Showing posts with label Heroin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroin. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

Tom Sizemore Charged with Heroin Possession

Tom Sizemore could be taking a long trip, and not to a sunny tropical island, either — he’s staring down the possibility of a year in jail after his recent drug bust … TMZ has learned.
The Burbank City Attorney has charged Sizemore with 2 counts of possession of ...
Tom Sizemore Charged with Heroin Possession

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ex-NFL Stud Barry Cofield Pleads Not Guilty In Heroin & Cop-Ramming Case

Ex-NY Giants DL Barry Cofield — a key member of the ’07 Super Bowl team — has pled not guilty to all charges stemming from an insane police chase where he allegedly smashed into a cop car. 
… oh, while allegedly carrying heroin in his pocket. 
Cops in Seminole C...
Ex-NFL Stud Barry Cofield Pleads Not Guilty In Heroin & Cop-Ramming Case

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Former American Idol Star Busted for Heroin Distribution

Antonella Barba was maybe the most controversial contestant in American Idol history.

And not much has changed for the former singer many years later.

idol, a

According to TMZ and other outlets, the Season 6 near- finalist was arrested on Thursday morning and charged with a felony.

She is being held in jail without bond because she allegedly tried to sell over 100 grams of heroin.

Yes, heroin.

Not many other details are available at the moment, but Barba is looking at significant jail time if this really is the crime she is accused of committing and if she is found guilty.

Here is her mug shot, courtesy of the Norfolk Sheriff’s Department;

Despite finishing just outside the Top 12 on Season 6, Barba made numerous headlines in 2007 for a very different kind of scandal in which she found herself.

She gained notoriety for posing in a wet t-shirt in the fountain of the World War II Memorial in D.C. — and also for allegedly having photos taken of her while she gave someone oral sex.

Barba continued to be voted on to subsequent rounds during her run on Idol, stirring up quite a debate over whether she was earning the favor of viewers for her singing talent…

… or for these more lewd and explicit exploits.

We’ve blurred out the most private part of this photo, but here’s one of the pictures that got Barba in trouble back in the day:


She was also arrested for shoplifting in New York City in 2011.

She was charged with two misdemeanors at the time.

Still, the following year, Barba appeared on an episode of Fear Factor.

She has also acted in a number of short films since… had a small role in 2017’s All About the Money… and, earlier this year, she appeared on a “Where Are They Now?” segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

baraba image

No one from Barba’s camp has commented on her arrest just yet.

In related news…

Fellow American Idol alum Haley Reinhart, – who also appeared on this same Jimmy Kimmel Live! segment- was arrested on one count of battery after getting into a bar fight in Chicago last year.

Reinhart was found guilty in February.

However, the judge agreed to strike the conviction from her record if she has no run-ins with the law in the next two years.

sn, barba

We’ll update this story with more news as it breaks.

As far as we know, Barba remains behind bars right now, pending an upcoming hearing.

Let’s hope she turns her life around.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Former "American Idol" Contestant Antonella Barba Arrested for Heroin Distribution

Antonella Barba — known for her appearance on the 6th season of “American Idol” — has been arrested for allegedly trying to distribute heroin … TMZ has learned. The singer was busted Friday in Virginia and is facing a felony charge of heroin…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I Spent Too Much Money on Heroin, Now I Owe the IRS $120,000!

Ryan Edwards is in big trouble, guys.

And not even for drug stuff this time.

Well, maybe for drug stuff … he did just get arrested a few weeks ago, and he’s still on probation.

But right now, for once, we’re not talking about Ryan’s heroin addiction.

And that’s because we’re talking about the ridiculous amount of money he owes the IRS!

Radar Online just revealed that the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Ryan back in March for $ 119,416.24.

According to a county clerk out in his neck of the woods, he hasn’t paid any of that, but a source close to Ryan claimed that he totally paid it off right after he heard about it.

Wonder who we should believe?

It might be hard to understand how Ryan, who reportedly made $ 325,000 for the latest seasons of Teen Mom OG, is in so much debt.

But if you break it down, it all starts to come together.

Cast members of Teen Mom are independent contractors, meaning MTV doesn’t withhold taxes from their paychecks.

A responsible person would set aside some money from those paychecks so they could pay their taxes every year, but we all know that Ryan is not a responsible person.

And Ryan did not set aside money to pay his taxes.

