Showing posts with label Iris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iris. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 16 Recap: Run, Iris, Run

Iris West is awesome. 

If you didn’t already know that before The Flash Season 4 Episode 16, then we’re sure you were chanting it from the rooftops in the aftermath of the explosive episode that found her suiting up. 

Yes, it only took four years, but Iris finally got her chance to shine as a metahuman for one episode. This was all thanks to a meta from the bus who could transfer DNA. 

Before we got to all of the fun, Wells rounded Team Flash up to introduce them to his cap that helps whoever is lucky to wear it become a whole lot smarter. 

In order for the cap to work, the wearer would have to get close to a lot of dark matter, and that could spell a certain death. Cisco shut Wells down because he felt it would be a mission that would kill him. 

This did not sit well with Ralph who was becoming more paranoid by the minute. If you watch The Flash online, you will know that The Thinker has been killing everyone from the bus to take their powers. 

Ralph sulked but was told he would need to become The Thinker once again because the mayor wanted a meeting with the villain. 

But things took a wild turn when a robber at the bank used his powers to break into the vault, but then an innocent person steals the powers from the robber with the powers. 

That’s when the team realizes they are dealing with someone who can manipulate DNA. The man captured had no powers, so it made them all question what was coming next. 

Ralph continued to float the idea of Wells wearing the hat, but the duo screwed up and it ended up on fire after a small test.

While that was going down, Joe and Iris made their way to the hospital to find someone named Matthew Kim, and he was scared the duo were trying to steal his powers. 

That’s when he swapped their DNA and gave Iris some speedster abilities. After tests confirmed as much, Iris went on her way to save people in a fire-fueled building. 

However, she got trapped in the building, and Cisco appeared in the nick of time to save her life. 

When things got crazier, the team try to talk some sense into Matthew Kim, and they succeeded. He joined in the fight with them against the Thinker and gave Barry his powers back. 

For Iris, this served as a catalyst for her returning to her old life as a journalist. 

What did you think of the episode?

Remember you can watch The Flash online right here!

The Flash continues Tuesdays on The CW. 


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: Did Barry and Iris Split Up?

Barry Allen and Iris West have been through a lot during the last three years, and just when they managed to right the ship, Barry had to leave for six months. 

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 2, the pair questioned their relationship and whether they would be able to make it work as a full-fledged couple. 

Just when it appeared that things were returning to normal, Iris learned that Barry had gone out of his way to speed through her wedding planning for her. 

At S.T.A.R. Labs, things got more strained for the couple when Iris found out that Barry had ditched a training session and did not think to ask her about it. This annoyed Iris because she felt like they were drifting apart. 

Caitlin opened up to Iris about her and Ronnie going to couples counseling when they started working together, but Iris did not want to hear it. 

As the day went on and Barry ignored advice from his wife-to-be, Iris dropped the bomb that they had an appointment thirty minutes later. The root of the problem was that Barry went into the speed force without consulting her. 

Barry opined that if she asked him to stay, he would have and it would have just made things worse. The whole shrink session only served to make the couple stronger and claimed that, “We are The Flash.” 

How romantic. 

Barry and Iris may have solved their issues, but Gypsy was not impressed with Cisco because he kept blowing off their dates for work. 

Gypsy had a reason to be mad: On her version of Earth, it was “1-1-1 Day” which meant two become one, or something. Cisco did get the opportunity to make it up to his girl. 

He went all out for a beautiful, romantic dinner that we even wanted to attend. 

The team went up against “Kilgore” who was going after all of the people who stole his crazy malware. The villain managed to get one up on Barry because Cisco added some changes to the suit. 

Kilgore managed to hack and control it. Iris said it would be best for Barry to shock himself to short circuit the suit, thus, allowing him to eke out a victory against the villain. 

Barry did so and crept up on the meta with a cure for his virus. Kilgore revealed that there was plenty more of him to come. 

The Thinker and The Mechanic then confirmed they were out to find all 12 of them. Yes, Barry and the team should be worried!

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!
