Showing posts with label Barry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barry. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ex-NFL Stud Barry Cofield Pleads Not Guilty In Heroin & Cop-Ramming Case

Ex-NY Giants DL Barry Cofield — a key member of the ’07 Super Bowl team — has pled not guilty to all charges stemming from an insane police chase where he allegedly smashed into a cop car. 
… oh, while allegedly carrying heroin in his pocket. 
Cops in Seminole C...
Ex-NFL Stud Barry Cofield Pleads Not Guilty In Heroin & Cop-Ramming Case

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Little Barry Lockridge on "Land of Giants" "Memba Him?!

Stefan Arngrim is best known for playing the pint-sized kid Barry Lockridge — opposite Gary Conway and Don Matheson — in the larger-than-life ’70s television show ‘Land of the Giants.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Monday, June 18, 2018

Washington Capitals Coach Barry Trotz Resigns After Stanley Cup Win

Washington Capitals head coach Barry Trotz has RESIGNED — less than 2 weeks after he led his team to a Stanley Cup trophy.  The 55-year-old made the shocking announcement moments ago, saying, “After careful consideration and consultation with…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Barry Manilow Sued for Using Judy Garland Songs at His Shows

Barry Manilow’s dream duet with Judy Garland might be a showstopper, but one man really just wants it to stop … according to a new suit. Darryl Payne claims Barry used a recording of Judy singing her song ”Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart”…


Barry Manilow Sued for Using Judy Garland Songs at His Shows

Barry Manilow’s dream duet with Judy Garland might be a showstopper, but one man really just wants it to stop … according to a new suit. Darryl Payne claims Barry used a recording of Judy singing her song ”Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart”…


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Barry Switzer Says He Deserved More Money, "I Was A Great Coach"

Hall of Fame coach Barry Switzer is letting the world know he’s been CHEATED by father time, saying the HUGE money that the football coaches are making now should’ve been his … and he’s got PROOF. Switzer was on Capitol Hill wheelin’ and dealin’…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Megan Barry: Nude Photos of Nashville Mayor Found on Bodyguard"s Phone?

Earlier this month, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry confessed that she engaged in an extramarital affair with Sgt. Robert Forrest, the man she paid at the time to serve as her personal bodyguard.

In making this admission, Barry said she intended to remain in office.

But a new piece of this burgeoning scandal may make it difficult for her to do so.

“I know that God will forgive me, but that Nashville doesn’t have to,” Barry said during a news conference three weeks ago, adding:

“And I hope that I can earn their trust and I can earn your trust back, and that you will forgive me.”

Barry, who is in the middle of her first term, said the affair began a few months after she started her job.

Both Barry and Forrest were married at the time of their relationship, which both now insist is over.

However, the controversy surrounding their dalliance may only be beginning… and this is why:

On Thursday, state investigators discovered one naked photo and one partially nude photo of a woman on Forrest’s cell phone.

According to court documents, these photos were snapped while Forrest’s timesheet stated he was working… and also during the time in which he and Barry were knocking proverbial boots.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has NOT identified the woman in the photos…

… But an agent says (via a sworn affidavit) that the black purse in one snapshot matches the black purse Barry is seen holding in a different photo found on Forrest’s phone.

These two pictures were shot last May and October, on days that Barry’s travel schedule shows she was on separate Washington trips.

In response to this latest aspect of her scandal, Barry said she’s unaware any such photos of her exist and that the allegations surrounding them are “very troubling and infuriating if true.”

We’re not really sure what she means.

We think she’s saying that she never posed for said photos or have anyone permission to include them in emails.

(Authorities discovered the snapshots while coming through Forrest’s email, which included 260 deleted chats between Forrest’s phone and Barry’s phone number, as well as 35 deleted call logs.)

“While I have not seen the photos in question, if they were of me, they were taken without my knowledge or permission and a complete invasion of my privacy,” Barry said in a statement this week.

Forrest was paid overtime on each of the days the photos were taken, according to the court documents.

And this is where the scandal moves from something for celebrity gossip websites to laugh over to something for that may cause authorities to file charges.

Was Barry using tax payer money to finance her affair?

Did she give preferential monetary treatment to her lover?

(Forrest’s overtime pay increased by 83% since Barry took office, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says. The agency compared that with a colleague whose overtime increased 49%.)

“Nothing in the affidavits released today … indicates that I have committed any actions that violate the law,” Barry said in her statement Thursday.

She added: “If any violations of the law occurred, they were in violating my personal rights.”

Yeah, that’s it, Megan Barry.

You’re the victim here.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: Did Barry and Iris Split Up?

Barry Allen and Iris West have been through a lot during the last three years, and just when they managed to right the ship, Barry had to leave for six months. 

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 2, the pair questioned their relationship and whether they would be able to make it work as a full-fledged couple. 

Just when it appeared that things were returning to normal, Iris learned that Barry had gone out of his way to speed through her wedding planning for her. 

At S.T.A.R. Labs, things got more strained for the couple when Iris found out that Barry had ditched a training session and did not think to ask her about it. This annoyed Iris because she felt like they were drifting apart. 

Caitlin opened up to Iris about her and Ronnie going to couples counseling when they started working together, but Iris did not want to hear it. 

As the day went on and Barry ignored advice from his wife-to-be, Iris dropped the bomb that they had an appointment thirty minutes later. The root of the problem was that Barry went into the speed force without consulting her. 

Barry opined that if she asked him to stay, he would have and it would have just made things worse. The whole shrink session only served to make the couple stronger and claimed that, “We are The Flash.” 

How romantic. 

Barry and Iris may have solved their issues, but Gypsy was not impressed with Cisco because he kept blowing off their dates for work. 

Gypsy had a reason to be mad: On her version of Earth, it was “1-1-1 Day” which meant two become one, or something. Cisco did get the opportunity to make it up to his girl. 