Remember, Mackenzie Standifer claimed last year that before he went to rehab, he was spending $ 10,000 a week on drugs, and if that’s true, it’s easy to see how he could have gone through his MTV money so fast.

But still … $ 120,000 is a lot of money, especially since Ryan was fired from Teen Mom.

How can he possibly pay that back now?

Don’t worry, Mackenzie is going to try her very best to provide for her family while Ryan continues to violate his probation and generally be a mess!

She recently revealed that she’s working an office job full-time, and she’s also been posting some ads on Instagram, so there’s quite a bit of income there.

There’s also that event planning business she just announced!

As she explained in a post on her website this week, “My personal mission is to see your dreams come to fruition.”

“Sometimes it can be hard to take all of the thoughts, dreams, and visions in your head and turn them into a reality. That is where I step in.”

She says that if you hire her as your planner, than she “will be here to help and guide you every step of the way.”

If you think about it, this is actually a very smart move — the girl had three weddings before her 21st birthday, so she probably knows what she’s talking about.

And sure, one of those weddings was in a parking lot by the river, and the only guests were the groom’s parents who sat quietly nearby and cried some not-so-happy tears during the ceremony.

And yeah, her groom was high as a kite as he said his vows.

But she’s probably going to do just fine at planning other people’s weddings!

Also on her site, she has different plans you can purchase, along with the prices.

The cheapest plan costs $ 150, and for that, you get 30 minutes for a phone call or a Skype session with Mackenzie herself, help with the itinerary, design, and concept, and a two hour session to “get your plan on paper.”

The most expensive plan runs for $ 1,500, and that includes multiple in-person consults with Mackenzie as well as unlimited texts, emails, and phone calls.

She’ll also coordinate and attend your rehearsal dinner, make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding, and come with you to meetings with your vendors.

We’re not sure how much wedding planners generally charge, but it seems like she’s got some pretty reasonable rates, right?

Especially since there have got to be Teen Mom fans out there who are also getting married and who have $ 150 to blow for a Skype call with Ryan Edwards’ wife.

So she’s doing event planning, an office job, and all kinds of ads on Instagram, all while seven months pregnant.

Hopefully she can help Ryan get his tax stuff sorted, or, at the very least, she can inspire him to get a job, since he doesn’t seem to be doing much besides getting arrested these days.

Seriously, get it together, Ryan.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Refusing Rehab, "In Denial" About Heroin Addiction

Earlier this week, Ryan Edwards was released from jail after being arrested for yet another probation violation.

Ever since Edwards was arrested for heroin possession last year, he"s been stuck in a seemingly endless downward spiral of legal troubles and other misfortunes.

But remarkably, Ryan apparently doesn"t see things that way.

In fact, sources close to the situation say the troubled Teen Mom OG star is totally in denial about his addiction.

Jump into the gallery below to see what Edwards has to say about his growing problem.



1. Free At Last

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Edwards was released from jail this week after being arrested for the third time in less than two years.

2. A Lucky Break

Ryan edwards mug shot new

He was originally supposed to remain in police custody until his August 6 court date but was unexpectedly permitted to go free on Tuesday morning.

3. What Now?

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

Edwards keeps discovering new rock bottoms, and insiders say his family fears for his life.

4. They Tried to Make Him Go to Rehab…

Ryan edwards a photo

Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, have reportedly done everything in their power to convince him to seek treatment.

5. He Said No, No, No

Ryan edwards is mad

Unfortunately, Edwards has been resistant to the idea and is reportedly in complete denial about the severity of his addiction.

6. No Plans

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

“There are no plans for him to go to rehab,” a source tells Us Weekly. Not surprisingly, those closest to Edwards are deeply concerned about his stubbornness…

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Demi Lovato: New Evidence of Intravenous Heroin Use Revealed

It’s been over a week since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life, but we still know very little about the events that precipitated the near-tragedy.

Lovato remains hospitalized and has remained under doctors’ care for much longer than expected, leading many to the conclusion that she came even closer to death than originally thought.

While we know that Lovato was administered Narcan at the scene of the OD — a move that may well have saved the 25-year-old’s life — it’s still unclear what sort of drugs she was using.

At first, it was reported that Demi had been using heroin.

Shortly thereafter, a nurse who claimed to have treated the singer insisted that Lovato was addicted to methamphetamines.

