Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Ice-T and Coco Bristle at Being Compared to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Ice-T wants to make one thing crystal clear… he and Coco are NOTHING like Kim and Kanye, but he does think Ye and Trump are birds of a feather.  We got Ice-T and Coco in New York City Saturday, and Ice had nothing but disdain for the Oval…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Coco Austin: Yeah, I Breastfeed My 29-Month-Old! What About It?

We’re all accustomed to referring to Coco Austin and Ice-T’s sweet daughter as baby Chanel Nicole. But she is actually a toddler, now.

When Coco shared a sweet pic of her daughter laying against her chest, fans asked if Coco is still breastfeeding.

Coco answered, and that is when the controversy began.

Though Coco has made controversial claims in the past, her caption of this sweet photo is totally innocuous.

“I follow some mother empowering pages here on Instagram.”

There are tons of empowering blogs on a number of subjects, including motherhood.

“And I love the inspiring pics they post showing the tenderness and love between a mother and child.”

They really do!

“With or without nursing moments.”

Not all mothers can nurse, but they can still bond with their children, and Coco is sure to include them.

“I love that I can be a part of that.”

She then credits her sweet young daughter with helping her to grow as a person.

“@babychanelnicole has made me a more sensitive person now that I’m older.”

Coco’s post elicited literally thousands of responses.

Some were questions for clarification.

Sweet toddler Chanel, who was born in November of 2015, is now two and a half years old.

Some of Coco’s followers wondered if Coco still nurses her.

Coco is always happy to chat with her followers, and she replied, writing:

“Yep, but it’s more for comfort now.”

Breastfeeding can become very controversial in the United States after a child tunrs two.

But Coco received praise and affirmation from many of her followers, who wrote:

“Breastfeeding is a beautifil bond between a mom and a child.”

That is true! Though, of course, not all mothers are able to breastfeed and that is okay, too.

“Good for you! [red heart emoji] My baby and I recently stopped breastfeeding but we made it to 21 months!”

Chanel is older than that, but many babies quit breastfeeding long before they reach 21 months.

“This pic is so beautiful..only a BF mommy would get it..i still excuslively BF my son..hes 16mths..he wont even entertain cows milk but tbh im happy for him to still breastfeed untill hes ready to give up. … I would never stop until HES ready..”

Though BF usually stands for boyfriend or best friend, in this case, it stands for breastfeeding.

Not all commenters were on the same page, however.

One commenter said that breastfeeding is fine, but only “when they’re still babies not full grown toddlers.”

Another suggested an alternative way of showing affection to Chanel.

“Breast Feeding an almost 3 year old is weird you can hug your Child to show love.”

Someone else accused Coco of being selfish.

“No this is now more for YOU than her ..totally inappropriate..let her grow up ..”

One of those critics got some clapback from a fellow fan that was too good to keep to ourselves.

“You a grown man and still sucking t–s lol…but you don’t complain tho.”

The subject of breastfeeding can be a delicate one. Globally, it’s not uncommon for children to breastfeed at least some of the time until they are as old as 5, if you can imagine.

If a baby nurses successfully for months but eventually stops — some babies “become too busy” exploring their environment and playing to have time to lay down for a meal — that is usually the time to quit.

Some babies, however, may never stop on their own. It’s generally advisable to stop before they go to a social environment such as preschool or especially kindergarten.

But not everyone agrees with that. it’s complicated, and everyone has an opinion on every subject under the sun.

Good for Coco for speaking up on a topic that she had to know woudl be controversial.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Coco Takes 2-Year-Old Daughter Chanel Swimming with Sharks

Coco took her 2-year-old daughter to the wildest daycare in the Bahamas … where she was surrounded by sharks!!! Coco, Chanel Nicole and papa Ice-T are on vacay, and Mom decided to go swimming with nurse sharks. No biggie, lots of…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Coco Austin Slammed For Claiming She Made Big Butts Mainstream

As you’re probably aware, Ice-T’s wife Coco Austin is no stranger to butt pics. Her derriere is … how should we put this? Large and in charge. She gets shamed for it sometimes, but she always knows how to clap back.

This time, though, she’s taking some heavy criticism for talking about her butt.

Because Coco Austin is giving herself credit for making big butts “trendy” and it is not going over well.

