Showing posts with label Matching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matching. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Have Matching Face Tattoos: Report

According to a surprising new report, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have something in common aside from undying affection for one another.

They also have matching face tattoos.

For real!


Tattoo artist Keith McCurdy, better known by his nickname “Bang Bang,” tells Page Six that he can confirm the so-called works of art himself…

… because he’s the one who drew them on the singer and his midel wife.

“They each got a tattoo,” McCurdy says. “Justin’s tattoo is on his face, and I haven’t seen any photos of it — so he’s doing a good job of laying low.”

Added Mr. Bang:

“It’s really thin and delicate. And [it’s] also not a traditional couples’ tattoo . . . I don’t want to give away what it is until press gets a hold of it.”

How interesting, right?

That’s one word for it at least.

Bieber is apparently changing his look all over the place these days, considering he recently shaved all the hair off his head as well.

The tattoo artist, who is responsible for many other designs across Bieber’s body, added to the aforementioned outlet that this face tattoo is near Justin’s eyebrow and is comprised of “little words.”

Perhaps it’s an ode or a reference of some kind to Baldwin?

Gotta imagine some paparazzo will get close enough soon to give us all a solid glimpse.

Bieber and Baldwin shocked the world by getting engaged this summer

They then shocked the world once again a few weeks ago by getting married in a courthouse in New York City.

There was some debate at the time over whether or not Hailey and Justin actually tied the knot or merely obtained a marriage license — but Baldwin told a fan last month that it was the former.

She confirmed she is married to Bieber.

We can still expect the famous couple to hold a larger ceremony and reception at some point in the future, however.

For the most part, however, Bieber and Baldwin have remained pretty quiet ever since they got back together.

There are some questions over whether Bieber will even record any music ever again — or if he’ll just dedicate himself to his religion and his relationship.

We suppose time will tell.

In the meantime, let’s all speculate and wonder:

What the heck could this face tattoo be?

And is there any chance at all it looks good?!?


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande Get Matching Tattoos

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande are doomed … because they got matching tattoos.  The tattoo reads, “mille tendresse” — which translated means “a thousand tendernesses.” It’s actually from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” when Audrey Hepburn’s…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Check Out Our Matching Babies!

Folks, a full-on Duggar baby boom is in effect.

In case you’ve been having trouble keeping up with all the births, pregnancies, and rumored pregnancies, here’s a brief rundown.

Back in February, Joy-Anna Duggar gave birth to her first child, a boy named Gideon Forsyth.

Earlier this month, Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar welcomed their first, a boy named Gideon Duggar.

The upside of so many births taking place in such rapid succession is that the kids will never want for companionship as they grow up.

The downside, however, is that these babies better enjoy being the center of attention while they can!

Currently, Jinger Duggar is expecting her first child, and there have been rumors that Jill Duggar is pregnant with her third.

By our estimation, the planet will be roughly 73 percent Duggar by the time you finish reading this sentence.

We kid, of course.

It’s a wonderful thing that the Duggars are welcoming so many bundles of joy these days.

And, of course, fans get to share in the baby bliss thanks to photos like the one above.

That’s Joy on the right and Kendra on the left, both with G-named babies in arms.

Now, we’re sure there are parents of newborns who are currently zipping down to the comments to inform us that there’s a world of developmental difference between a four-month-old and a two-week-old baby.

But what seems like a chasm now will be a microscopic fissure for most of the boys’ lives.

In all likelihood, Gideon and Garrett will be in the same grade at the same school.

(We suppose it’s possible that their parents might relocate, but we all know Jim Bob bribes his kids to stay in Arkansas.)

For the most part, it seems that the new generation of Duggars will be maintaining tradition by sticking close to one another and raising cousins like siblings.

Of course, it seems that in some ways, they’re already doing things their own way.

For example, Kendra gave birth in a hospital, instead of at home with a midwife, as is customary for Duggars.

If you think that doesn’t sound like a big deal, clearly you don’t remember the uproar when Jinger started wearing pants.

These people aren’t exactly huge embracers of change.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin: Watch Them Get Matching Tattoos! Cringe Forever!

With all of the unrelenting drama their relationship caused, it"s easy to forget that Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin only dated for a few months at the end of last year.

But it"s true — after a long friendship and some heavy flirting, they officialy began dating in October, then they broke up in January.

Thanks to previews for this season of Teen Mom 2, we know that during that time, Javi was considering proposing to Briana, because that"s normal.