Now, new details have emerged indicating that it was, in fact, some sort of opioid that nearly claimed Demi’s life.

“Demi had evidence of intravenous drug use when she was taken to the hospital after her drug overdose last week,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“The physical signs were on her arms,” the source adds.

While other drugs can be used intravenously, the fact that Demi injected the substance and had to be revived with Narcan indicates that it was likely heroin which caused her overdose.

Of course, the question of what drug Demi was using is almost immaterial compared to the question of what comes next.

Some say Lovato has agreed to go to rehab, while others insist she’s still too ill to even consider her next step.

Whatever the case, family and friends are reportedly well aware that the weeks and months after Lovato leaves treatment will be crucial to her continued well-being.

Demi’s mother has even gone so far as to begin the process of being granted a conservatorship over Demi.

Sources have confirmed to Radar that Dianna Hart “is talking about getting a conservatorship because she does not trust Demi with anything at the moment.” 

The insider adds:

“She feels like this is the only thing she can do to ensure her daughter will not make the same mistake again.”

Obviously, Demi has a long way to go before she’s fully recovered.

But the good news is, she has the right kind of people in her corner.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ryan Edwards: SENTENCED on Heroin Charges! Released From Jail!

Just about every time we bring you new news about Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards, it has to do with a new round of misfortunes for Maci Bookout"s troubled ex.

So in a sense, this is a refreshing change of pace.

Today, we can update you on some good news for Ryan … well, sort of.

You see, Edwards was released from jail today after spending the past week behind bars.

Unfortunately, that short-term victory precedes what"s likely to be a series of crushing defeats for Edwards.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far:

1. Another Brush With the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Edwards was arrested for the third time in just over a year last week after allegedly violating the terms of his probation.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan’s legal troubles began back in March of 2017 when he arrested on heroin possession charges.

3. Strike Two

Ryan edwards mug shot

Less than a year later, Edwards was arrested again, this time for failing a court-ordered drug test.

4. No More Second Chances

Ryan edwards a photo

As a result of his continued probation violations, Edwards was held in police custody after he arrested for a third time on July 23.

5. A Stroke of Luck

Ryan edwards is mad

It was originally reported that Ryan would remain behind bars until his August 6 court date, but today things went Edwards’ way for a change.

6. Free at Last

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

According to Radar Online, Edwards was released from Hamilton County Jail in Tennessee at around 2 am this morning.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Demi Lovato Did Not OD on Heroin

Demi Lovato did not OD on heroin … so says a source connected to the singer. TMZ broke the story … law enforcement sources involved in the case told us it was an apparent heroin overdose, but the source close to Demi says no. The source would…


Demi Lovato Did Not OD on Heroin

Demi Lovato did not OD on heroin … so says a source connected to the singer. TMZ broke the story … law enforcement sources involved in the case told us it was an apparent heroin overdose, but the source close to Demi says no. The source would…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Demi Lovato Hospitalized for Suspected Heroin Overdose

Demi Lovato is in need of your prayers right now.

According to TMZ and other typically-reliable outlets, the beloved singer was rushed to a hospital around noon on Tuesday, July 24.

It is believed she suffered a heroin overdose.

With details still coming in, we"ve recapped what we know so far, along with Lovato"s unfortunate history of drug use below.

Hang in there, Demi…

1. What Do We Know?

Demi lovato gets up close

Insiders have told TMZ that Lovato was transported to a local hospital early Tuesday afternoon. She was taken there from her home in Hollywood Hills.

2. What is Her Status?

Demi lovato and her freckles

We wish we knew. The artist is being treated by doctors as we write this, but her condition is unknown right now.

3. The Official Word

Demi lovato 2015 american music awards

“LAPD and LAFD responded to a medical emergency at the 8000 block of Laurel View Dr. at 11:40 a.m.” the Los Angeles Police Department has told People Magazine.

4. Furthermore…

Demi lovato gym selfie

A representative for the Los Angeles Fire Department also told this same publication that they “transported a 25-year-old female patient to a local hospital.” These departments, of course, cannot release the patient’s name.

5. How Serious Was the Overdose?

Demi lovato in white lingerie

VERY, it sounds like. Law enforcement sources tell TMZthat Demi was treated with Narcan – an emergency treatment for narcotic overdoses – at her house, which is where the incident took place.

