Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blac Chyna to the Kardashians: This... is... WAR!

So much for peace between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian.

Following several weeks of silence between the parents of little Dream, giving us hope that they’d reach a detente in their long-simmering feud, things blew up on Tuesday when we learned Chyna is taking legal action against Rob.

And his mother.

And his sisters.

And, heck, basically anyone who has ever come into contact with her ex-fiance and baby daddy.

As previously reported, Chyna is suing Kardashian because Rob & Chyna was canceled by E! back in March.

This didn’t come as a surprise at the time, considering low ratings, a lack of storylines outside of Blac and Rob fighting… and the fact that the stars were no longer even dating at that point.

According to documents filed by Blac’s lawyers, however, Season 2 of the terrible program was all set to go – until Kris Jenner and her kids used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season.”

Chyna legally states that the family believed this series was hurting its reputation and therefore pressured E! executives into giving it the axe.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Chyna’s attorney points to all the insults hurled in her client’s direction as evidence that the Kardashians have always had it out for Chyna.

“They decided to start a war by trashing her online repeatedly, so it’s on … and we are going to vigorously fight for Chyna in this case,” Lisa Bloom says.

She confirms that Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are ALL named in the lawsuit and adds:

“Even though Chyna left Rob at the end of 2016, the network was still interested in doing season two of the show.

“How would these two live separate lives and co-parent a baby? Would they get back together?

“This is classic reality show material, but the show was killed. Chyna’s rep was told it was because the Kardashian family would not allow it to go forward.”

Best of luck making that case in a court of law, Blac.

Bloom will not say how much money Chyna is seeking in her lawsuit.

But the attorney hinted that it will likely be somewhere in the seven-figure range.

“It’s not just she lost a lot of income by not getting season two or all the other seasons that would’ve followed, it’s the endorsement deals, it’s the appearances fees, promotion of her products,” Bloom explains.

“This is how reality shows can become very lucrative, and the Kardashian family knows well because they have exploited the economic benefits of reality TV better than anyone … and God bless them for it.

“I admire their business savvy in doing that, but they know very well how important it is to have a hit show so other things could flow from it. They knew what they were depriving Chyna of.”

Of course, TMZ sources claim Chyna refused to be in the same room as Rob after their split, making it difficult to film a second season. 

There’s also a new report that details just how ugly, violent and even drug-fueled things got between Chyna and Kardashian toward the end of their relationship.

In other words: We hope you enjoyed those couple months when these two were out of the news.

Because you’re about to hear all about their bitter break-up and the fallout from it once again.

Thankfully, though, they are NOT fighting over custody of Dream.

“Chyna is pleased that Rob has agreed to peacefully coparent Dream with her, as she has been requesting all along,” Bloom also told Us Weekly here, noting that Rob does not have “more than 50 percent custody.”