On Sunday, Coco Austin posted to Instagram:

“I would like to shed light to almost 21 years of modeling ..”

Sometimes, when you’re writing a long post to Instagram, you might come across as a non-native speaker. That can happen to anybody who’s writing quickly.

“I don’t post much about it & new followers don’t even know I had a career in modeling they just see a wife, mother, and someone that was on reality tv but just like every actor, singer, rapper, entertainer I’m proud of what I’ve done.”

We really do first and foremost think of her as a mom and reality star (though we’ve very aware of her modeling history).

“I feel people should know it wasn’t easy..I helped pave the way for thick girls during the skinny genre (during the Kate Moss days what they call the waif era) to be noticed as beautiful..”

There’s nothing wrong with slender or skinny models, and Coco isn’t suggesting that there is. There is something wrong with portraying only one body type as attractive.

“This was back before social media when magazines were popping, back before KimK, Nicki Minaj..( I mention them because young people see pop culture as the history makers but they need to know it started somewhere before them, this was also back before the plastic surgery craze.”

Well … plastic surgery was still very much a thing. The procedures favored were just different.

Coco gives a shoutout to a number of curvy trendsetters.

“During my time it was pretty much Jlo that was making waves with the derriere phenomenon and Cindy Margolos was a popular bikini model and Buffie the Body was a popular urban model and of course I need to give props to Anna Nicole Smith for also seeing this vision..”

She summarizes what it was like, working with her body type as a model:

“To have booty it was considered to be fat in the modeling world.”

Coco believes that she had an impact:

“But I helped changed the minds of what booty was.”

“Today its a normal thing to see all different shapes & sizes, no one even thinks about it anymore.”

While curvy bodies are becoming more normalized, one need look no further than the comments section of … almost anything … to see that our culture has a long way to go before people really stop giving a second thought to different body shapes and sizes.

But she’s right in that larger butts are totally accepted without question, and often even preferred, in certain roles today when they would have stood out in decades past.

And Coco believes that she was part of that change.

“I helped history in someway.I don’t want to toss it aside like it was nothing.I’d like to think some of my modeling was meaningful.”

In other words, modeling wasn’t just something that she did until she met her husband. It was a real career and she was part of that world.

“Thank you for all years of support .Power to the booty and strong healthy women!”

It’s a nice message, but she got criticism on two fronts. One was accusations that her body only comes from plastic surgery. The other, well, on racial grounds.

One commenter wrote: “Sis, you paved the way for white women to get plastic surgery. But as for the minorities Melyssa Ford, J.Lo, etc. they paved the way for REAL thick women. Let’s get that straight. Stop trying to take the shine away from MLK Day #next.”

Another wrote: “You could’ve just posted your thirst trap…no need for a fake history book as a caption.”

And another wrote: “Stop trying take credit for things that y’all never had until injections . My race women was born with curves y’all was the ones who had bulimia.”

Coco Austin has addressed backlash before, and now she’s doing it again:

“Update to post!!! This was posted Sunday 1/14 & ALL comments were positive until race was brought up today.”

Race and context are both important. As someone whose immediate family isn’t white, we hope that Coco understands that.

“Let me remind you 20 years ago there were not a lot of white girls w/ thick bodies in the modeling game. They didn’t consider my body type as the standard therefore It was harder to work in the industry.”

So she’s sort of doubling down on having had an impact … but at the same time, trying to clarify that she’s not trying to take credit for black women.

“I was one of the 1st white models to break the mold & go mainstream with my body type and to let people know its OK to be curvy in the modeling world.”

It sounds like she wishes that her first post had made that clearer.

“Today curvy is the norm but when I first started out it wasn’t. Yesterday I felt I explained this thoroughly but I see some of you needed more details”

Disagree with Coco’s claiming her place in modeling history if you like, but we think that she deserves credit for actually addressing controversies and fan comments rather than ignoring everything that isn’t praise.


