, Bayliegh, Faysal, Rockstar, and Haleigh. In the immediate eviction aftermath, everyone in the alliance tried to figure out which of them flipped the vote. 

Kaitlyn was lucky in that she won the HOH competition because her name was coming up several times, and she ultimately opened up about her decision. 

She told select houseguests that she was ready to take out Winston, while she told others that Swaggy was her target. Despite this, it was not really clear what she was really planning to do. 

When Saturday rolled around in the Big Brother house, Scottie and Winston were sitting pretty on the block. 

The two nominees, Kaitlyn, Faysal, Rachel, and Tyler competed in the Veto competition. The feeds were off four hours as the competition took place, but when they returned we learned that Tyler emerged with the win. 

Kaitlyn was dead set on her plan, but she wanted to keep Winston on the block alongside Swaggy. This rubbed the Level Six alliance the wrong way, but they ultimately decided to allow her to do what she wanted. 

As such, the Veto ceremony took place on Monday and Swaggy replaced Scott on the block. The most surprising thing about this is that Swaggy wound up on the block. 

In past seasons, the houseguests have struggled to execute plans because the target usually pulls out a win that allows them to stay in the game. 

While the Foute alliance was shocked to the core by the news, Swaggy maintained that he had four days to try and turn the tide back in his favor to take Winston out of the game. 

Will Winston or Swaggy be sent packing on Thursday night? 

Hit the comments below. 


Friday, February 9, 2018

The Four Recap: And the Winner Is...

It was the end of the line for three of the competitors on The Four during Thursday night’s freshman finale. 

Host Fergie and panelists Sean “Diddy” Combs, DJ Khaled and Meghan Trainor were all part of the show’s finale, but Charlie Walk was nowhere in sight in the midst of sexual harassment allegations. 

Evvie McKinney, Zhavia, Candice Boyd and Vincint Cannady were the final four vying for a record contract and the title of iHeartRadio’s On the Verge artists. 

Simply put, it is one of the better prizes in the world of singing competitions, and one that should give the lucky victor some staying power. 

The first round of the finale found each of The Four performing and the audience voting for their favorite. That then allowed the winner of the round to choose who they went up against. 

Boyd – “Don’t Speak” by No Doubt

Boyd has gone from strength to strength throughout her time in the competition. Her performance was her best one yet. 

McKinney – “Proud Mary” by Tina Turner

McKinney turned in a phenomenal performance that got everyone talking. The judges, the audience, and even Fergie seemed in awe of her talent. 

“That performance was fearless,” Combs said while Trainor added, “That was my favorite performance on this stage throughout the entire season.”

Cannady – “Creep” by Radiohead

Cannady took a considerable risk performing this number, but he delivered in winning fashion. Everything about it was polished, and it proved the talent on this show is better than the others. 

Zhavia – “One Dance” by Drake

This was one was quite a shocker. Zhavia has proven time and time again that she’s a force to be reckoned with. However, this was performance was a dud. 

Nothing about it had star quality, and the judges seemed to agree. 

McKinney was crowned the winner of the first round, and she asked to compere against Zhavia. It made sense because Zhavia was having a terrible night. 

Zhavia – “Man Down” by Rihanna

Zhavia attempted to right the wrongs of her previous performance with a Rihanna number. It was better than her Drake cover, but still, something seemed off. 

McKinney – “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers

McKinney continued to dominate the competition with this latest performance. Zhavia should be very worried. 

The judges got to pick who they wanted to advance, and they went with McKinney. There would have been a riot if they voted the other way!

The next head to head found Cannady being left out in the cold and sent home. 

That meant the final two were McKinney and Boyd. The panelists decided to give McKinney the win, and it was well deserved. 

What did you think of all the action?

Hit the comments below. 

The Four continues this summer on Fox. 


Saturday, January 6, 2018

formmb: daily-celebrities: Justine Skye Justine Skye is...



Justine Skye

Justine Skye is absolutely gorgeous in a long sleeved, yellow mini dress. Stunningly sexy!


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blac Chyna to the Kardashians: This... is... WAR!

So much for peace between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian.

Following several weeks of silence between the parents of little Dream, giving us hope that they’d reach a detente in their long-simmering feud, things blew up on Tuesday when we learned Chyna is taking legal action against Rob.

And his mother.

And his sisters.

And, heck, basically anyone who has ever come into contact with her ex-fiance and baby daddy.