And thanks to this one specific preview (and also photos from social media at the time), we know that the two of them got matching tattoos.

Again, because that"s normal.

In the clip, which is sincerely just almost unbearable to watch, Javi is driving Briana to the tattoo shop while chatting with his brother on the phone.

"We"re going to get tattoos right now," he tells him. "King and queen chess pieces."

And then, if you can even believe it, he adds "I told Bri she"s gotta put my name so I know it"s real but she doesn"t want to."

Smart move on Bri"s part, who, by the way, looks like she wants to crawl in a hole and die during this entire conversation.

Javi tells his brother that "it"s gonna be lit" to make that terrible decision with his girlfriend of two days (approximately, anyway), then hangs up.

Briana asks him how long his brother"s been with his wife, and Javi says they"ve been married five years, which for some reason is impressive to her.

She remarks on how his family "has a long history with long relationships," and Javi agrees and says that"s why he values relationships so much.

"I want that," he tells her directly, and she nods but doesn"t say anything.

At this point, we"re basically at horror movie levels of "RUN, GIRL, RUN."

But she doesn"t, and they go into the shop together, where she gets her tattoo first.

When it"s done, she admires it in the mirror, and then Javi creeps over to her, looks at it, and says "Sorry, we can"t break up. You"re stuck with me forever, in some way."

In response, Briana makes this face:

Because who says that?! Who honestly thinks that"s an OK thing to say to someone?

Probably the same person who wants his girlfriend to get his name tattooed on him after a month of dating.

Or possibly the same person who wanted his girlfriend to get his name tattooed on him, broke up with her a couple of months after that, then impregnated a new girl a couple of months after that.

It"s weird. The whole thing is just very weird and uncomfortable and Javi desperately needs to learn how to relax a little bit in relationships.

Watch him and try not to get too creeped out in the video below:

Briana dejesus and javi marroquin watch them get matching tattoo

Monday, July 31, 2017

Paris Jackson and Macaulay Culkin Got Matching Tattoos!

You may have heard that Macaulay Culkin recently cut his long, wonderful hair pretty drastically. But he’s also working as an actor again, which is great.

Well, that’s not the only change that he’s made to his appearance — and this one’s a little more permanent.

Not every godfather gets matching tattoos with his goddaughter, but that’s just how Macaulay Culkin and Paris Jackson roll.

We love these two.

Individually, for their talents and eccentricities and personalities.

But also for their unique bond as celebrities who became famous at young ages, and who both have no shortage of affection for the late musical legend Michael Jackson.

And now they share something else … in the form of matching tattoos on their arms.

Paris shared a photo of the two of them showing off their matching tats on Snapchat.

The tattoos are of … spoons.

Paris Jackson has tattoos already, of course.

Like, something in the area of 50 tattoos.

She loves them and she uses them for self-expression.

Part of that self-expression means honoring her late father.

Macaulay, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any tats on his arm — except for this one.

But hey, you go that extra mile when it comes to bonding with your goddaughter, right?

Macaulay does, at least.

We all remember when Paris gave Macaulay a pedicure.

Now, we’ll be honest with you … we don’t know what the spoon tattoos are supposed to mean.

Since we don’t think that it’s a wildly tasteless drug reference, our first thought was that it might have some sort of New Agey significance.

As we know, Paris Jackson is very spiritual.

We looked up the possible meanings of spoons, and when they show up in dreams, they involve the quest for your personal fulfillment and the tools that one needs to achieve it.

We explored some other options — some people get spoon tattoos for chronic illness (a reference to spoon theory).

But the fact of the matter is that we don’t know why they got that as a tattoo.

It may be an inside joke.

They may even just be trolling people.

We love that they have so much that they can share and enjoy with each other.

Including matching spoon tattoos.

(Whatever they may mean)

It’s good that they can share, since they both lost the same great man in their lives and are both still feeling that loss.

We … would still like an explanation for what the spoons mean in this context, though.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Gets Matching Tattoos with Boyfriend of Seven Months

Ariel Winter does what she wants. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

If she wants to wear a bikini, she’ll wear one. If she wants to move out of her mother’s house at the tender age of 14, boom, it’s done.

She’s not afraid to follow her heart or her speak her mind, and those are admirable traits to have.

Except Ariel’s latest move … well, it seems a little impulsive, even for her.

OK, so she’s been dating her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, since November, right? So she’s been with the guy for about seven months.