Coco Has No Business Talking Big Butt Movement, Says "Flavor of Love" Star Deelishis

Coco better check with models Melyssa Ford and Esther Baxter among others who TRULY created the big butt movement … so says former ‘Flavor of Love’ star Deelishis, who btw counts herself among the booty trailblazers.  You’ll…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Coco Says She Started the Butt Movement

Coco’s setting the record straight — she started the butt movement — no ifs, ands or butts about it. Ya heard, Kim K and Nicki Minaj? Coco took to Instagram and posted this classic calendar shot of her and boasted how 21 years ago, she shed light…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Coco Austin Shows Off IMPOSSIBLY Tiny Bikini: Watch!

Coco Austin sure is lovable, right?

And not just for her insanely hot body!

Though, as it turns out, today we"re going to be focusing primarily on her insanely hot body instead of her many other virtues.

To be fair, we really don"t have a choice.

Remember those bras that all sorts of reality show celebs and famous "personalities" were advertising earlier this year?

Farrah Abraham, Jenelle Evans, Amber Rose and more all tried to get us to buy a strapless bra that you just sort of slapped on and then tied up with a tiny little corset thing in the front.

You remember.

Now it looks like someone has taken advantage of the trend by using the same idea for a bikini — and Coco is advertising that in this extremely racy new video.

Seriously, she may be violating some sort of law by wearing a bikini this tiny.

It"s just that Coco is so very, very busty, and this bikini simply does not fit. Not even a little bit.

She explains at one point in the video, for other ladies who want a better idea of the sizing, that she"s wearing a medium, and she really should not be.

Hilariously, she also claims that she could "seriously take an aerobics class and they wouldn"t move," but they bounce hard while she"s just walking around her pool.

Oh, Coco, never change …

Check out her monstrous cleavage in action in the video below: 

Coco austin shows off impossibly tiny bikini watch

Monday, July 24, 2017

Coco Austin Claps Back Against Hairstyle Backlash: I Can Do What I Want!

Coco Austin isn"t usually divisive. Mostly, she just posts photos of herself, her curves, and her adorable baby daughter, Chanel Nicole.

Recently, however, she came under fire for some heavy cultural appropriation. Coco took notice and made a couple of videos to try to explain herself. They started off pretty well.

And then she got defensive … and ended up digging that hole even deeper, as you"ll see in the video below.

Coco austin defends her braids

We were 100% Team Coco when Coco Austin was attacked by mommy-shamers over … having a daughter and a butt, basically.

(The audacity!)

But if we"re going to stand up for Coco when she"s right, we also need to call her out when she"s wrong.

Recently, Coco shared some photos in which she showed off her hair in long, tight braids.

She referred to them as the "Coco Swoop," and fans got up in arms.

For one thing, the hairstyle is cultural appropriation. Just like how white people, who still benefit from centuries of institutionalized racism and white privilege, shouldn"t refer to anything as their "spirit animal" if that"s not a part of their genuine beliefs, certain hairstyles should be off-limits.

An especially big deal in this case was the fact that Coco appeared to be trying to take credit for the hairstyle.

By naming it as she did, it sounded as if she was claiming to have invented it.

Fans took to social media with their outcry.

Like so many stars, it appears that social media has made Coco Austin unable to differentiate between people trying to educate her about what she"s done wrong and haters.

(Though, to be fair, some fans who comment and tweet don"t seem to know the difference, either)

The result was that Coco, taking notice, made a video to talk about it.

Coco austin poses in pink

"So, recently I got social media’s panties in a bunch because I did braids to my hair. This is so stupid. I can’t believe I’m talking about it, and I believe this shouldn’t be turned out to be a race thing."

Hair in that style of braids can"t not be a race thing, Coco.

"I did my braids and I called them the Coco Swoop. I name all my styles that I do to myself. These are called the Coco Swoop. The braids before were called the Bo Derek Braids. And it’s a Coco-ism. I"ve always done it."

That"s an understandable misunderstanding to people who don"t already know that she does that.

"Why can’t we all rename hairstyles or braids? That sounds so stupid. Why is everybody claiming something they shouldn’t? I know braids have been around for thousands of years. Don’t you think I know that?"

She shows more education than some folks.

"If I wanna wear a pineapple on my head, then I should be able to wear a pineapple on my head and call it the Pineapple Coco-wop. I don’t know. You see where I’m going with this? Why is everybody hating?" 

That"s funny, right?

Like, she doesn"t seem to understand the issue of cultural appropriation — historically marginalized cultures have been and still are vilified for their appearance and culture.