6. Could We Have Seen This Coming?

Demi lovato at a party

Yes, tragically. For multiple reasons, the most obvious of which is that Lovato is an admitted addict and you know the creed of every addict, right? “One day at a time.” This is a disease of which they are never cured.

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Demi Lovato Suffers Heroin Overdose, Transported to Hospital

Demi Lovato was rushed to an L.A. hospital after suffering what appears to be a heroin overdose … law enforcement tells TMZ. Our sources say Demi was transported from a home in the Hollywood Hills just before noon Tuesday, and is currently being…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I"m Not on Heroin Anymore! Maci Bookout is a Liar!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer have been out of the spotlight for several months now, but they"re back, and they"re making up for lost time.

Mackenzie recently returned to social media after a couple of months of being away — she"s been sharing photos of her baby bump, mostly.

And it seems like now we know why.

Yep, Ryan and Mackenzie are no longer going to appear on Teen Mom OG, and according to many sources, the reason is pretty dark.

But according to them … look, let"s just get right into this, there"s a lot to cover.

1. These Two, Right?

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan and Mackenzie were never exactly fan favorites on Teen Mom OG, but things got way worse for them back in the spring, after Ryan was arrested for violating his probation, because apparently he’d been arrested for having tons of heroin on him a while before that.

2. Oh, Ryan

Ryan edwards not sober

It wasn’t a good look, to say the least, since the second arrest seemed to indicate that he was no longer sober, and since Mackenzie was pregnant with their first child.

3. An Honest to Goodness Mess

Ryan edwards a photo

It turned into a great big ordeal: Mackenzie made statements insisting it wasn’t a big deal and that Ryan had never relapsed after leaving rehab, but around the same time, Maci was seen on Teen Mom claiming that several people had told her he was using again.

4. Yikes

Maci bookout on teen mom o g

Right around the same time, Maci filed restraining orders against Ryan for her entire family. In court documents, she stated that Ryan had been threatening to kidnap Bentley, and that he’d even threatened to murder her husband, Taylor McKinney.

5. Well …

Ryan edwards at teen mom og reunion

Eventually, the truth came out, and we learned that Ryan was arrested because he’d failed a drug test (he had opiates in his system), and another six months was added to his probation. Maci also was able to get her restraining orders.

6. When It Rains, It Pours

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Oh, and right after Ryan was arrested? The news came out that he’d been trying to hook up with random ladies from Tinder again. Because there wasn’t enough drama already, right?

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Monday, June 11, 2018

Jackson Odell Had History of Heroin Use, But Last Drug Test Came Back Clean

Jackson Odell – the former teen actor and songwriter who died on Friday — had a history of heroin use, but he was clean when he last underwent a drug test … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Jackson had been at a sober…


"Deadliest Catch" Blake Painter"s Death, Heroin and Meth Allegedly Found at Scene

Blake Painter had a variety of drugs near his body when cops found him in his home, and it appears he’d been dead for several days … TMZ has learned. According to the incident report from the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon … a…


"Deadliest Catch" Blake Painter"s Death, Heroin and Meth Allegedly Found at Scene

Blake Painter had a variety of drugs near his body when cops found him in his home, and it appears he’d been dead for several days … TMZ has learned. According to the incident report from the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon … a…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Caught Using Heroin AGAIN?!

Over the past year, Ryan Edwards" struggles with heroin addiction have been well-documented, both on Teen Mom OG and in the tabloid headlines.

There have been brief periods of hope, such as when Edwards checked into rehab shortly after marrying Mackenzie Standifer.

Unfortunately, there"s been more cause for concern than optimism, and the latest news about Ryan certainly doesn"t offer much encouragement. 

Despite the fact that any violation of his probation could result in a lengthy prison sentence, it seems Edwards is definitely using again.

Here"s what we know so far …

1. Another Rock Bottom

Ryan edwards not sober

Ryan has been trapped in a seemingly never-ending downward spiral in recent months. Last month, he was arrested for a probation violation stemming from a 2017 arrest for heroin possession.

2. A Rough Year

Ryan edwards is mad

News of the arrest came on the heels of a string of legal headaches for Edwards. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and her husband, Taylor McKinney, were both recently granted restraining orders against Edwards after it was revealed that Ryan threatened to shoot Taylor in the head.