As previously reported, Chyna is suing Kardashian because Rob & Chyna was canceled by E! back in March.

This didn’t come as a surprise at the time, considering low ratings, a lack of storylines outside of Blac and Rob fighting… and the fact that the stars were no longer even dating at that point.

According to documents filed by Blac’s lawyers, however, Season 2 of the terrible program was all set to go – until Kris Jenner and her kids used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season.”

Chyna legally states that the family believed this series was hurting its reputation and therefore pressured E! executives into giving it the axe.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Chyna’s attorney points to all the insults hurled in her client’s direction as evidence that the Kardashians have always had it out for Chyna.

“They decided to start a war by trashing her online repeatedly, so it’s on … and we are going to vigorously fight for Chyna in this case,” Lisa Bloom says.

She confirms that Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are ALL named in the lawsuit and adds:

“Even though Chyna left Rob at the end of 2016, the network was still interested in doing season two of the show.

“How would these two live separate lives and co-parent a baby? Would they get back together?

“This is classic reality show material, but the show was killed. Chyna’s rep was told it was because the Kardashian family would not allow it to go forward.”

Best of luck making that case in a court of law, Blac.

Bloom will not say how much money Chyna is seeking in her lawsuit.

But the attorney hinted that it will likely be somewhere in the seven-figure range.

“It’s not just she lost a lot of income by not getting season two or all the other seasons that would’ve followed, it’s the endorsement deals, it’s the appearances fees, promotion of her products,” Bloom explains.

“This is how reality shows can become very lucrative, and the Kardashian family knows well because they have exploited the economic benefits of reality TV better than anyone … and God bless them for it.

“I admire their business savvy in doing that, but they know very well how important it is to have a hit show so other things could flow from it. They knew what they were depriving Chyna of.”

Of course, TMZ sources claim Chyna refused to be in the same room as Rob after their split, making it difficult to film a second season. 

There’s also a new report that details just how ugly, violent and even drug-fueled things got between Chyna and Kardashian toward the end of their relationship.

In other words: We hope you enjoyed those couple months when these two were out of the news.

Because you’re about to hear all about their bitter break-up and the fallout from it once again.

Thankfully, though, they are NOT fighting over custody of Dream.

“Chyna is pleased that Rob has agreed to peacefully coparent Dream with her, as she has been requesting all along,” Bloom also told Us Weekly here, noting that Rob does not have “more than 50 percent custody.”


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Big Brother Recap: And the Winner is...

Big Brother Season 19 has been the worst season in the show’s history and for a good reason: Paul Abrahamian should not have returned. 

Big Brother Final Trio

He made it to final two last summer, so he had a huge advantage returning to the game and likely had a master plan in the making ever since he set foot back into the outside world again. 

Please give us an all-new batch of houseguests next summer so the show can recapture some of its former glory. 

When the episode got underway, Paul, Christmas, and Josh duked it out in Part One of the final Head of Household competition. It involved holding onto a unicorn that was passing gas and shooting glitter everywhere. 

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Paul won that part, with Christmas coming in a close second. Yes, even with her broken foot, Christmas was still a fierce competitor. 

Out of the final three, Christmas was the most likable because her arguments were more subdued in the house. She tried to keep the fighting to a minimum. 

Josh eked out a victory in Part Two, meaning poor Christmas was at the mercy of whoever won Part Three. It was the classic competition, with the scales. 

  • Question 1: Paul gets the point.

  • Question 2: Josh gets the point. 

  • Question 3: Both get the point. 

  • Question 4: Josh gets the point. 

  • Question 5: Neither gets the point. 

  • Question 6: Neither gets the point. 

  • Question 7: Josh gets the point! 

  • Winner of Round 3: Josh

Josh won the final HOH competition!

The jury roundtable was difficult to read because everyone was so against each other. The common consensus was that Christmas did nothing, Josh screamed at everyone, and Paul backstabbed everyone. 

Surprisingly, I found myself agreeing with Raven when she noted that Paul was the one playing the game and everything they were saying about him painted him as a winner. 

That said, for some reason, she still thought she was the puppet master, and everyone could not help but roll their eyes and laugh at her. 

When it came to the final eviction, Josh evicted Christmas. 

It was a dumb move because he knew that Paul played a great game and that the jury was probably going to side with Paul, but he wanted to risk his shot at the money for it. 