Including hairstyles.

Western culture spent decades mocking black people for their hair and lips, parodying them in blackface performances and cartoons.

A lot of companies won"t hire people with certain hairstyles, and a lot of those hairstyles "just happen to be" associated with black people.

It"s not a coincidence.

The very idea that some hairstyles are and are not "professional looking" comes from centuries of systematic, institutionalized racism.

It"s a lot for people to unlearn.

And it"s so painful for countless people to see a hairstyle that they can"t have sported by someone like, say, Kylie Jenner or Justin Bieber, who are then celebrated as if they"d invented it.

That"s why it"s a big deal.

Coco doesn"t deserve hate for it, but she should understand why people feel the way that she does.

It goes beyond a claim of ownership.

Coco austin getting hair fixed

Unfortunately, Coco"s second video — we merged the two for you in the video below — shows how much she still has to learn.

She makes an unfortunate comparison to Beyonce — who, as a black woman, is not comparable to a white woman when it comes to hairstyles and cultural appropriation.

(And, honestly, even Queen Bey would get called out by everyone but the Beyhive if she tried to name an age-old hairstyle like this one)

"This should be a "human thing," right? Everybody should be able to do it. It’s a ‘human thing’ — give that a shot — not a race war."

This is one of people of color"s least favorite things to hear from white people.

She might as well be saying we"re all one race — the human race.

Which is absolutely true, but after centuries of racism, slavery, and inequality, it sounds kind of disingenuous to hear a person of privilege saying that to defend their own rights.

"It has nothing to do with race. But this just goes to show you that no one reads the captions underneath pictures. Otherwise, you would understand that this is not an issue. It’s something that I do. It’s a Coco-ism, okay?"

It"s … more complicated than that, but we understand that she"s frustrated.

She"s a good person and we"re sure that plenty of the "feedback" that she received crossed a line.

We wish that there were a reality show where a diverse panel of people went around and educated different stars about why exactly their behavior is problematic.

That"s the word — problematic.

Not bad, not racist, not evil.

Coco just made a mistake and got defensive, that"s all.

Coco"s at her best, really, when sharing photos of her adorable baby daughter, Chanel.

Coco and chanel at the pool

Or even twerking alongside her.

To no one"s surprise, Ice T is sticking by her.

He says that the debate over her hair is stupid.

But, like … he"s her husband.

Standing up for his wife kind of goes with the territory, right?

We love Coco — even when her hair and opinions are problematic — and we hope that she one day comes to understand that she just made a mistake here.

It"s okay to apologize when you get called out for being wrong.

But we do genuinely enjoy her pineapple analogy.

Coco austin claps back against hairstyle backlash i can do what

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Coco Austin: Attacked by Mom-Shamers Over Butt Pic!

Coco Austin takes so many precious pictures with her daughter, little baby Chanel. Sometimes you even get to see Coco and Chanel in matching bikinis, which is super cute.

But some followers seemed to run out of patience with the mom, and took to posting their complaints on Chanel’s Instagram page. This is somewhere between mommy-shaming and body-shaming. We guess some folks don’t have anything better to do.

Mommy-shaming can start as early as pregnancy, especially for celebrities.

Once the baby’s born, it gets even worse, with followers second-guessing everything.

We’re not suggesting that nobody should question other parents, by any means.

The world is full of awful parents.

Coco doesn’t seem to meet that description at all.

(Though I’m more than a little judgy about piercing a baby’s ears; what the hell is with that, you know?)

But Coco posted one photo on Chanel’s Instagram page that had people up in arms.

Oh, it got some praise, sure, but also some criticism.

Here’s the photo that had judgmental Instagram followers clutching their pearls.

Okay, so Coco Austin’s butt really does take center stage, here.

And some of the more critical followers of the account weren’t here for it.

“Why post a pic of your a– on the baby’s page? Should probably save those pics for your own page lol.”

And then:

“I love seeing this cute little baby. But why do I always have to see her mom’s a– and t–ties too?”

Nice language there, buddy.

Somebody else wrote: “Save this for your mom’s page.”

As if, you know, baby Chanel is here posting her mom’s booty pics.

But Coco explains why she does this, and it makes sense.

