Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin: Did They Get Matching Tattoos?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin you know that the ex-couple is not exactly getting along swimmingly these days.

In fact, Kailyn and Javi are locked in one of the ugliest splits in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, and their situation has only gotten worse in the wake of news that Kailyn in pregnant with her third child.

So fans might be more than a little confused by new reports that Kailyn and Javi have matching tattoos.

You may have done a double take when you saw the above photos circulating on social media over the past couple days, but allow us to make sense of it for you:

The pics – as you may have realized but many fans did not – were not taken recently.

In fact, they date back to the early days of Kailyn and Javi’s relationship.

Apparently, during that time, the soon-to-be-newlyweds decided to celebrate their love with some matching ink.

The infinity symbol was apparently inspired by a sort of affectionate inside joke.

Sources say Kailyn and Javi would quote Buzz Lightyear’s catchphrase “to infinity, and beyond” after saying, “I love you” to one another.

As for why the pics have been making the rounds again this week, that’s anyone’s guess.

It likely has something to do with a recent In Touch article that may have led fans to the mistaken conclusion that Javi and Kail got their matching ink recently.

We imagine seeing the photos online again serves as somewhat of a painful reminder, but then again, Kail and Javi still have to see those tatts in the mirror every day, so they’re probably inured to it by now.

And besides, despite frequent disagreements about what’s best for their son, both parties appear to have moved on romantically.

Javi has been dating for months, and insiders say Kailyn is quite happy with Chris Lopez, the man who is believed to be the father of her third child.

So the Marroquins didn’t quite last until infinity and beyond.

That may have been too lofty a goal.

Of course, “like 18 months or so and beyond” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s many ups and downs. 

Sadly, there are more downs than ups at this point.