The jury questions mostly consisted of Raven smiling every time someone spoke to Paul in a positive manner or scowling when Josh’s name was mentioned. 

Before the votes were revealed, Jessica told the jurors that everyone aside from Cody was Paul’s puppets and he made that abundantly clear on the show. 

Julie then showed footage of them all throwing their respective games away for one man. It was an exciting way to school the bunch on how silly they had been. 

  • Christmas votes for Paul 

  • Kevin votes for Paul 

  • Alex votes for Josh 

  • Raven votes for Paul

  • Jason votes for Josh 

  • Matthew votes for Paul

  • Mark votes for Josh 

  • Elena votes for Josh 

  • Cody votes for Josh

In one of the most surprising moments in Big Brother history, Josh won the $ 500,000, and it was poetic justice that Cody got to be the final vote against Paul. 

Paul was visibly annoyed. This was the second time he made it all the way to final two and lost out to the other person standing there with him. 

It turns out; a bitter jury can change the game in a big way, you guys. 

But, the surprises did not end there. Cody, Kevin, and Jason were the top three for America’s Favorite Player and Cody ultimately won the $ 25,000.

Paul was not even in the top three! At least he had Raven consoling him and rubbing his arm in a peculiar manner. I would love to know what Matt thought of that moment. 

What do you think of the results? Are you glad Josh managed to sway the jury at the last second?

Sound off below!


Monday, May 15, 2017

Miss USA 2017: And the Controversial Winner Is...

A new Miss USA has been crowned.

But not without the sort of controversy that often accompanies beauty pageants of this nature.

First, however, the facts from Sunday night:

Kára McCullough earned the honor of Miss USA 2017 by defeating 50 other women from across the country, impressing judges with her beauty, talents and intelligence.

A scientist at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, McCullough held off strong challenges from runner-up Meredith Gould (Miss Minnesota) and Chhavi Verg (Miss New Jersey).

McCullough, meanwhile, represented the District of Columbia.

Dancing With the Stars’ veteran Julianne Hough and Terrence J hosted the competition, which aired live from the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on the Las Vegas Strip and which featured performances from Pitbull and country star Brett Eldredge.

Ashley Graham worked backstage as a co-host, while Halima Aden, Carson Kressley, Brooke Lee, Nancy Lublin, Jeannie Mai and Janet Mock chose the winners.

Now, on to the remarks that turned McCullough into a trending topic on Twitter…

With Congress having recently voted to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a plan that would take away health care from millions of Americans, the contestants were asked for their thoughts on this polarizing political subject.

And the eventual winner McCullough sent some heads shaking on Sunday night when she said affordable health care in America is a “privilege” instead of a “right.

“I’m definitely going to say it’s a privilege,” McCullough explained during the question-and-answer segment, expounding as follows:

“As a government employee, I’m granted health care.

“And I see firsthand that for one, to have health care, you need to have jobs, so therefore we need to continue to cultivate this environment so that we’re given the opportunities to have health care as well as jobs for all Americans worldwide.”

In response to this point of view, Twitter users slammed McCullough, saying they hoped she didn’t take home the crown.

“Miss DC was my fav but … not after that answer,” wrote Twitter user Charlsley Carey. “Everyone has a right to health care.”

Added Kathy Lovett: “Well I guess poor people don’t deserve health care because the new Miss USA said it was a privilege.”

But McCullough did have her defenders, and we’re not just talking about the judges who awarded her the grand prize later in the evening.

“Miss USA is beautiful inside and out,” tweeted Politixgal. “Healthcare IS NOT a right. It costs money & someone has to pay. You shd be paying for your own.”

This, of course, is far from the first time that a beauty pageant contestant created a firestorm with politically-charged comments.

Remember the reaction after Carrie Prejean expressed her stance on gay marriage back in 2009?

Clearly hoping to stir up social media, Miss USA organizers also asked the following question of this year’s contestants:

What do you consider feminism to be, and do you consider yourself a feminist?

Replied McCullough:

“As a woman scientist in the government, I’d like to lately transpose the word feminism to equalism. I don’t really want to consider myself – try not to consider myself like this die-hard, you know, like, ‘Oh, I don’t really care about men.’

“But one thing I’m gonna say, though, is women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace…

“And I say firsthand: I have witnessed the impact that women have in leadership in the medical sciences, as well as just in the office environment.

“So as Miss USA, I would hope to promote that type of leadership responsibility globally to so many women worldwide.”