She’s gotten a lot of criticism for dating him — at 29, he’s ten years older than her. She’s also been judged quite a bit for moving him into her house already.

It’s pretty fair for people to be concerned about the situation, since she’s so young and so intent on moving at lightening speed.

And it’s pretty fair for people to side-eye the hell out of her latest move.

Yesterday evening, Ariel asked her Twitter followers for “tattoo ideas,” and shortly after, she and Levi headed out to get tattoos.

Matching tattoos. Two sets of them.

The first is a heart — Ariel has one half of it and Levi has the other, so when they put their hands together their tattoos make a full heart, get it?

“Me n bae,” she captioned the photo on Snapchat. Because she’s 19 years old.

For the second round of lovers’ tats, Ariel and Levi got a cheese wedge and a jar of peanut butter, for reasons unbeknownst to us.

“Peanut butter and cheese with my love,” she captioned that one.

It’s cute, we guess, for those obnoxious trendy little tattoos the kids are into these days.

For example, Kylie Jenner is the same age as Ariel, and she’s gotten tiny little tattoos for both Tyga and Travis Scott.

But remember the good old days when couples would wait years to get get tattoos together, if they even got them at all?

Remember when people thought it was unlucky to get tattoos like these?

Those were the days.

Ariel can do as she pleases, of course, and if she’s happy with Levi and with having two new tiny little tattoos on her hand, then we’re happy for her.

And we hope that the two of them have a lifetime of happiness together with their peanut butter and cheese tattoos.

It’s just … it’s not going to hurt anything to slow down a little, girl.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin: Did They Get Matching Tattoos?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin you know that the ex-couple is not exactly getting along swimmingly these days.

In fact, Kailyn and Javi are locked in one of the ugliest splits in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, and their situation has only gotten worse in the wake of news that Kailyn in pregnant with her third child.

So fans might be more than a little confused by new reports that Kailyn and Javi have matching tattoos.

You may have done a double take when you saw the above photos circulating on social media over the past couple days, but allow us to make sense of it for you:

The pics – as you may have realized but many fans did not – were not taken recently.

In fact, they date back to the early days of Kailyn and Javi’s relationship.

Apparently, during that time, the soon-to-be-newlyweds decided to celebrate their love with some matching ink.

The infinity symbol was apparently inspired by a sort of affectionate inside joke.

Sources say Kailyn and Javi would quote Buzz Lightyear’s catchphrase “to infinity, and beyond” after saying, “I love you” to one another.

As for why the pics have been making the rounds again this week, that’s anyone’s guess.

It likely has something to do with a recent In Touch article that may have led fans to the mistaken conclusion that Javi and Kail got their matching ink recently.

We imagine seeing the photos online again serves as somewhat of a painful reminder, but then again, Kail and Javi still have to see those tatts in the mirror every day, so they’re probably inured to it by now.

And besides, despite frequent disagreements about what’s best for their son, both parties appear to have moved on romantically.

Javi has been dating for months, and insiders say Kailyn is quite happy with Chris Lopez, the man who is believed to be the father of her third child.

So the Marroquins didn’t quite last until infinity and beyond.

That may have been too lofty a goal.

Of course, “like 18 months or so and beyond” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s many ups and downs. 

Sadly, there are more downs than ups at this point.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Coco Austin and Baby Chanel: We Wear Matching Bikinis!

Coco Austin knows a lot about fashion and she wants the world to know that. 

The reality TV star took to Instagram to show herself and her 13-month-old baby daughter, Chanel, hitting the pool in matching bikinis. 

The proud mother was indulging in some mother-daughter time with Chanel, who she gave birth to in November 2015. 

As you probably already know, Coco has been slammed on social media for apparently not looking after her baby. That’s not something any mother wants to hear about their parenting skills. 

Most of the hate seemed to stem from Coco pretty much littering her social media accounts with pictures of her baby. Now, there’s some parents who like to keep their kids out of the public eye. 

But there are others who are so proud of their little bundles of joy that they want to the world to see them. 

Coco definitely falls into the latter, and she took all of it in her stride when she fired back at the haters for trashing her. She did not like that people were assuming because she had money, she did not do anything. 

Coco’s husband, however, revealed that he LOVES taking pictures of his daughter and showing her off to everyone. 

People will kick up a storm about absolutely anything on social media, so Coco being on the rear end of a torrent of abuse was not all that surprising. 

Hey, it’s not like Coco has a reality TV show to use to show off her family these days, so the next best thing to that is keeping fans updated about your life on social media. 