3. A Crushing Blow

Ryan bentley

This means, of course, that Ryan will not be permitted to see his son, 9-year-old Bentley, unless Maci requests that the restraining order be lifted or allows it to expire.

4. The Hits Keep Coming

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

All of this occurred within a few weeks of Ryan getting caught cheating on his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, for the second time.

5. Triggered

Ryan edwards a photo

It’s not hard to see how all of this might have triggered a relapse. For weeks, Ryan has been laying low, and fans have been expressing concerns about his health. Now, it seems their worst fears have been confirmed.

6. Sad News

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

According to Radar Online, new evidence that Ryan is back on heroin has emerged and the reality star’s loved ones now fear for his life.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Ryan Edwards Tests Positive For Heroin: Is He Headed to Jail?!

Ryan Edwards is in deep trouble yet again.

The 30-year-old"s legal woes began back in March of 2017 when Edwards was arrested for possession of heroin.

Since then, the troubled Teen Mom 2 star has been trapped in a downward spiral that has family, friends, and fans deeply concerned.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Ryan tested positive for heroin during one of his court-mandated drug screenings.

It"s a development that could carry major legal repercussions for Edwards, who is reportedly noe coming to terms with the fact that he may be forced to serve time behind bars.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far …

1. The Last Straw

Ryan edwards a photo

Ryan has been flirting with disaster for at least the past year, but those familiar with his situation say it looks as though he’s finally gone too far this time.

2. The Secret History

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Ryan’s struggles with addiction were documented on Teen Mom OG, but fans didn’t realize how severe his legal troubles had become. He and Mackenzie somehow managed to keep his history of brushes with the law a secret from everyone, including his ex-girlfriend and baby mama, Maci Bookout.

3. Tumbling Down

Ryan edwards mug shot

Ryan’s web of deceit fell apart in March of this year, when he was arrested for a probation violation. In the weeks since, a number of stunning of revelations about Ryan’s life have gone public.

4. The Test

Ryan edwards not sober

According to documents obtained by Radar Online, back in January, Ryan failed a drug test that was a mandated part of his probation. He tested positive for opiates, leading many to the conclusion that he’s been less than honest about kicking his heroin habit.

5. Back In Custody

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

After Ryan’s arrest last month, Mackenzie Standifer told the press that he had been taken into custody simply so that he could be booked for a prior charge. We now know that Edwards’ probation was revoked as a result of his failed drug test.

6. What’s Next?

Ryan edwards holds water bottle pic

It’s too soon to tell if Ryan will be locked up when Mackenze delivers his second child in October. But the arrest isn’t the only concerning news Ryan has received in recent weeks …

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Arrested For Possession of Heroin & 14 Syringes!

Ryan Edwards might be in deep, deep trouble.

We"ve known for several weeks that Edwards was arrested for an unspecified probation violation last month, but now the charges that landed him on probation in the first place have been revealed.

And it seems more likely than ever that the troubled Teen Mom OG star will be unable to avoid jail time.

According to Radar Online, Edwards was arrested last year with a large quantity of heroin and 14 hypodermic needles.

News of these charges comes on the heels of claims by Edwards" wife, Mackenzie Standifer, that Ryan was recently taken into custody simply so he could be booked on previous charges.

Here"s everything we know so far:

1. The Bust

Ryan edwards mug shot

In March of 2017, Ryan was pulled over for an expired tag while driving near his home in Tennessee. One of the officers spotted a hypodermic needle in an open backpack Edwards’ passenger seat.

2. The Report

Ryan edwards a photo

According to a police report obtained by Radar, the officer inquired about the needle, and Ryan seemed to realize right away that he had been busted.

3. An Upfront Response?!

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

“I asked Edwards if he had any medical conditions, and he replied, ‘No,"” the arresting officer wrote.

4. Okay, Maybe Not…

Ryan edwards not sober

“I then asked why he had a hypodermic needle in his backpack, and he replied, ‘I don’t know,"” the officer adds.

5. Big Trouble For Little Ryan

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

“I told them that the vehicle will be searched and he should inform me if there are more [needles], and Edwards replied, ‘Yes, probably,"” the officer wrote.

6. "Them"?!

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

The use of the plural pronoun in the report has led many to the conclusion that Mackenzie may have been with Ryan at the time of his arrest. Whatever the case, it seems Standifer might be on her own when she delivers Ryan’s baby in October…

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