In a video shared on the Miss USA Twitter account after the competition, McCullough cried backstage as she said she was feeling “extremely overwhelmed with joy,” given that she had just entered the pageant for fun.

She concluded:

“I decided to take life as it comes, and if I could encourage anyone else in the world to do that, please – just take your time.

“Understand the process is so much more important to focus on than just looking toward the outcome.”


Friday, April 14, 2017

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer: It... Is... HERE!!!!

Ever since the title for Star Wars: The Last Jedi was announced in January, fans have speculated over its meaning.

Who is The Last Jedi? Is this word being used in the singular or in the plural?

We may not have an answer right now, but we do have something else to wonder about in regard to this upcoming blockbuster…


Released as part of a special convention in Orlando in celebration of the saga"s 40th anniversary (an event that featured Billie Lourd paying tribute to her mom), the following sneak peek is everything a Star Wars fan could ever want.

We see that Star Wars: The Last Jedi picks up right where The Force Awakens left off, with its cliffhanger on the cliffs of the planet Ahch-To, where Luke Skywalker had gone in search of the first Jedi temple.

However, Rey disturbs this retirement by presenting Luke with his original lightsaber… you know the the one, it was lost on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back.

Director Rian Johnson said at the aforementioned Star Wars Celebration that this next installment will center on Luke and his legendary journey, a nice course correction from the last film, which didn"t feature much of Luke at all.

Naturally, however, Finn, Poe Dameron, BB-8, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, Hux and the mysterious Snoke will all make their returns in the movie as well.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will also mark Carrie Fisher"s final appearance as Princess Leia.

She passed away in December, about a year prior to the December 15 release of Star Wars: The Final Jedi.

"What Rian wrote and the performance she ends up giving, I think you guys are going to find that an amazing tribute to her talent," producer Kathleen Kennedy said at the Orlando convention.

But enough from us, right?

Go ahead and click PLAY to see the first Star Wars: The Final Jedi trailer now!

Star wars the last jedi trailer a new journey awaits

Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscars 2017 Best Picture: The Winner Is... Incorrect?

Well… that was awkward.

The climactic moment of the 2017 Academy Awards proved to be both anti-climactic and rather historic, although not for the reasons many expected.

No, La La Land did not set the record for most Oscars won in a single year. Nor did it even win the trophy for Best Picture.

But presented Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway DID initially call out La La Land as the winner of last night"s most prestigious honor, prompting that movie"s cast and crew to go out on stage and accept the award.

Except there was a mistake. Beatty had been given the wrong envelope.

After Jimmy Kimmel, Beatty and an Oscars representative came out to whishper in his ear about what happened, La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz took to the microphone and said:

"Guys, I"m sorry. There"s a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won Best Picture. This is not a joke. I"m afraid they read the wrong thing."

It was understandably confusing. We needed to see a close-up of the actual envelope to actually believe that Moonlight was the Best Picture champion.

"Guys. This is very unfortunate, what happened," Kimmel told the crowd, joking, "Personally, I blame Steve Harvey for this."

Said auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers in a statement:

“We sincerely apologize to Moonlight, La La Land, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture,” it read.

“The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred.”

What a bizarre occurrence. What a huge upset!

Watch it all unfold below:

Oscars 2017 best picture theres been a mistake

Friday, November 18, 2016

Watch How to Get Away with Murder Online: Who... is... Dead?!?

How to Get Away with Murder Season 3 Episode 9 was title “Who’s Dead?”

It also marked the fall finale of this beloved ABC drama, so you just know some seriously crazy stuff went down, right?

We mean… seriously crazy stuff goes down every week, but even more so before the series goes on hiatus.

This time around, Annalise engaged in a major argument with Nate after getting a tip about Renee Atwood.

Meanwhile, the victim of the fire at Annalise’s house was revealed. See, we told you something major took place!

Use the above video to watch How to Get Away with Murder online and find out a lot more.


Monday, June 6, 2016

Miss USA 2016: And the Winner is...

For several years now, it’s been safe to say that Washington D.C. has been a loser.

Just look at the Wizards. At the performance of the Capitals in the NHL playoffs. At the insistence of the Redskins to continue to be known as the “Redskins.”

And at the approval rating of Congress.

But Deshauna Barber is here to do something about this reputation!

Representing the District of Columbia at the Miss USA Pageant on Sunday night, Barber impressed the judges with her looks, talent and intelligence.