“People always ask to see what the back of the bottoms look like.”

Weird how so many people take clothing advice from celebrities with wildly different lifestyles and body types than their own, but here we are.

“I post this to help boutiques that send packages to me. They always want to see a frontal and back”

Okay, that made us cringe a little.

No, it’s super nice of Coco to show off when she gets free stuff. We get that.

But people asking how it looks in front and in back may not be looking for suits of their own.

This sounds like when young celebrities ask “what should my next video be?” and some gross person suggests that they should paint their toenails or try on shoes.

Fortunately, more and more celebs are aware of foot fetishists but it’s still super uncomfortable.

And we’re weirded out by some of these folks asking for Coco to show off her swimsuit, you know?

More to the point, though … that’s just Coco’s body.

Critics have slammed Coco before for showing off her body and having a baby in her arms, but … how is this a big deal?

It shouldn’t be surprising that Coco, who’s never been shy of showing off her curves, remains who she is, even as a mother.

Those curves aren’t easy to contain, and Coco has zero obligation to even try.

So, sorry-not-sorry that not every picture of little baby Chanel is just of Chanel.

Some of them are going to include her mom.

Sometimes Coco is gonna twerk next to her baby, because that’s life.

If you can’t handle the butt, get off of the Instagram, we guess.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bill Maher"s Ex Coco Johnsen Strongly Insinuates He Often Used N-Word (VIDEO)

Bill Maher’s ex-girlfriend Coco Johnsen, is throwing shade on him … strongly insinuating he hurled the n-word a number of times during their relationship. We got Coco Tuesday at Burbank Airport, and she told us she believes Bill simply…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Coco Austin: Check Out My Buns!

Coco Austin likes to show off her great body via her various social media accounts. 

Her latest attempt to show the world that she’s still got it came in the form of her showing off her booty as she modeled her lingerie line, Cocolicious. 

Crazy brand name aside, the model had no qualms about letting fans get a glimpse of ASSets. See what we did there? 

The 38-year-old took to Snapchat with pictures that would probably pass as X-rated. Seriously, it’s almost as if she’s returning to her R-rated movie roots. 

Something tells us Nicki Minaj as going to have a rant about the above photo. It’s very similar to the Anaconda photo that went viral back when Nicki was still a thing. 

Since Ice Loves Coco got the pink slip from execs at E!, Coco has been trying to remain in the public eye. These pictures are yet another example of that. 

Does she think lingerie will help sell her lingerie like hot cakes? We’re not so sure. 

It just comes across as desperate, but she has to find a way to keep her products selling. 

Coco gave birth to her first child with Ice-T in 2015.

When she’s not showing off her rear end, she is sharing pictures of herself and her daughter wearing matching clothing.

Just look at the picture below…

Austin has been married to Ice-T since 2002, and they seem to get along very well. 

There was a lot of drama on their reality TV series, but by the time the show was canceled, it was stale. 

In fact, there were rumblings the couple was lining up another reality series with Ryan Seacrest’s production company. 

However, the show has yet to materialize, so maybe it will never see the light of day. 

What do you think about all this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Coco Austin and Baby Chanel: We Wear Matching Bikinis!

Coco Austin knows a lot about fashion and she wants the world to know that. 

The reality TV star took to Instagram to show herself and her 13-month-old baby daughter, Chanel, hitting the pool in matching bikinis. 

The proud mother was indulging in some mother-daughter time with Chanel, who she gave birth to in November 2015. 

As you probably already know, Coco has been slammed on social media for apparently not looking after her baby. That’s not something any mother wants to hear about their parenting skills. 

Most of the hate seemed to stem from Coco pretty much littering her social media accounts with pictures of her baby. Now, there’s some parents who like to keep their kids out of the public eye. 

But there are others who are so proud of their little bundles of joy that they want to the world to see them. 

Coco definitely falls into the latter, and she took all of it in her stride when she fired back at the haters for trashing her. She did not like that people were assuming because she had money, she did not do anything. 

Coco’s husband, however, revealed that he LOVES taking pictures of his daughter and showing her off to everyone. 

People will kick up a storm about absolutely anything on social media, so Coco being on the rear end of a torrent of abuse was not all that surprising. 