He went all out for a beautiful, romantic dinner that we even wanted to attend. 

The team went up against “Kilgore” who was going after all of the people who stole his crazy malware. The villain managed to get one up on Barry because Cisco added some changes to the suit. 

Kilgore managed to hack and control it. Iris said it would be best for Barry to shock himself to short circuit the suit, thus, allowing him to eke out a victory against the villain. 

Barry did so and crept up on the meta with a cure for his virus. Kilgore revealed that there was plenty more of him to come. 

The Thinker and The Mechanic then confirmed they were out to find all 12 of them. Yes, Barry and the team should be worried!

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Flash Season 4 Episode 1: Barry Allen, Is That You?

Just because Barry has been in the Speed Force prison for six months, it does not mean that the team has not been able to function. 

When The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 got underway, we got the revelation that Iris has become a reliable leader on the team as she has been making sure everything is moving smoothly. 

Wally and Cisco have been keeping the mean streets of Central City safe, but they were no match for the armored samurai who demanded a fight with the Flash. 

With the scarlet speedster nowhere near town, and very much out of the loop, the team fretted when the samurai villain claimed he would destroy Central City if he did not get to fight the fastest man alive. 

Cisco was quick to reveal that he had been working on the way to allow Barry to make a return to the city. The reason he kept quiet about it was that there was a huge possibility it could go wrong. 

When does anything ever go right for anyone on these superhero shows? The biggest shocker was that Iris told the team to focus on other ways to make sure the city was safe. 

It was clear she was taking what Barry said to her about moving on with her life in his absence. But that was not enough to stop Cisco from bringing his friend home. 

Cisco turned to Caitlin who was no longer working in the world of science and found herself bartending in the dirtiest bar around. It did not take long for her to join Cisco’s cause. 

When it came to bringing Barry back, the group thought the machine was broken, but Barry returned to town via a portal in another part of town. 

Iris immediately flipped out at them for going ahead and carrying out the mission even though she explicitly asked them to find another way. But, a phone call about Barry being found stops the bickering. 

But the man who has returned is not exactly the Barry who left. In fact, this new iteration has some major issues and does not seem to know his left from his right.

When everything seemed to be working against the team, Iris thought it would be a good idea to hand herself over to the villain, and it worked. Barry raced to her side in order to ensure no harm came to her. 

Barry returned to the loft with Iris, and the pair quickly spoke about how much they loved each other, and Barry seemed to think that everything that was wrong is gone, claiming they can move on. 

In a last-minute twist, The Mechanic called her boss to let him know the speedster was back in Central City, and we got our first glimpse at The Thinker, who will be the big villain on The Flash Season 4

What a conclusion, you guys! What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Barry White"s Son Suing Late Singer"s Estate and Widow

Barry White’s son is almost broke and nearly homeless … and he claims it’s all because he’s getting the raw end of the deal from his father’s trust. Darryl White is suing the legendary singer’s estate and Barry’s widow, Glodean White, saying…


Barry White"s Son Suing Late Singer"s Estate and Widow

Barry White’s son is almost broke and nearly homeless … and he claims it’s all because he’s getting the raw end of the deal from his father’s trust. Darryl White is suing the legendary singer’s estate and Barry’s widow, Glodean White, saying…


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Tyron Woodley Says He Made $16K Being Barry Sanders (Video)

A UFC champion is about to tell you how he made $ 16K pretending to be one of the greatest football players OF ALL TIME … and you’ll only hear it here on TMZ Sports. We talked to Tyron Woodley who tells us he’s been really hustling in his…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Warriors Legend Rick Barry: Golden State Can"t Win Championship Without Durant (VIDEO)

Kevin Durant’s gotta get healthy if Golden State wants to win an NBA championship … ‘cause it ain’t happening without him, so says Warriors legend Rick Barry. KD’s out “indefinitely” after spraining a ligament in his left knee during Tuesday…


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Barry Zito: I Wouldn"t Trade My Cy Young Award For A Grammy ... But 10 Grammys?? (VIDEO)

What’s cooler — winning a Cy Young or a Grammy?? 3-time MLB All-Star Barry Zito is trying to add to his trophy cabinet ‘cause he wants BOTH!! BZ’s got a Cy Young — given to the best pitcher in baseball — from ’02 with the Oakland A’s. But now…


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Andruw Jones Says Barry Bonds Belongs In HOF ... Same with Pete Rose! (VIDEO)

Cut the crap and put Barry Bonds in Cooperstown already … so says possible future Hall of Famer Andruw Jones. Same goes for Pete Rose and Roger Clemens.  Jones doesn’t seem to care about the allegations against the 3 Cooperstown outcasts –…


Andruw Jones Says Barry Bonds Belongs In HOF ... Same with Pete Rose! (VIDEO)

Cut the crap and put Barry Bonds in Cooperstown already … so says possible future Hall of Famer Andruw Jones. Same goes for Pete Rose and Roger Clemens.  Jones doesn’t seem to care about the allegations against the 3 Cooperstown outcasts –…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Barry Switzer Says DRAFT JOE MIXON ... Trust Me, I Was Right About Randy Moss (VIDEO)

Barry Switzer tells TMZ Sports teams would be foolish to pass on “1st round talent” like Joe Mixon — and compares the situation to Randy Moss.  The Oklahoma legend (and hardcore Trump fan) is out in D.C. for the inauguration due to his…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Barry Switzer -- Jerry Jones Asked Me About QB Situation ... Here"s What I Said (VIDEO)

Before Jerry Jones made up his mind on the Dallas Cowboys QB situation, he spoke with one of his most trusted football experts … Barry Switzer.  The legendary Cowboys head coach says he offered up his opinion to Jerry — and was pretty…