They all added up to an unexpected victory inside T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

Following an intense, ridiculously sexist competition, the final three came down to Barber, Miss Hawaii and Miss Georgia, as the contestants were asked to define what “confidently beautiful” meant to them.

“To me confidently beautiful means understanding that it’s not always about your appearance,” Barner explained, adding:

“It’s not always about who you’re around and how they feel you look, where they feel you come from or your economic background.

“Serving in the military has taught me that being confidently beautiful is about being able to earn respect from people regardless of what you look like. As a woman in the military, people associate beauty with weakness and they learn very quickly that I’m extremely strong.

“And although I’m small, I’m powerful and confidently beautiful is being myself and being very happy with who I’ve become. Thank you.”

That’s a solid answer to an absurd question.

The Miss USA Pageant started with 52 contestants, whittling itself down 15 beauties by bikini portion of the show.

Yes, this is 2016 and this is still something that exists in the country.

Earlier in the program, Deshauna Barber also asked about the Pentagon’s recent decision to open up all combat jobs to women.

This is what she said:

“As a woman in the United States Army, I think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military.

“We are just as tough as men.

“As a commander of my unit, I’m powerful, I am dedicated. And it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the United States Army.”

We agree. Women are just as tough as men.

But does anyone else see irony in this question being posed during the Miss USA Pageant?

Talk to us when there’s a Mr. USA Pageant.

Or, better yet, no beauty pageants of any kind in the world.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

American Idol Results: And the FINAL Winner Is...

The final piece of confetti has dropped.

The final tears have fallen from Jennifer Lopez’s eyes. And Ryan Seacrest has signed off for the final time.

Indeed, following 15 seasons of highs and lows… missed notes and perfect notes… judges who flirted and judges who nearly came to blows… American Idol signed off for good on Thursday night.

The two-plus hour event included a return from familiar faces such as Randy Jackson and Kelly Clarkson, the latter of whom sang a medley of her greatest hits.

There was also a David Bowie tribute, appearances by Jennifer Hudson and Fantasia and even President Obama recorded a message to be played over video.

But there was last piece of business to conduct prior to saying goodbye: selecting a winner!

Would it be Trent Harmon, the soulful 25-year old from Armory, Mississippi?

Or would it be La’Porsha Renae, the 22-year old who also hails from Mississippi and whose emotion pours through with every performance?

And the champion is…


“I worked so hard. I know that I had a God-given ability, but I didn’t want to take it for granted,” Harmon said through years to conclude the show. “I wanted to work so hard, and [Renae] pushed me to do it.”

So there you have it. 

What do you think, fans? Who SHOULD have won the final season of American Idol?

Friday, March 18, 2016

Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 14 Recap: Change is... Good?

Richard held a “resident scramble” on Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 14, fearing things at the hospital were growing too tired and comfortable.

What did this mean, exactly?

The unexpected game of Musical Doctors paired Meredith with Jo… Arizona with Ben and Andrew… Penny with Amelia… and Stephanie with the puppies in peds.

No, really.

We also discovered on this installment of Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 (courtesy of Callie) that Sgt. Carson was doing well after last week’s crazy surgery, yet Meredith was ignoring Will’s calls – and also not revealing to Maggie that she had an attractive military doctor after her.

In surgery, Callie suggested that perhaps Meredith never returned the hot man;s calls because she didn’t hear the phone ringing.

“Your ringer needs to be turned on,” Torres quipped. “You’ve been on vibrate for too long!”

Did we mention how much we love Callie?!?

Jo teaming up with Meredith did not go well, of course, with the latter calling out the former for NOT being Blake at one point. Ouch.

Later, after Jo stood up for herself and even told Meredith to call her “damn army guy back,” Meredith admitted to Callie and Maggie that she actually liked Jo.

Elsewhere, Jackson revealed to Alex that he’s dating, while Arizona tried to convince April that she had to get her baby tested, even if she feared what those tests determined.

That was good Arizona. But here was bad Arizona:

With April finally convinced she had to tell Jackson about the impending baby, she sought him out to do so… only to find Arizona spilling the precious beans!

As for what else went down this week?

  • Bailey told Ben that Arizona had requested him to be on her service for the foreseeable future.

  • Meredith actually apologized to Jo, even telling her that she hopes she sticks with Alex

  • Meredith left the hospital, only to be confronted by Will on the bench, told that his “very nice face makes it hard to say no” and then asked out again.