Either way, Coco matching her baby was a cute gesture and the pair looked super happy in the pictures shared on Instagram. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, August 26, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED That Javi Marroquin Got Matching Tattoos With Another Woman!

It’s been several months since Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin separated, and to their credit, both parties have done their best to keep the separation somewhat civil.

Unfortunately, Kail and Javi have had to deal with some obstacles that most couples are never forced to cope with.

For starters, there’s the fact that they’re famous to the point that when Lowry and Marroquin fight on Twitter, millions of people see it.

On top of that, they decided to pull the plug on their marriage just before Javi left for an 8-month tour of duty in Qatar with the US Air Force.

So they decided to end their marriage in December – but they’re just now getting on with the ugly business of doing so.

Naturally, that’s led to some complications, and it seems the young ex-couple never really discussed the ground rules of their separation.

For example, when Javi started dating someone new earlier this month, it seems Kailyn was decidedly less than cool with it.

A source close to Kailyn says she has no problem with how quickly Javi has moved on, but some of her less-than-subtle Twitter shade suggests otherwise.

So we’re guessing Lowry is really not cool with the fact that Javi just got matching tattoos with two female friends.

Especially considering who those female friends are:

Javi posted the above photo of his new ink, which he shares in common with longtime friends Christina “Peach” Pietrobon and Kimberly Rene to Instagram with a caption reading:

“My first tattoo of the day with my best friends! Spontaneous stop. I’m the center because I’m the core of this friendship.”

Peach and Javi go way back and when asked once why they never dated, Marroquin replied:

“Cause she’s my best friend that’s weird haha.”

Kailyn, however, believes there was once something romantic between Javi and Peach:

“But they did date in high school.” she tweeted in response to Marroquin’s dismissal.

He responded:

 “No we didn’t. Don’t start on Twitter. Cause we all can…”

Things have heated up between Kailyn and Peach several times in recent weeks, with Lowry tweeting at one point:

“Please just stop commenting on my marriage and me in general. It’s not for you to discuss & it’s not for Twitter at all.”

So whether or not Javi and Peach are romantically involved, we think it’s safe to say she and Lowry are not exactly besties.

And we’re guessing she’s not exactly thrilled with her ex’s latest ink.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Beyonce and Jay Z Rock Matching Outfits at Film Premiere

Forget Becky with the Good Hair for a minute.

Let’s focus instead of Beyonce with the the Pinstriped Jacket.

The singer and her rather famous husband made a rare public appearance on Monday evening, attending the premiere of Hands of Stone.

They did so as a show of support to pals Usher and Robert De Niro, both of whom are in the movie.

And they also did so while wearing matching outfits!

As you can see above, Bey and Jay were dressed in coordinating grey ensembles.

The 34-year-old artist rocked a plunging double-breasted jacket with matching pin-striped pants… while the 46-year-old music mogul looked handsome in a white dress shirt and suit.

Can you say #RelationshipGoals?

Beyonce and Jay Z clearly can.

The sweet image was uploaded to Snapchat and has been receiving rave reviews from fans on social media.

“Familia,” Usher captioned the romantic backstage photograph. 

There was a period fairly recently, of course, where folks weren’t sure if Beyonce and Jay Z would last as a couple.

The former dropped a visual album, “Lemonade,” that appeared to be a direct shot as her husband, specifically his wayward penis and his history of infidelity.

Beyonce never confirmed that Jay Z had cheated on her, but it was difficult to interpret certain lyrics any other way.

Here. See what we mean for yourself:

Following the release of this album, pretty much the entire world started to speculate over “Becky with the Good Hair.”

That seemed to be the name Beyonce had given to the woman who slept with Jay Z, though the Internet was never able to officially identity this mistress.

Because she didn’t exist? Because Beyonce hinted at rumors of infidelity solely to garner publicity and increase sales?

We’ll probably never know.

Bey and Jay comprise one of the most popular couples in Hollywood, one of the best looking couples in Hollywood… and also one of the quieter couples in Hollywood.

Quick, when was the last time one of them spoke in public about the other? You can’t think of a time, can you?

Of course there is the occasional rumor of Beyonce keeping women away from Jay Z or something.

But very little out of the mouths of the superstars themselves.

In this latest public outing, Beyonce and Jay Z spent their date night mingling with guests that included New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, actor Edgar Ramirez and the movie’s executive producer Harvey Weinstein.

Witnesses say they looked happy and healthy and totally in love.