Hey, it’s not like Coco has a reality TV show to use to show off her family these days, so the next best thing to that is keeping fans updated about your life on social media. 

Either way, Coco matching her baby was a cute gesture and the pair looked super happy in the pictures shared on Instagram. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, July 8, 2016

Coco & Baby Chanel: 9 Times They Were Twinning on Instagram!

Coco Austin loves the camera, and her Instagram account full of selfies makes that abundantly clear.

But since her daughter Chanel came along last year, it appears that the little lady is just as much a model as her curvealicious mom.

Coco goes to great lengths to ensure the two are always camera-ready in matching attire. 

Check out all the times they were adorably twinning on Instagram.


1. Chanel loves heels, just like Mom

Coco and chanel twinning

The matching tees are cute, but their smiles are everything.

2. Soaking up the sun in St. Barts

Coco and chanel lay out together

The ladies rock red and white striped swimsuits on while on vacation in the Caribbean.

3. Bikini time!

Coco and chanel in polka dot bikinis

Coco and the baby sun their midsections in matching polka dot bikinis.

4. Mirror selfie… in camouflage

Coco and baby chanel in camo

The ladies lounge in camo leggings and snap a selfie in the mirror above the bed. “I need one of these at home..LOL,” joked Coco on Instagram.

5. Back in bathing suits

Coco and baby chanel matching

“There’s nothing like having a best friend to twin with!” Coco wrote alongside this photo on Insta.

6. Chanel gets designer diapers

Coco and chanel in matching prints

Coco and Chanel dress in complementary animal print as the mama shows off her baby’s fancy drawers. “I call um baby booty shorts. Too cute,huh?” she wrote. Oh, boy.

View Slideshow

Coco & Baby Chanel: 9 Times They Were Twinning on Instagram!

Coco Austin loves the camera, and her Instagram account full of selfies makes that abundantly clear.

But since her daughter Chanel came along last year, it appears that the little lady is just as much a model as her curvealicious mom.

Coco goes to great lengths to ensure the two are always camera-ready in matching attire. 

Check out all the times they were adorably twinning on Instagram.


1. Chanel loves heels, just like Mom

Coco and chanel twinning

The matching tees are cute, but their smiles are everything.

2. Soaking up the sun in St. Barts

Coco and chanel lay out together

The ladies rock red and white striped swimsuits on while on vacation in the Caribbean.

3. Bikini time!

Coco and chanel in polka dot bikinis

Coco and the baby sun their midsections in matching polka dot bikinis.

4. Mirror selfie… in camouflage

Coco and baby chanel in camo

The ladies lounge in camo leggings and snap a selfie in the mirror above the bed. “I need one of these at home..LOL,” joked Coco on Instagram.

5. Back in bathing suits

Coco and baby chanel matching

“There’s nothing like having a best friend to twin with!” Coco wrote alongside this photo on Insta.

6. Chanel gets designer diapers

Coco and chanel in matching prints

Coco and Chanel dress in complementary animal print as the mama shows off her baby’s fancy drawers. “I call um baby booty shorts. Too cute,huh?” she wrote. Oh, boy.

View Slideshow

Monday, June 6, 2016

Coco Austin: Check Out My Butt!!!!!

Coco Austin is back at it, folks.

The reality star has once again taken to Instagram in order to address certain world events and offer up her take on how we can best achieve peace and unity as a people.

Just kidding.

Austin is posing in a very risque outfit.

The blonde bombshell has come under a lot of fire for the way she uses her social media account, but, to her credit, Coco doesn’t seem to care.

She’s gonna pose in seductive manners and show her baby off in weird outfits and she doesn’t really care what you think about it.

In the latest example, Coco is wearing your basic little black dress… except it’s very tight and she is facing away from the camera in order to flaunt her rear end.

It was snapped in Atlantic City, on a date night Austin shared over the weekend with husband Ice-T.

“I don’t get dressed up as much as I used to since the baby,” she wrote of her evening out without daughter Chanel. “It feels good to look pretty when I’m not in mama mode.”

Ever since giving birth in November, Coco has taken it upon herself to stand up for mothers around the world.

Who says they can’t have a good time? (Really, we’re not sure; who says this?)