Do you want her to say yes?

Or do think MerDer should forever remain sacred on Grey’s Anatomy?

Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 14 Recap: Change is... Good?

Richard held a “resident scramble” on Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 14, fearing things at the hospital were growing too tired and comfortable.

What did this mean, exactly?

The unexpected game of Musical Doctors paired Meredith with Jo… Arizona with Ben and Andrew… Penny with Amelia… and Stephanie with the puppies in peds.

No, really.

We also discovered on this installment of Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 (courtesy of Callie) that Sgt. Carson was doing well after last week’s crazy surgery, yet Meredith was ignoring Will’s calls – and also not revealing to Maggie that she had an attractive military doctor after her.

In surgery, Callie suggested that perhaps Meredith never returned the hot man;s calls because she didn’t hear the phone ringing.

“Your ringer needs to be turned on,” Torres quipped. “You’ve been on vibrate for too long!”

Did we mention how much we love Callie?!?

Jo teaming up with Meredith did not go well, of course, with the latter calling out the former for NOT being Blake at one point. Ouch.

Later, after Jo stood up for herself and even told Meredith to call her “damn army guy back,” Meredith admitted to Callie and Maggie that she actually liked Jo.

Elsewhere, Jackson revealed to Alex that he’s dating, while Arizona tried to convince April that she had to get her baby tested, even if she feared what those tests determined.

That was good Arizona. But here was bad Arizona:

With April finally convinced she had to tell Jackson about the impending baby, she sought him out to do so… only to find Arizona spilling the precious beans!

As for what else went down this week?

  • Bailey told Ben that Arizona had requested him to be on her service for the foreseeable future.

  • Meredith actually apologized to Jo, even telling her that she hopes she sticks with Alex

  • Meredith left the hospital, only to be confronted by Will on the bench, told that his “very nice face makes it hard to say no” and then asked out again.

Do you want her to say yes?

Or do think MerDer should forever remain sacred on Grey’s Anatomy?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Biggest Loser Results: And the Season 17 Winner Is...

NBC has crowned a new winner on The Biggest Loser.

Following a Season 17 that saw mothers compete against daughters and fathers take on some newlyweds, Monday evening’s finale came down to Colby Wright, Stephen Kmet and Roberto Hernandez.

All three men faced their final weigh-in, with a $ 250,000 grand prize on the line.

After host Bob Harper brought the 13 previously-eliminated contestants out to witness the results, we learned that Colby shed an incredible 122 pounds.

But this was only good enough for third place.

As for Stephen? He’s now 133 pounds lighter, but he’s not any richer in the wallet. He finished in second place.

So this left Roberto Hernandez as the champion after he was revealed to have the greatest weight loss.. at a whopping 160 pounds. WOW!

The 13 players who had been sent home earlier in the competition, meanwhile, competed for a $ 100,000 prize… which coincidentally went to Roberto’s twin brother Luis!

That’s quite the night for this family. Drinks are on them!

And congratulations are all around to everyone who worked so hard to lose so much weight. 

The show may be called The Biggest Loser, but everyone is a winner when it comes to improved life prospects and better health.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Most Talked-About Star on Facebook is...

You can probably guess the names that Facebook reports were more talked about than any other in 2015.

Taylor Swift. Kanye West. Caitlyn Jenner.

But who was the most talked-about entertainer over the past 12 months? We countdown the Top 10 below and we warn you: number-one will be a surprise…

10. Shakira

Shakira at billboard music awards

Shakira didn’t release any major hits in the U.S. in 2015. But she gave birth and she’s married to a famous soccer player, so she was prominently in the news.

9. The Weeknd

The weeknd photo

Few music fans had even heard of The Weeknd prior to 2015. It’s safe to say everyone knows who he is now.

8. Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn jenner red carpet pic

Caitlyn Jenner certainly made the biggest change of any celebrity in 2015. She’s a woman now! Good for her!

7. Pitbull

Pitbull picture

Pitbull is a man of many trades. He raps. He hosts awards shows. He produces. The guy is everywhere!

6. Drake

Drake looks back

We never want to see Drake dance to “Hotline Bling” ever again. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t make a big impact in 2015.

5. Wiz Khalifa

Wiz khalifa at billboard music awards

Splitting from Amber Rose didn’t hurt Wiz Khalifa, apparently. It kept the artist in the news, and his collaboration on “See You Again” sure helped things.

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