Monday, June 6, 2016

Miss USA 2016: And the Winner is...

For several years now, it’s been safe to say that Washington D.C. has been a loser.

Just look at the Wizards. At the performance of the Capitals in the NHL playoffs. At the insistence of the Redskins to continue to be known as the “Redskins.”

And at the approval rating of Congress.

But Deshauna Barber is here to do something about this reputation!

Representing the District of Columbia at the Miss USA Pageant on Sunday night, Barber impressed the judges with her looks, talent and intelligence.

They all added up to an unexpected victory inside T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

Following an intense, ridiculously sexist competition, the final three came down to Barber, Miss Hawaii and Miss Georgia, as the contestants were asked to define what “confidently beautiful” meant to them.

“To me confidently beautiful means understanding that it’s not always about your appearance,” Barner explained, adding:

“It’s not always about who you’re around and how they feel you look, where they feel you come from or your economic background.

“Serving in the military has taught me that being confidently beautiful is about being able to earn respect from people regardless of what you look like. As a woman in the military, people associate beauty with weakness and they learn very quickly that I’m extremely strong.

“And although I’m small, I’m powerful and confidently beautiful is being myself and being very happy with who I’ve become. Thank you.”

That’s a solid answer to an absurd question.

The Miss USA Pageant started with 52 contestants, whittling itself down 15 beauties by bikini portion of the show.

Yes, this is 2016 and this is still something that exists in the country.

Earlier in the program, Deshauna Barber also asked about the Pentagon’s recent decision to open up all combat jobs to women.

This is what she said:

“As a woman in the United States Army, I think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military.

“We are just as tough as men.

“As a commander of my unit, I’m powerful, I am dedicated. And it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the United States Army.”

We agree. Women are just as tough as men.

But does anyone else see irony in this question being posed during the Miss USA Pageant?

Talk to us when there’s a Mr. USA Pageant.

Or, better yet, no beauty pageants of any kind in the world.