“Even though I have a baby, I can still put on makeup, do my hair and get my nails done and be put together by my outfit,” she has previously said of her style.

“I’m not overdoing it. It’s the way my personality is. It’s not like I’m going to be in a moo-moo tomorrow. People need to get over that.”

Well said, Coco!

But maybe just chill on the Twerking in lingerie thing? That’s all we ask.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Coco and Baby Chanel Wear Matching Polka Dot Bikinis on the Beach

Coco Austin is absolutely smitten with her baby girl Chanel.

Pretty much since her birth in November, the model’s Instagram account has featured photo after photo of the baby, and we gotta say, the tyke seems to love the camera as much as her mom.

Coco and her husband Ice T took Chanel on her first family vacation in the Caribbean, where they are soaking up the island sun.

Just check out the mommy-daughter pair looking adorable in matching polka dot bikinis:

“It doesn’t get better than this!” wrote Coco in the caption.

We believe her.

The pair got some practice modeling swimwear last month, when the lingerie designer shared this photo of baby’s first bikini:

“My partner in crime,” she wrote in the caption. “#bikinigirls @babychanelnicole 1st bikini.”

While Coco concedes that her daughter is “a little model,” she claims she does not want Chanel to follow in her footsteps.

“I want [Chanel] to become like a doctor or scientist. I don’t want her to be who mom is,” she wrote on her blog.

“I’m going to try and push her away from the modeling. It’s going to be hard because I’m probably going to have a camera in her face and she’s going to learn how to model but at the same I don’t want her to focus on that as a career.

“I want her to do something that I couldn’t do.”

Last month during a photo shoot, Coco twerked and danced in lingerie while pushing the baby around in a stroller.

Oddly enough, we didn’t hate it.

Coco and Baby Chanel Wear Matching Polka Dot Bikinis on the Beach

Coco Austin is absolutely smitten with her baby girl Chanel.

Pretty much since her birth in November, the model’s Instagram account has featured photo after photo of the baby, and we gotta say, the tyke seems to love the camera as much as her mom.

Coco and her husband Ice T took Chanel on her first family vacation in the Caribbean, where they are soaking up the island sun.

Just check out the mommy-daughter pair looking adorable in matching polka dot bikinis:

“It doesn’t get better than this!” wrote Coco in the caption.

We believe her.

The pair got some practice modeling swimwear last month, when the lingerie designer shared this photo of baby’s first bikini:

“My partner in crime,” she wrote in the caption. “#bikinigirls @babychanelnicole 1st bikini.”

While Coco concedes that her daughter is “a little model,” she claims she does not want Chanel to follow in her footsteps.

“I want [Chanel] to become like a doctor or scientist. I don’t want her to be who mom is,” she wrote on her blog.

“I’m going to try and push her away from the modeling. It’s going to be hard because I’m probably going to have a camera in her face and she’s going to learn how to model but at the same I don’t want her to focus on that as a career.

“I want her to do something that I couldn’t do.”

Last month during a photo shoot, Coco twerked and danced in lingerie while pushing the baby around in a stroller.

Oddly enough, we didn’t hate it.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Coco Models "CocoLicious" Lingerie Line, and It"s as Coco as It Gets

Coco just gave birth to baby Chanel last November, but she’s already back to business.

And by if “business,” you think we mean taking well-lit selfies in barely-there lingerie, you’re only half right.

The new mom is adding new items to her CocoLicious lingerie line, which contains intimate wear that appears to have been fashioned out of Christmas ribbon and a doily.

“2016 I’m coming back with a vengeance.. #personalgoals New CocoLicious Lingerie!!” she wrote in the caption to the pic above, which she shared on Instagram yesterday.

CocoLicious is described as “box lingerie for women, keeping it sexy in and out of the bedroom with a versatile appeal.”

Versatile is right. You can pleasure your man in it. You can post selfies in it. You can even mow the lawn in it if you’re saucy, and we do mean the one in your front yard, so get your mind out of the gutter.

Here are some more pics of Coco modeling the goods.

Earlier this week, Coco treated us to a video of herself twerking and prancing around in a red mesh teddy with four-month-old Chanel.

So far there’s no word on a line of BabyCocoLicious lingerie for tots, but we’ll keep you posted.