Friday, August 26, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED That Javi Marroquin Got Matching Tattoos With Another Woman!

It’s been several months since Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin separated, and to their credit, both parties have done their best to keep the separation somewhat civil.

Unfortunately, Kail and Javi have had to deal with some obstacles that most couples are never forced to cope with.

For starters, there’s the fact that they’re famous to the point that when Lowry and Marroquin fight on Twitter, millions of people see it.

On top of that, they decided to pull the plug on their marriage just before Javi left for an 8-month tour of duty in Qatar with the US Air Force.

So they decided to end their marriage in December – but they’re just now getting on with the ugly business of doing so.

Naturally, that’s led to some complications, and it seems the young ex-couple never really discussed the ground rules of their separation.

For example, when Javi started dating someone new earlier this month, it seems Kailyn was decidedly less than cool with it.

A source close to Kailyn says she has no problem with how quickly Javi has moved on, but some of her less-than-subtle Twitter shade suggests otherwise.

So we’re guessing Lowry is really not cool with the fact that Javi just got matching tattoos with two female friends.

Especially considering who those female friends are:

Javi posted the above photo of his new ink, which he shares in common with longtime friends Christina “Peach” Pietrobon and Kimberly Rene to Instagram with a caption reading:

“My first tattoo of the day with my best friends! Spontaneous stop. I’m the center because I’m the core of this friendship.”

Peach and Javi go way back and when asked once why they never dated, Marroquin replied:

“Cause she’s my best friend that’s weird haha.”

Kailyn, however, believes there was once something romantic between Javi and Peach:

“But they did date in high school.” she tweeted in response to Marroquin’s dismissal.

He responded:

 “No we didn’t. Don’t start on Twitter. Cause we all can…”

Things have heated up between Kailyn and Peach several times in recent weeks, with Lowry tweeting at one point:

“Please just stop commenting on my marriage and me in general. It’s not for you to discuss & it’s not for Twitter at all.”

So whether or not Javi and Peach are romantically involved, we think it’s safe to say she and Lowry are not exactly besties.

And we’re guessing she’s not exactly thrilled with her ex’s latest ink.