CRAZY in love, one might even say.

We feel silly for every doubting these two.

Whatever Beyonce and Jay Z went through, they’ve clearly come out on top, better than ever.

Not only are they still together, they are making money over their perceived hiccups and laughing all the way to the bank.

Like we said: #RelationshipGoals. Heck, #LifeGoals.

Bey and Jey 4 eva!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Coco and Baby Chanel Wear Matching Polka Dot Bikinis on the Beach

Coco Austin is absolutely smitten with her baby girl Chanel.

Pretty much since her birth in November, the model’s Instagram account has featured photo after photo of the baby, and we gotta say, the tyke seems to love the camera as much as her mom.

Coco and her husband Ice T took Chanel on her first family vacation in the Caribbean, where they are soaking up the island sun.

Just check out the mommy-daughter pair looking adorable in matching polka dot bikinis:

“It doesn’t get better than this!” wrote Coco in the caption.

We believe her.

The pair got some practice modeling swimwear last month, when the lingerie designer shared this photo of baby’s first bikini:

“My partner in crime,” she wrote in the caption. “#bikinigirls @babychanelnicole 1st bikini.”

While Coco concedes that her daughter is “a little model,” she claims she does not want Chanel to follow in her footsteps.

“I want [Chanel] to become like a doctor or scientist. I don’t want her to be who mom is,” she wrote on her blog.

“I’m going to try and push her away from the modeling. It’s going to be hard because I’m probably going to have a camera in her face and she’s going to learn how to model but at the same I don’t want her to focus on that as a career.

“I want her to do something that I couldn’t do.”

Last month during a photo shoot, Coco twerked and danced in lingerie while pushing the baby around in a stroller.

Oddly enough, we didn’t hate it.

Coco and Baby Chanel Wear Matching Polka Dot Bikinis on the Beach

Coco Austin is absolutely smitten with her baby girl Chanel.

Pretty much since her birth in November, the model’s Instagram account has featured photo after photo of the baby, and we gotta say, the tyke seems to love the camera as much as her mom.

Coco and her husband Ice T took Chanel on her first family vacation in the Caribbean, where they are soaking up the island sun.

Just check out the mommy-daughter pair looking adorable in matching polka dot bikinis:

“It doesn’t get better than this!” wrote Coco in the caption.

We believe her.

The pair got some practice modeling swimwear last month, when the lingerie designer shared this photo of baby’s first bikini:

“My partner in crime,” she wrote in the caption. “#bikinigirls @babychanelnicole 1st bikini.”

While Coco concedes that her daughter is “a little model,” she claims she does not want Chanel to follow in her footsteps.

“I want [Chanel] to become like a doctor or scientist. I don’t want her to be who mom is,” she wrote on her blog.

“I’m going to try and push her away from the modeling. It’s going to be hard because I’m probably going to have a camera in her face and she’s going to learn how to model but at the same I don’t want her to focus on that as a career.

“I want her to do something that I couldn’t do.”

Last month during a photo shoot, Coco twerked and danced in lingerie while pushing the baby around in a stroller.

Oddly enough, we didn’t hate it.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Miley Cyrus Get Matching Tattoos With Liam Hemsworth"s Sister-in-Law Elsa Pataky!

Miley Cyrus just sealed a permanent bond with the Hemsworth family.

The pop star just got matching tattoos with Elsa Pataky, the sister-in-law of Miley’s boyfriend Liam Hemsworth.

Okay, so that’s like three degrees of separation, but it’s still significant.

Miley and Elsa, who is married to Chris Hemsworth, opted for minimalist wave tattoos designed by former pro surfer Kelly Slater. 

Sydney-based tattoo artist Lauren Winzer posted the pic of the matching tats, which was also inked by two other friends, to Instagram.

“Stoked to do these little matching custom waves @kellyslater drew up for @mileycyrus @kalanimiller @elsapatakyconfidential @aprilmun,” wrote Winzer.

Miley has been spending time with Liam in his native Australia, where Chris and Elsa reside.

The “Wrecking Ball” singer confirmed the rekindling of her relationship with the “Hunger Games” star a few weeks ago when they were spotted dining together at LA hot spot Gracias Madre.

However, while fans have been speculating that the resurrection of Milam (Liley?) meant their engagement was also back on, Liam shut down those rumors.

“I am not engaged, no,” he told Australia’s TV Week earlier this month.

Never a bad thing to take it slow.

Especially when Miley’s got all that dog poop she needs to attend to.