Thursday, July 26, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won Veto? Who Was the Replacement Nominee?

The latest episode of Big Brother picked up moments after the most awkward nominations ceremony in the history of the series. 

Sam had just nominated both Haleigh and Kaitlyn citing the fact that both of them were all over the younger men in the house, as though they were doing it for protection from the block. 

“I’m old-fashioned and, to me, being a lady is what makes me empowered,” Sam revealed in the Diary Room of her decision to nominate the pair. 

The basis for Sam’s plan was that the bonus life power expired this week and that it would allow the evictee the chance to re-enter the game. 

But Sam said that there was no way either of the women would stick around long if they returned to the game. 

Faysal, Rockstar, and Kaycee were not impressed by the combative nature of the speech … especially when you consider the fact that Sam did not allow either woman to speak to her before the ceremony. 

Sam continued to act erratically when Tyler went up to the HOH room for some clarity on what the next steps were.

She really wants to keep all of the information to herself during her reign, but Tyler managed to float the idea of putting Rockstar up. 

After Brett lied about the vote, Rockstar went crazy, and it’s painted a huge target on her. 

Kaitlyn turned to Faisyal to make sure he was going to save her if she threw the veto to him. He agreed, but moments later, he turned to Haleigh to tell her all about it. 

JC, Faisyal, and Rockstar joined Sam, Kaitlyn, and Haleigh for the veto competition.  It brought former winner Rachel Reilly back into the house to host. 

The competition found various objects smacking the living daylights out of the houseguests. But Faysal was the one to emerge as the winner, presenting him with a difficult decision. 

Kaitlyn subsequently went off on a tear-filled rampage when Faysal admitted that he also promised Haleigh he would keep her safe. 


Tyler turned to Sam one last time to get information on the veto replacement, but she refused to tell him anything. 

She backed this up in the DR by saying she did not want to be manipulated by anyone to make a decision. 

Faysal used the veto to save Haleigh, but things took a turn as Sam started to announce she was putting JC on the block. 

Um, what?

JC burst into tears, saying it was the wrong thing to do. Sam agreed and turned her attention to Rockstar, telling her to take a seat next to her ally. 

Sam then opened up about her power app, telling the nominees that they will have a chance to re-enter the game, but still, the house was divided. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS!
